Posts Tagged ‘harassed’

Today’s experiences being harassed yet again at Telford Centre

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

I was harassed by Zionists and fired for it — twice: Inside the culture of fear that runs Jewish institutional life 

Anna Rajagopal was fired from her position with Hebrew Union College’s Jewish Language Project out of fear her anti-Zionist politics would alienate donors. Her story reveals the culture of fear within Jewish institutional life. Source

Mom who rescued sons during Uvalde shooting now being harassed by same coward cops who refused to act

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The mother who drove to the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, in late May and was handcuffed by police because she tried to rescue her children while cowardly cops did nothing is now being harassed by some of those same officers.Angeli Rose Gomez said, “The police were doing nothing. They were just standing […]

4 churches harassed in Russian-occupied Ukraine

Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder/Pexels Ukraine (Mission Network News) — Soldiers and officials have harassed four Protestant churches in Russian-occupied Eastern Ukraine. They conducted searches, demanded to see documents, and stole equipment. In one case, they even forced church members out of their building. All these incidents took place between June 12 and 16. Pastor Eric […]

UK student leaves school after being harassed for questioning ‘transgender’ ideology

Photo Credit: Katy Malinowska/Free Stocks (The Christian Institute) — A female sixth form student has left school after being reportedly harassed for questioning transgender ideology. The unnamed 18-year-old had told a visiting peer that she “respectfully disagreed” with the peer’s views on biological sex. The student claimed that after the debate she was…

Shimon Peres sexually harassed me: Former Israeli MK

TEHRAN – Former Israeli MK Colette Avital reported two incidents during which former President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres harassed her. According to an interview published in the Hebrew edition of Haaretz, the first incident occurred when they were both on a diplomatic mission in France. The former Israeli prime minister invited Avital to have […]

GoFundMe Removes Page For Students Harassed For Being White

GoFundMe has removed a page that sought to raise funds for two Arizona State University students who appeared in a viral video which showed them being harassed for being white. The video clip shows the students being asked to leave the school’s multicultural center because of their skin color and because one of them had […]

Australian Woman in Quarantine Harassed by Cops for Not Wearing Mask Whilst Drinking Tea

A disturbing video leaked from a quarantine camp in Australia exposes cops harassing a woman for the ‘crime’ of sipping a cup of tea without a mask. Yes, really. In the video clip (below), a young man describes the horrors of living inside a COVID quarantine camp in Australia. “We’re all just waiting patiently to […]

Australia: Woman in Quarantine Harassed by Cops For Removing Face Mask to Drink Tea

A business owner in the UK has been forced to close her shop after testing positive for COVID-19 for the second time despite being double jabbed. Ursula Sutcliffe says she has lost her sense of smell, has a pain in the back of her head and is now bedridden due to the infection, despite having […]

Berlin police ‘harassed and attacked’ by demonstrators in anti-COVID-19 measures protests

Protesters clashed with police in Berlin over government measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and in defiance of a ban on demonstrations. Dozens of planned protests were banned ahead of the weekend but demonstrators began gathering at set points throughout the German capital early on Sunday. Berlin police department, which had more than 2,000 […]

JAIL TIME: Second Woman Claims Cuomo Sexually Harassed Her During COVID – Shocking Testimony

The walls are closing in on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after a second woman came forward on Saturday accusing him of sexual harassment. Charlotte Bennett, 25, worked as an executive assistant and health policy adviser in the Cuomo administration until she was forced to leave, suffering from PTSD, in November. You can unsubscribe any […]

Israeli journalist harassed by pro-Trump protester outside US Capitol

Browse > Home / News / Israeli journalist harassed by pro-Trump protester outside US Capitol January 8, 2021 by JNS Read on for article An Israeli journalist was harassed by a protester supporting U.S. President Donald Trump outside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday as a mob surrounded the building—with some breaking into it—seeking to prevent […]

Israeli reporter harassed by antisemitic pro-Trump protester at US Capitol

A pro-Trump protester confronted and harassed a reporter for the Israeli Channel 13 news during the riots at the US Capitol in Washington, DC on Wednesday. The protester, referred to as Marc, can be seen in a broadcast by the news channel asking the reporter why Israel “continues to take American aid,” to which the […]

BOMBSHELL: Gov. Cuomo ‘Sexually Harassed Me For Years’, Says Former Aide

Former adviser to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Lindsey Boylan, revealed on Sunday that she was repeatedly sexually harassed by Cuomo for years as Democratic colleagues watched and did nothing to stop the abuse. Boylan, who worked for the Cuomo administration from March 2015 to October 2018, issued a series of bombshell tweets on Sunday morning, revealing […]

Sri Lankan Christians Harassed by Mobs

[embedded content] (Voice of the Martyrs Canada) — Mob demonstrations are a common way to disrupt and protest Christianity in the nation of Sri Lanka. Although opposition often comes from the dominant Buddhist community, two recent incidents in the Batticaloa District appear to have been instigated by Hindu leaders. On July 19, a group of […]

Ahed #Tamimi was sexually harassed by israeli interrogator, says lawyer

The lawyer of imprisoned Ahed al-Tamimi has accused an Israeli interrogator of sexually harassing the 17-year-old Palestinian girl, who was arrested last December from her village in the occupied West Bank for slapping an Israeli soldier on camera. Gaby Lasky filed a complaint with the Israeli general attorney on Monday, saying that one of the […]

Eight Women Say Charlie Rose Sexually Harassed Them

Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their breasts, buttocks or genital areas. The women were employees or aspired to work for Rose at the “Charlie Rose” show from the late […]

Palestinian Women Are Harassed, Beaten And Humiliated At Checkpoints. Here Are A Few Of Their Stories.

Palestinian Women Are Harassed, Beaten And Humiliated At Checkpoints. Here Are A Few Of Their Stories. THE FORWARD – Since 1967, about 40% of the Palestinian male population has been detained by Israel. With their men in jail, Palestinian women are left to continue surviving and ensuring the well-being of their families. From confronting increased Israeli violations to earning […]

Justice in Turkey: Attorneys harassed, 1st hearing without defendants, detention be extended on the grounds that they had not made their statements yet

AirBnb Host Harassed into Paying $5000 When Guest Calls Racism

Professor Richard Sloan Daily Stormer July 15, 2017 Well, she’s in the news again. I’m talking, of course, about Tami Barker, the evil white Nazi who cancelled the reservation of a poor Asian girl at the last minute on learning of her skin color then left the girl to freeze in the snow. (At least […]

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