Posts Tagged ‘selfie’

Naked Selfie of Joe Biden’s Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website: “They Must Have Hacked my Phone”

Naked Selfie of Joe Biden’s Younger Brother Frank Biden in 2018 Wearing Only Cap and Glasses Surfaces on Gay Porn Website: “They Must Have Hacked my Phone” Source

XBlue Subscribers on X/Twitter Can Verify Identity by Taking a Selfie and Transmitting Government ID to Israeli Company

As Engadget reports, the new system was discovered by app researcher Nima Owji, who shared a screenshot of the ID verification process. Source

Alexandra Panagiotarou takes a selfie in a bikini – See the raunchy photos

Alexandra Panagiotarou and Stathis Schizas went on a trip to Bucharest, shortly after the businessman’s voluntary departure from Survivor All Star. Through their Instagram profiles, both posted some photos from the trip to Romania. The instagrammer took a selfie while wearing a colourful bikini with belly strings. In another photo, she poses on a sun… […]

Judge Asks Rittenhouse For Autograph, Selfie

KENOSHA, WI—After hearing the arguments and reviewing the video evidence, Judge Schroeder has asked defendant Kyle Rittenhouse for his autograph and a selfie.  “E-excuse me, m-mister Rittenhouse, sir, but can I maybe have your autograph?” said the judge nervously while looking down at his shoes. “I’m just a huge fan and I thought maybe I could take […]

Big Brother Australia: You Have 15 Minutes to Take a Selfie and Send It to the Government

The Australian government is testing an app to enforce its quarantine rules. The state will text people at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face and text the government. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. The government […]

UK Authorities Could Force People to Take Selfie Every Day to ‘Prove’ They’re Self-Isolating

Factory workers in France have labeled social distancing ‘dog collars’ as an “attack on individual liberty” as employers are trying to make them wear the devices to enforce restrictions while working. The alarm devices emit a noise and light up if workers get closer than two metres together, but have been slammed by a worker’s […]

Why Are Pussy Men Pulling This Face in Every Selfie?

Why Are Pussy Men Pulling This Face in Every Selfie? The weird affliction sweeping America Paul Joseph Watson February 23, 2018 The total pussification of men is making them take selfies that all look like this. What’s really behind this bizarre trend? Please share this video: SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow […]

Mars Rover snaps selfie and takes stunning panorama of Red Planet (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

The rover, which is part of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission, sends back raw images of what it encounters based on commands sent from the mission team. The latest batch of photos shows the dusty robot posing for a selfie on Vera Rubin ridge which it’s been investigating for the past few months in a […]

Netanyahu faces Indian BDS backlash over Bollywood ‘selfie’

BDS in India has accused Israel of exploiting Bollywood to improve its global image after Israeli PM took “selfie” on stage with legendary movie star Amitabh Bachchan while visiting Mumbai. Activists made the claims after the Israeli government staged an outreach event titled “Shalom Bollywood” on Thursday in a bid to entice Indian directors and […]

Facial recognition database? Google’s new art selfie app sparks privacy concerns

The new update to the app, which has been in existence for more than a year, has unleashed a frenzy of activity online as users post images of their painting lookalike. To find out if you’re a dead ringer for the Mona Lisa, users have to take a real time […]

INDONESIA – Selfie museum stirs outrage with Nazi display

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Progressive Lunacy: PETA Claims Indonesian Monkey Owns ‘Selfie’ Copyright

21st Century Wire says… You know that western society is approaching its final hour when animal rights activists start advocating individual animals to be able to sue humans in courts. That’s exactly what has happened in the US. We can trace some of this line of thinking back to Cass Sunstein, the radical, liberal progressive […]

Ape Savage Kills White “Friend” – Takes Selfie with Corpse

Daily Stormer May 16, 2017 What did I say about relaxing around Blacks? This is what happens… Having Black friends is exactly like having White friends. Except, of course, that they’re better at basketball. And also, I guess, sometimes they kill you and take selfies with your dead body. NBC Philadelphia: An […]

NASA: Unexpected discovery on Mars may revolutionize planet’s history

“Analyzing data from an X-ray diffraction instrument on the rover that identifies minerals, scientists detected significant amounts of a silica mineral called tridymite,” NASA said on Wednesday. A silicon dioxide mineral, the tridymite found by NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover in the Gale Crater is a truly baffling finding since on Earth such elements originate from extremely […]

Brexit Could Lead To World War Says David Cameron

British prime minister David Cameron has warned that peace in Europe could be at risk if Britain votes to leave the European Union He believes that Europe is keeping UK safe and pleaded for Britain to stay in the EU to help prevent the continent being ripped apart by another conflict. The Tory leader warned […]

BDS or emigration: pick one

Liberal Zionist Aluf Benn laments in Haaretz: “The Boycott of Israel Is No Miracle Drug.” Aluf Benn realizes that the frustrated liberal Zionist elites in Israel (who had high hopes for the 2015 elections) would like to co-opt the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS), and ride it to their preferred destination – “saving Israel […]

Why is the UN telling Palestinians to protect their occupiers?

Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 4 April 2016 A Palestinian holding a sign denouncing “security coordination” between Israeli occupation forces and the Palestinian Authority takes part in a Land Day protest near Ofer prison in the occupied West Bank on 30 March. Hamza Shalash APA images Last week, the office of the UN High Commissioner […]

‘No such country as Israel’ Belgian terror helpline operator tells Jewish caller

50 ISIS supporters work at Brussels airport – Belgian media The conversation was recorded and posted by the Belgian Jewish monthly Joods Actueel, and was initiated by a volunteer at the Jewish coordination committee of Antwerp. The caller asked about the police documents necessary for two victims of last week’s airport attack to be discharged, and […]

This Woman Grew up Raising Gorillas. Their Reunion 12 Years Later Will Touch Your Heart

Most of you are probably familiar with the warm feeling of reuniting with family members or old friends you haven’t seen for a while. But what happens when you see an animal that was your childhood companion a dozen of years ago? Most likely, a cat or a dog wouldn’t recognize you after so many […]

This Woman Grew up Raising Gorillas. Their Reunion 12 Years Later Will Touch Your Heart

Most of you are probably familiar with the warm feeling of reuniting with family members or old friends you haven’t seen for a while. But what happens when you see an animal that was your childhood companion a dozen of years ago? Most likely, a cat or a dog wouldn’t recognize you after so many […]

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