Posts Tagged ‘BBC’

US HSBC Money Laundering Probe ‘Hampered’ By George Osborne

A US report claims that the UK’s Financial Services Authority “hampered” an official investigation into money laundering allegations against banking giant HSBC and that George Osborne sought to influence the inquiry. The British chancellor intervened to influence a US investigation into HSBC, after the bank admitted laundering money for drug cartels and terrorists, by warning […]

Petra – La ciudad perdida de piedra -Illuminati Documentary HD

New 216 ILLUMINATI SECRETS 2015: The New Atlantis – New BBC Illuminati Documentary HD,Illuminati Documentary SECRETS 2016,ILLUMINATI. source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

ADL Report: Students’ Hate for Jews Doubled in 2015

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 1, 2016 Wow, who could possibly hate Jews? Our good friends at the Anti Defamation League keep track of Jew-hate so Nazis like us don’t have to. It’s actually quite convenient. This new report by our ever-objective and scientific researchers is focusing on universities around America. No doubt this will lead their […]

I Remember My Name – Palestinian Poetry

Poetry by Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud and Jehan Bseiso   by Susan Abulhawa Three renowned Palestinians poets from Gaza – Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud, and Jehan Bseiso – flanked by editor Vacy Vlazna and artist David Borrington have joined to create I Remember My Name, a powerful and moving collection of poems and drawings. […]

Don’t Give This Lying Negro Your Money, My Racist Friends

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 19, 2016 A Negro has created a GoFundMe page claiming that if you give him $2,200, he will go back to Africa. He is openly soliciting racists to pay these fees. Within our lifetimes, people of color will outnumber whites in the United States. White folks, being keenly aware of this, […]

The Illuminati Illuminati New World Order 2016 Documentary

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live from the hell sec 11

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Stubborn US has no plans for joint anti-Daseh ops with Russia

     Washington is not considering carrying out joint operations with Moscow against Daesh, US Department of State spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on Wednesday. The United States will remain in close contact with Russia regarding efforts to fight terrorist groups in Syria like the Islamic State (IS, or Daesh) and the Nusra Front, Kirby added. […]

Trump Reveals His Presidential Campaign Is Completely Broke

Donald Trump has privately admitted that his campaign have completely run out of money, and has called an urgent meeting with Senate Republicans to ask for additional funding.  Stunned Republican officials have been asked by the Trump campaign for additional finance in order to fight attacks from Hillary Clinton in the next couple of months, […]

US halts cluster bomb deliveries to Saudi Arabia amid growing civilian death toll in Yemen – report

According to a Foreign Policy report, based on the publication’s own investigation, the hold on deliveries applies to CBU-105 cluster bombs made by Textron Systems. After Saudi Arabia joined the Yemeni conflict and started a massive air campaign against Houthi positions, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have on numerous occasions exposed the use of […]

First Baby Born In UK Using Revolutionary IVF Technique

Biagio Russu Biagio Russu is the first baby born in the UK who was conceived using a new and more precise embryo screening technique. His mom Ewa Wybacz, 36, allowed doctors to use a new DNA procedure to screen her embryos that hugely improved her fertility rate using a revolutionary IVF technique. Eco Green Data […]

White House In Lockdown After Object Is Thrown Over Fence

The White House has been locked down amid fears a suspicious package was hurled over the fence. It is the second lock down in less than 24 hours when an intruder breached security at the north lawn of the presidential residence by leaping over the fence. President Obama is believed to be inside the White House. The […]

Red Square DC

During 1990 the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc collapsed. Such was the humiliating end of post-war Europe. This unspeakable carve-up of a continent was inspired and installed in 1945 by tyrant Josef Stalin, unelected Winston Churchill and Dodgy Delano aka Franklin D Roosevelt; hallelujah to that. Over the years the power of Wall Street financed […]

9/11 Investigation Says 156 People Witnessed Explosions At WTC

Witness testimony given to the official 9/11 investigation reveals that 156 people gave oral accounts to authorities saying that they witnessed bombs being exploded at the World Trade Center buildings on the day of the attack.  Retired university professor Graeme MacQueen uncovered the eyewitness accounts after trawling through 12,000 pages of oral accounts given by Fire […]

Angela Merkel Caves To Turkish Pressure, Authorizes Criminal Probe Against Comic

Several weeks ago, a German comedian Jan Böhmermann, landed in hot water after releasing a satirical “video poem” about the Turkish president which aired in ZDF Neo Royale program on March 31, and accuses Erdogan of repressing Turkey’s national and religious minorities, as well as of being a pedophile. The video, which […]

Libyan Unity Government Rejects Deployment Of British Troops

The head of  Libya’s new unity government has turned down the offer of Western troops to help eliminate ISIS in the North African state. The move may come as a shock to some in the British establishment who were expecting a request for UK troops now that the war-ravaged state’s UN-brokered unity government has assembled […]

Syrian Jet Shot Down & Pilot Captured By Al-Qaeda Affiliated Rebels

A Syrian jet has reportedly been shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Aleppo Province. Islamist rebels shot down the warplane on Tuesday in an area south of the city of Aleppo where insurgents are battling the Syrian army and allied militias. The pilot ejected but was captured by the Al-Qaeda affiliated rebel group. RT […]

9/11 Whistleblower Who Claimed WT7 Was A Demolition Murdered By CIA

One of the top demolition experts in the Netherlands, Danny Jowenko, was found murdered under suspicious circumstances after investigating the collapse of World Trade Center 7 after the 9/11 attacks and concluding that it was brought down by a controlled demolition.  Mr. Jowneko famously looked at a clip of a WT7 collapsing in 2006, and without […]

Why «Brexit» Would Be Good News for Russia

Finian Cunningham (SCF) : Britain will make a once-in-a-lifetime decision in the coming months on whether to leave the European Union. Both Washington and Moscow have a lot at stake. While the US needs Britain to remain within the EU in order to do its bidding, Russia’s interests might be better served by a historic […]

Military-Funded Study Predicts When You’ll Protest on Twitter

It’s no simple problem for the obvious reason that the telltale heart beats but for the guilty. “The ways in which protest-related events affect a person are not observable, resulting in a lack of knowledge of factors operating at that time causing his next post to be a declaration of protest,” the researchers […]

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