Posts Tagged ‘scare’

Fox News Produces Iran Nuclear Weapons Hoax Scare

“Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran obtained nuclear bombs” a Fox News headline read on May 12, sensationalising comments made by an Iranian political commentator who was recently re-elected to parliament in March. Despite the bold title to the article, only Israeli media bothered spreading this claim, as even US networks left it alone. At a time […]

Democrats allegedly used “Black Epstein” to scare millennials with “Vote or Die!” campaign

Democrats allegedly used “Black Epstein” to scare millennials with “Vote or Die!” campaign “Black Epstein” Sean “Puffy” Combs, a rapper and pedophile also known as “Diddy,” “Puff Daddy,” and “P. Diddy,” conspired with Democrats, we now know, to take advantage of millennials in the 2020 election. What Diddy did is basically scare young people into […]

Black Smoke Spotted Over Lincoln Memorial Causes Scare

Black Smoke Spotted Over Lincoln Memorial Causes Scare Source

Want To REALLY Scare the S#it out of Goym Kids?

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All These Scare Tactics and We’re Still Alive

… will kill us all! Source


CNN once again fearmongering about COVID to scare everyone back into masks – DON’T BE FOOLED

(NaturalNews) Now that public interest in the “vaccines” has pretty much dropped to zero, the fake news media is once again trying to stir up fear about the latest… Source

The Free Speech Scare 

It was a strange experience watching the House hearing in which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was testifying. The topic was censorship and how and to what extent federal government agencies under two administrations muscled social media companies to take down posts, ban users, and throttle content. The majority made its case.  What was strange was […]

Khazarian Ghouls Put Out Creepy Covid Video to Scare the Ignorant into Getting Vaxxed before Halloween

White House Tries to Terrorize Americans into Getting Annual COVID Shots with ‘Spooky’ Video Source

“Xi Jinping doesn’t scare me,” Chicken Hawk Senator Blackburn said Friday

Blackburn trying to start wars in which the coward will not fight, but send poor kids to kill and die for more shekels for political whores reminds me of when the cowardly senator ME FIRST!!! Cancun Cruz was all hot and bothered to send US troops to die fighting Russia in Ukraine, a war which […]

The “Heatflation” Scare: Summer Is Driving Up Food Prices

Now we have what the mainstream media is calling “heatflation.” The warmer temperatures of summer are responsible for driving up food prices. Source

Stampede Breaks Out At March For Our Lives Rally in DC Over ‘Shooter’ Scare

A stampede momentarily broke out at the March For Our Lives rally at the National Mall in Washington, DC on Saturday.

British Government Used “Propagandistic” Fear Tactics to Scare Public Into Mass Compliance

The British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street. Simon Ruda co-founded Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, which was initially set up to encourage positive behavioral changes in the British public without the need for coercion […]

Fear Propaganda: Don’t Let Them Scare You

» California Nurses Blow Whistle on “Overwhelming” Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes as Doctors Refuse to Blame Vaccines for Fear of Losing Their Medical LicenseToday at 10:35 am by PurpleSkyz » Finally, Police Open Criminal Probe into U.K. Vaccine RolloutToday at 10:29 am by PurpleSkyz » Another study confirms 150K+ Americans killed by COVID vaccinesToday at 10:11 am by PurpleSkyz […]

White House: Joe Biden ‘Not Trying to Scare People,’ Will Warn Unvaccinated Likely to Die

The White House on Monday previewed another speech from President Joe Biden scheduled for Tuesday that would warn unvaccinated Americans of the dangers they face without getting the coronavirus vaccine. “For those who choose to remain unvaccinated, he’ll issue a stark warning and make clear,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday, previewing the […]

OMICRON: A Perfectly Timed Variant to Scare the Unruly Back into Submission

All around the world, people are getting fed up with draconian measures undertaken in the name of public safety. Although we’re not hearing much about it in the news here in the United States, hundreds of thousands of people – perhaps even millions – are protesting across the globe, even though those protests are putting […]

Workers At HelloFresh Speak Up Against Anti-Union Scare Tactics

Above Photo: Banner hung at HelloFresh factory in Richmond, California. Twitter. And dangerous conditions. Facing unlivable wages, higher-than-average injury rates, and a union-busting campaign, workers at two HelloFresh factories are pushing forward union drives. If successful, workers would form the first union in the nation’s growing meal-kit industry. Around 400 workers in Aurora, Colorado are […]

Queen Elizabeth Returns To Work Following Health Scare

The 95-year-old queen took two virtual appointments from Windsor Castle, meeting with Gunn Kim, the Korean ambassador to Britain, and Markus Leitner, the Swiss ambassador to the United Kingdom. The engagements were the queen’s first scheduled meetings since Oct. 19, when she hosted a reception for the Global Investment Summit at Windsor Castle. She spent […]

Swedish Politician Who Called UN Climate Report ‘Scare Propaganda’ Forced to Resign from Party

A Swedish politician who suggested that the UN’s “code red” climate report was “scare propaganda” was subsequently forced to resign from her political party. Joaquin Corbalan / EyeEm via Getty Images Earlier this week, the United Nations released a hysterical report that enjoyed wall to wall media coverage warning of ecological apocalypse if ordinary people […]

“I think we should go with a good old fashioned public health scare” – The Simpsons right in plain sight

[embedded content] Predictive programming. Remarkable similarity isn’t it to what we see unfolding now? Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

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