Posts Tagged ‘blackburn’

Blackburn calls for National Security Advisor Sullivan’s ousting

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) called for the ouster of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Friday. Blackburn sent a letter to President Biden highlighting her reasons for why she thinks Sullivan can be removed from the role, saying he “has routinely misled the entire government about the status of security threats around the world.” “Just… […]

Exclusive – Marsha Blackburn: Trump Admin ‘Owed Great Deal of Credit’ for SCOTUS’s ‘Constitutional’ Decisions

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) credited the Trump Administration in part “for the historic and constitutional decisions that we have seen as of late” from the U.S. Supreme Court. “When you confirm qualified constitutionalists who are devoted to the rule of law to the bench, you get outcomes grounded in the Constitution,” Blackburn said in a […]

Marsha Blackburn: JCPA Allows Big Media and Big Tech to Collude on Censorship

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) condemned the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) for a second time after Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) released an amended version of the legislation that exacerbates the worst problems of the media cartel bill.

“Xi Jinping doesn’t scare me,” Chicken Hawk Senator Blackburn said Friday

Blackburn trying to start wars in which the coward will not fight, but send poor kids to kill and die for more shekels for political whores reminds me of when the cowardly senator ME FIRST!!! Cancun Cruz was all hot and bothered to send US troops to die fighting Russia in Ukraine, a war which […]

Google Places Engineer Who Called Marsha Blackburn a ‘Terrorist’ on Leave – for Claiming AI Has Become Sentient

Google has suspended an engineer and “AI ethicist” who claimed that one of the company’s AI programs he worked with, LaMDA, has become a sentient “person.” Engineer Blake Lemoine has become notorious as a politically outspoken employee of the woke Silicon Valley giant, infamously calling Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) a “terrorist.”

Blackburn Rips ‘Woke-Left’ Disney — Parents ‘Not Going There to Have Their Kids Go Through Some Kind of Nightmare’

Sunday on New York WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reacted to Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s support of transgender instruction for children from kindergarten through third grade after the Florida legislature passed the Parental Rights in Education bill. Blackburn told host John Catsimatidis that parents take their children to Disney World […]

Exclusive — Sen. Marsha Blackburn Calls for Operation Warp Speed Effort to Unleash Energy Independence

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said that Democrats have made “climate their God” and called to create an Operation Warp Speed energy initiative to combat exorbitant energy prices rising under President Joe Biden. As Americans continue to suffer from rising energy prices, Blackburn said Americans need to have an Operation Warp Speed-style effort to open America’s […]

Blackburn: Biden ‘Turning Every Town into a Border Town and Every State into a Border State’

On Sunday, Sunday, on New York WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) ripped President Joe Biden’s handling of the U.S.-Mexico border. Blackburn told host John Catsimatidis that Biden, through his “open-border policy,” is “turning every town into a border town and every state into a border state.” “I think the […]

Marsha Blackburn: ‘The Left Likes Lockdowns’ — ‘They Would Like to Have a Permanent Pandemic’

Friday, during an appearance on the nationally syndicated “The Clay & Buck Show,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) explained why she thought a “permanent pandemic” played into a left-wing ideology where the individual is dependent on the state. The Tennessee Republican said such dependencies give those on the left control. “[People] do not want the federal […]

Marsha Blackburn: Kamala Harris ‘Afraid to Go to the Border’

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has a theory as to why Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to go to the U.S.-Mexico border despite being tapped by President Joe Biden to spearhead the effort to deal with the influx of illegal migrants at the border. According to the Tennessee Republican lawmaker, she is afraid. “I think […]

Blackburn: Democrat Court-Packing Push ‘Political Convenience’ — ‘They Trying to Play a Little Bit of Bad Cop-Good Cop’

Saturday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Fox News Live,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) charged that while Democrats would like to see the number of justices on the Supreme Court expanded, the gesture was an act of political convenience given the mood of the party’s far-left flank. “Griff, what they’re I think what they’re doing is […]

Blackburn: Appears CDC School Guidelines Designed to Follow ‘What the Teachers’ Unions Want’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) reacted to a USA Today op-ed by Dr. Tara O. Henderson, Dr. Monica Gandhi, Dr. Tracy Beth Hoeg, and Dr. Daniel Johnson claiming that the CDC misinterpreted their research on schools and coronavirus by saying that it appears that the CDC approached its examination of […]

Exclusive — Marsha Blackburn: China’s ‘Falsehoods’ Meant to Distract from Role in Pandemic

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Tuesday told Breitbart News she believes the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is attempting to distract from its role in the Chinese coronavirus pandemic by spreading “falsehoods” and launching a harassment campaign against her. “The Chinese Communist Party has mobilized to spread falsehoods in an attempt to cover up their deadly […]

Sen. Marsha Blackburn: Big Tech ‘Aiding and Abetting’ China’s Push for a New World Order

Senator Marsha Blackburn told the CPAC conference on Friday that Big Tech is “aiding and abetting” China’s push for a ‘New World Order.’ “China and big tech, they have a cozy relationship,” Blackburn said at the conference. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. “And they have been […]

Marsha Blackburn: I Supported Objection to Holding a ‘Partisan, Unconstitutional’ Impeachment Trial

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is among the 45 GOP senators who formally questioned the legitimacy of the upcoming impeachment trial against former President Trump, referring to it as both “partisan and unconstitutional.” “Today I voted to support Senator Rand Paul’s objection to holding a partisan, unconstitutional trial against a former President,” Blackburn said in a […]

BLACKBURN & HAGERTY: Protecting the Sanctity and Value of Each American’s Vote

More than 74 million Americans who voted for President Donald Trump have justifiably lost confidence in the electoral system because election laws in decisive battleground states were ignored or altered outside of the legislative process. Tennesseans elected us to fight for their views and values in Washington, which certainly means upholding the rule of law, […]

Blackburn on Senate Republican Electoral College Challenge: ‘We Should Get Answers to This’

Saturday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America’s News HQ,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) discussed her decision to participate in an effort to object to the election results from certain states. Blackburn joins Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Ron Johnson (R-WI), James Lankford (R-OK), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Kennedy (R-LA) and Mike Braun (R-IN), and […]

GOP Senators Including Cruz, Blackburn to ‘Reject the Electors from Disputed States’ January 6

GOP senators, including Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Kennedy (R-LA), and Mike Braun (R-IN), are joining Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) in objecting to electoral college votes on January 6, they announced on Saturday in a joint statement alongside four senators-elect. The senators and incoming lawmakers — including Sens.-elect Cynthia […]

Blackburn: We Need ‘Targeted Relief’ Not ‘One Size Fits All’ Direct Payments

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) stated that we should have “targeted relief” and not “one size fits all” direct payments in the coronavirus relief bill. Blackburn said, “President Trump fully understands the best economic stimulus is a job, and there is a lot in this bill […]

Marsha Blackburn: Joe Biden ‘Powerless’ Against Radical Left’s Demand to Pack Supreme Court

Sen. Marsha Blackburn on Sunday warned grassroots activists that former Vice President Joe Biden was powerless to prevent the left from trying to pack the Supreme Court if they won in 2020. “This is not a leader who knows how to make a decision,” Blackburn warned activists in a phone call on Sunday. “He appears […]

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