Police Cite “Revenge”, Sisi hints Slaying Regeni Aimed at Harming Egyptian – Italian Relations

Hanan Fayed (TCP) : “All possibilities are on the table” in the murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni, including “revenge,” said President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi Wednesday, also hinting that the murder was meant “harm relationships” with Italy.

Giulio Regeni

Giulio Regeni

Regeni had complex and multiple contacts and relations where he lived and studied after having lived in Egypt for six months, and a “criminal aspect” is also one of the possibilities, according to a Wednesday statement by the Interior Ministry.

Investigators have summoned some of Regeni’s contacts, including Egyptians and foreigners and questioned them in detail on their relationship with him.

“Close cooperation” between the Egyptian team investigating the murder and its Italian counterpart has been ongoing; investigation results have been shared in joint meetings and answers to questions have been exchanged, the statement added.

The Interior Ministry stated it is treating the case as a “top priority,” and is “also keen on informing the public of developments.”

The statement also criticized the “insistence of some to jump to conclusions” and to “spread rumors,” while foreign newspapers “promotes false information without evidence” in a way that “misleads the public.”

Accusations against the Egyptian police went rampant on social media and some newspapers soon after Regeni’s body was found ditched on Cairo-Alexandria road. The Interior Ministry has repeatedly denied any involvement in the murder.

Hanan Fayed, The Cairo Post

Source Article from http://nsnbc.me/2016/02/24/police-cite-revenge-sisi-hints-slaying-regeni-aimed-at-harming-egyptian-italian-relations/

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