Posts Tagged ‘farm’

Dogs suffering allergic reactions and death after being injected with popular Merck vaccine

(NaturalNews) Dog owners and veterinary associations in the United Kingdom have been warning of a rash of dangerous and even lethal side effects from a popular vaccine designed to protect dogs from a rare and mild illness. The disease in question, leptospirosis, can be serious in both dogs and humans, but most cases […]

Pepsi to reintroduce aspartame into diet drinks… because ignorant, suicidal consumers kept asking for it

(NaturalNews) A year ago PepsiCo announced that it would be removing the controversial sweetener aspartame from its Diet Pepsi products, claiming that was the No. 1 request from customers. But now the company says it is putting the sweetener back in Diet Pepsi, allegedly because that’s what consumers want. As reported by The […]

Deadly ‘heat dome’ scorching the Southwestern United States

     The first day of Summer isn’t even over and already The Southwestern United States is sweltering with temperatures hovering at 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 Celsius), earning itself the hottest new weather term – the ‘heat dome.’ Pushing warm air towards the surface, the dome is causing record-breaking temperatures in one of the hottest places […]

US spy plane flew ‘dangerously close’ to passenger jets near Russian border – MoD

Russia’s air defense detected an RC-135 spy plane belonging to US Air Force on Sunday, the ministry said in its statement. The plane was on an air reconnaissance mission with all of its transponders having been shut off, it added. The US crew had not provided any information regarding its flight to air traffic controllers […]

Duggar cult founder plans Kansas ‘retreat’ to set up arranged marriages for teen girls

     Wanna hear a true American horror story? A group of ultra-conservative Christian men are planning to meet up in Kansas later this year to arrange marriages for their pubescent daughters … and they don’t believe their daughters’ consent is actually necessary. Quiverfull patriarch, Vaughn Ohlman, who runs a website promoting early, “fruitful” marriage for […]

Did Bible Verse Predict String of Recent Quakes, Volcano, & Foam?

Many people online are engaging in heated debate over a bible verse that some argue is a direct reference to the recent string of violent earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador, the subsequent volcano eruption, and even the mysterious “earthquake foam” flooding Japanese streets. The bible verse in question is Psalm 46:3, and reads as follows: […]

Tigers ‘Starved To Death’ To Make $500 Aphrodisiac Wine With Their Bones

Popular with many Chinese men who believe drinking the wine will enhance their sex drive and make them stronger, the bones are soaked for up to eight years and then mixed with snake extract and herbs. Source Article from

Cleric raps PGCC’s submissiveness to Israel

Addressing a congregation of worshippers in Tehran on Friday, Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami said the PGCC’s decision to designate Hezbollah as a so-called terror organization was exactly in obedience to Israel’s orders and a move aimed at normalizing ties with the Zionist regime of Tel Aviv. The cleric also cautioned the PGCC members not to […]

The FERC Valentine Project

Print Friendly Sharing love with FERC* commissioners *Federal Energy Regulatory Commission CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BEYOND EXTREME ENERGY AND WHY IT IS TARGETING FERC. This Valentine’s Day, Beyond Extreme Energy, front line communities and allies everywhere will send a message to the FERC commissioners. We protect what we love and we expect FERC […]

Fukushima redux? Indian Point nuclear plant is a disaster waiting to happen

     Indian Point Energy Center, which sits roughly 30 miles from the heart of Manhattan in New York City, has been plagued with safety breaches and leaks, and has even been the subject of a deliberate cover-up since it began operations in the 1970s. A statement from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Saturday revealing”radioactive […]

Anti-Trump Cuck Attacks Anime Nazis

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 4, 2016 This is from a couple weeks ago. Republican strategist Rick Wilson, a cuckolded establishment shill, reveals that he’s been looking into Donald Trump’s twitter supporters, and found that they are Anime Nazis. Anime Nazis are now a serious concern for the GOP establishment, given that they’ve formed a virtual […]

Huge new study proves that eating berries promotes weight loss

(NaturalNews) Middle-age-spread is a real issue for both men and women who step into their 40s. As the metabolism slows down with age, and the muscle mass is reduced as well, it’s increasingly difficult for the body to burn fat and stay fit. Although some handle it better than others, middle age is […]

New Record in Chicago: 51 Murders in 31 Days

The 70 percent nonwhite city of Chicago set a new record for murder and mayhem in January 2016, clocking up no less than 51 murders and 241 shootings for the month, according to the city’s police department. According to the police, “gang conflicts and retaliatory violence” are the primary driver of the ongoing violence—meaning […]

A Response to David Rothkopf’s The End of an Era..for White Males

BREAKING: New Liberal Laws California Just Passed Could Trigger The END Of Our Republic…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– California used to be a fantastic state. It still is beautiful in many ways but for the most part it has turned into a liberal cesspool. Trust me, I know because I was born here and actually still reside here- but not for much longer, thank God. On January 1 a […]

Survive the Jive, Graaaaaagh & Jarnefr join Millennial Woes to discuss Yule & Saturnalia

From: Youtube description: Three modern Pagans educate Millennial Woes on the festivals that lit up Europe every December before Christianity, Yule and Saturnalia. Source: Source Article from

Survive the Jive, Graaaaaagh & Jarnefr join Millennial Woes to discuss Yule & Saturnalia

From: Youtube description: Three modern Pagans educate Millennial Woes on the festivals that lit up Europe every December before Christianity, Yule and Saturnalia. Source: Source Article from

Survive the Jive, Graaaaaagh & Jarnefr join Millennial Woes to discuss Yule & Saturnalia

From: Youtube description: Three modern Pagans educate Millennial Woes on the festivals that lit up Europe every December before Christianity, Yule and Saturnalia. Source: Source Article from

Survive the Jive, Graaaaaagh & Jarnefr join Millennial Woes to discuss Yule & Saturnalia

From: Youtube description: Three modern Pagans educate Millennial Woes on the festivals that lit up Europe every December before Christianity, Yule and Saturnalia. Source: Source Article from

Survive the Jive, Graaaaaagh & Jarnefr join Millennial Woes to discuss Yule & Saturnalia

From: Youtube description: Three modern Pagans educate Millennial Woes on the festivals that lit up Europe every December before Christianity, Yule and Saturnalia. Source: Source Article from

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