Posts Tagged ‘mh17’

Russia and US agree on closer military cooperation in Syria, after Putin calls Obama

“Both sides have confirmed their readiness to increase military cooperation between Russia and the US in Syria,” said a statement from the Kremlin released on Wednesday evening. “It is also important to resurrect the UN-mediated peace talks to arrive at a political solution of the crisis.” READ MORE: ‘Partnership of equals’: Putin sends Independence Day telegram to […]

Moscow calls NATO buildup in E. Europe ‘unjustified’ as largest drills since Cold War kick off

The Anaconda -2016 NATO military exercise involve 24 NATO and “partner nations,” including the US, the UK, Germany, Canada, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and others. US Army Europe, which heads the exercise, says that the massive war games are “to train, exercise and integrate Polish national command and force structures into an allied, joint, multinational environment.” […]


Ziad Fadel   AL-RAQQA:  The Syrian Army has left Dayr Haafir behind in a relentless push toward the Tabqa Dam and the Jiraah Military Airbase.   The army can move over 25 miles per day, and, ergo, unless ISIS can find the resources to blunt the government’s assault, we predict the army will be outside the […]

Powerful gas explosions in Dutch town Urk, six houses destroyed

     On Friday evening, just after 18.00, a huge gas explosion took place in a new residential area in Urk, the Netherlands. A row of six houses were (partly) destroyed by the explosion and the resulting fire. Two houses collapsed before the fire brigade and ambulance arrived. A second explosion took place shortly after help […]

‘Just the greatest boxer’: 11 memorable quotes from boxing legend Ali

READ MORE: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at age 74 “Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” “Go to college, stay in […]

Extrajudicial killings "in the name of peace"

     Thousands of extra-judiciary drone killings, all personally approved by Peace Nobel Laureate, Obama, and all with casualties and so-called ‘collateral damage’, costs the affected, mostly poor communities, tens of thousands of lives and destroyed properties and public infrastructure valued at millions of dollars; an assurance to keep them poor and submissive. Do not such […]

9/11 Investigation Says 156 People Witnessed Explosions At WTC

Witness testimony given to the official 9/11 investigation reveals that 156 people gave oral accounts to authorities saying that they witnessed bombs being exploded at the World Trade Center buildings on the day of the attack.  Retired university professor Graeme MacQueen uncovered the eyewitness accounts after trawling through 12,000 pages of oral accounts given by Fire […]

CDC Warn Zika Virus ‘Much Scarier Than We Initially Thought’

The CDC have acknowledged that America could still see an epidemic of the Zika virus in the coming months, admitting that they have completely underestimated the severity of the outbreak.  Dr. Anne Schuchat from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that “most of what we’ve learned is not reassuring,” adding that “everything we look […]

GCC Designates Hezbollah as Terrorists – Deploys Al-Nusrah Against them in Lebanon

nsnbc : The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) designated the Lebanese Hezbollah as terrorist organization. Meanwhile, several GCC member States, most prominently Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as well as Israel use Jabhat Al-Nusrah to weaken Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Syrian government responded to the GCC’s decision to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, stating that the decision […]

Police Cite “Revenge”, Sisi hints Slaying Regeni Aimed at Harming Egyptian – Italian Relations

Hanan Fayed (TCP) : “All possibilities are on the table” in the murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni, including “revenge,” said President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi Wednesday, also hinting that the murder was meant “harm relationships” with Italy. Giulio Regeni Regeni had complex and multiple contacts and relations where he lived and studied after having lived in Egypt for six […]

Rafael Cruz has Entirely Jew Staff

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Putin rejects "double standards" and need for unified anti-terrorism front in phone call with Obama

     Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart, Barack Obama, discussed Syria in a phone call Sunday, with Putin stressing the need to establish better cooperation between the countries’ defense ministries in the fight against terrorism. In the telephone conversation Putin said that is important to create a unified anti-terrorism front, rejecting “double standards,” […]

Dragon + Bear: China seeks Russia’s help in mastering Arctic, sets sights on Antarctic

Dream team: Russia’s GLONASS & China’s BeiDou to make satnav system parts together The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) wants to establish an air service team, which will allow for greater exploration of Antarctica, according to Xinhua. Given the harsh environment they will be working in, the Chinese scientists understand they will need to adapt their […]

Global Economy: Could This be “The Big One”?

Everyone take a deep breath. This isn’t 2007 again.  The banks aren’t loaded with $10 trillion in “toxic” mortgage-backed securities, the housing market hasn’t fallen off a cliff wiping out $8 trillion in home equity, and the world is not on the brink of another excruciating financial meltdown.  The reason the markets have been gyrating so furiously for the […]

Cairo Court Acquits Defendant in Al-Jazeera Marriott Cell Retrial

TCP : The Cairo Criminal Court acquitted Wednesday Ahmed Abdullah in the retrial of the case known in media as “Marriott Cell,” Youm7 reported. Mohamed Fahmy, Baher Mohamed, Peter Greste In June 2014, Abdullah along with other 11 Al-Jazeera employees, who were being tried in absentia, were sentenced to 10 years in prison on numerous […]

The Health Benefits Of Placing A Clove Of Garlic Under Your Tongue Every Morning On An Empty Stomach

If you want to ward off evil spirits and vampires, hang a clove of garlic around your neck or on the door of your house. Ancient wisdom and old wives tales say that by doing so it helps keep such dark forces at bay. While that may or may not be the case, garlic is […]

Syria: Russian Warplanes Have Destroyed 1,200 Al Qaeda Oil Tanker Trucks, Russia Supplies Weapons to Iraq in Support of Counter-Terrorism

In the past three days Russian warplanes have destroyed six illegal oil production facilities and seven truck convoys with oil and oil products in Syria. On the whole, Russian aircraft have destroyed more than 1,200 tanker trucks of militants transporting crude oil and oil products since the start of the operation in Syria. Last few […]

Spain’s Biggest Bankruptcy Ever Hits Banks, Mexico, Brazil, Descends into Bitter Farce

“Negative profits were being converted into positives.” By Don Quijones, Spain & Mexico, editor at WOLF STREET. Abengoa, the Spanish renewables giant that once thought it had mastered the dark arts of financialization only to crumble under the weight of its own debt, urgently needs a lifeline. In November, it filed for preliminary protection from creditors. If […]

Russia Warns Of Global Chaos As Mini Ice Age Winter Arrives

A report from the Kremlin warns that there is a strong likelihood of global chaos due to a severe weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that threatens a worldwide mini ice age event to kick in this winter.  According to the Ministry of Defense the world is set to experience the worst winter in modern history. […]

After Pollard Release, Ted Cruz is BFF with Terrorist Jew Rabbi

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer November 30, 2015 It was love at first sight for the Cuban wetback and the kike terrorist leader. You’re not going to see the Donald running around with these types of terrorists, that’s for sure. Daily Beast: Thanks to an atypical shared interest, Ted Cruz has befriended an extraordinarily well-connected rabbi—a relationship […]

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