Posts Tagged ‘TTIP’

Momentous day اليوم المشهود

ناصر قنديل– يعرف التاريخ أياماً نادرة تكون مفاصل في حياة البشرية وترسم مسارات تحكم ما بعدها من أيام وشهور وسنوات وعلى مساحة تتخطّى مكان حدوثها ودائرته الجغرافية وصولاً لتلقي بظلالها على العالم. من هذه الأيام مثلاً، يوم اقتحام سجن الباستيل وانطلاق الثورة الفرنسية، ومنها يوم سقوط النازية ودخول قوات الحلفاء إلى برلين، ومنها يوم توقيع […]

Assad: Western States Responsible for Terrorism, Extremism, Refugees Flow

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad blamed some Western leaders for the terrorism and refugee problems facing Europe. During a meeting on Sunday with the visiting delegation of the European Parliament headed by Vice-President of the Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs Javier Couso, the President discussed the situation in Syria, the terrorist war waged on it and […]

Cop Shootout: Islamic Terrorist Invasion & Martial Law

An army of Islamic radicals are being strategically flooded into Europe, the UK, and US as well as other Western nations. Why is that? We will all soon find out. We talk about it here in this important video. Youtube Link: Buy the book:… Source Article from

Moscow pans German defense minister’s comment, says voluntarily informs Europe of military drills

“To say the least we are surprised by at the statements made by the head of Germany’s Defense Ministry. She may not be aware of the fact that we have been voluntarily, of our own free will, informing our European partners about every major revision or military exercise, though we are not obliged to do […]


Ziad Fadel JORDAN:  You can’t imagine our delight at finding out that the attack two days ago on a Jordanian border police was carried out by a group of suicide truck drivers driving trucks donated by the generous imbecile in Amman to the terrorist organizations he supports in Syria.  Isn’t that a scream? According to […]

Scientists Claim ‘Universal Cancer Vaccine’ Breakthrough

Scientists claim they have taken a “very positive step” towards creating a universal vaccine against cancer. Experts say that the vaccine makes the body’s immune system attack tumours as if they were a virus. Commenting on the new research which was published in Nature, cancer experts Professor Jolanda de Vries and Professor Carl Figdor, from Radboud […]

Iran exports 10b kWh power to regional countries

Tehran, May 30, IRNA – Deputy energy minister announced that Iran has exported ten billion kWh of electricity to regional countries during the past Iranian calendar year that ended on March 19. Houshang Falahatian made the announcement here Monday at the 11th International Energy Conference that started work Sunday for two days. During the past […]

Mainstream Science is a Religion

Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times Science is a religion. Mainstream science, despite all its claims of objectivity, and despite the fact it attempts to lay claim to the truth, is itself a religion. Science places itself on a pedestal and assures everyone it has dispassionately arrived at its conclusions. Meanwhile, however, it is […]

California continues its crackdown on tiny houses for the homeless

     Personal liberty is under attack in so many areas of American society, and combined with a faltering economy, people are in greater need than ever of finding ways to survive economically while still maintaining basic freedoms. The tiny house movement is one of the many creative ways in which people are out-smarting the matrix […]

Giant meteor fireball ’10 times brighter than the full moon’ explodes with loud boom over southern Finland

     A fireball 10 times brighter than the full moon exploded in the sky of Finland on May 12, 2016. The disintegrating blue-green ball of fire emitted a powerful and loud boom reported all across southern Finland. The meteor flew from north to south and was 10 times brighter than the full moon, according to […]

Iran boosting military capabilities to counter US threats: Commander

Addressing a gathering of foreign military attachés in Tehran on Wednesday, Fadavi praised the Iranian Armed Forces’ military preparedness in the Persian Gulf, saying, “Today, nobody can claim that insecurity has been created because of the Islamic Revolution’s (military) power and capabilities in the region.” On the contrary, he said, the Islamic Republic is among […]

US-led France ignored reality in Syria, harmed itself with Russia sanctions – frmr French intel boss

Alain Juillet, former deputy director of intelligence at France’s General Directorate for External Security, accused French authorities of making a range of poor foreign policy choices, such as its pro-rebel stance in the Syrian crisis and anti-Russian response to the Ukrainian turmoil, which he says have proven detrimental to French citizens. ‘Non, merci!’ Protests in […]

Cessation of hostilities in Aleppo to be announced in coming hours – Lavrov

Lavrov added that the US and Russian militaries are currently holding talks on the Aleppo ceasefire.“I hope that in the coming hours such an agreement will be announced,” the minister said after the meeting in Moscow. According to UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura, the stalled Syria peace talks could be resumed if an Aleppo […]

FM Lavrov: US troops integral to toppling Syrian govt.

     Russia says the US military intervention in Syria is illegal, ultimately aimed at toppling the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has told Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter that the intervention without the authorization of the “legitimate” Syrian authorities was a “big mistake.” “I’ve told our American partners repeatedly that this is […]

Dr. Bill Warrick Exposes 9/11 and Anthrax False Flags

The public is finally waking up to realize that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated as a False Flag to gain popular support for what has become an endless war in the middle east. Dr. Bill Warrick focuses on the anthrax story where members of congress were intimidated into “complicity” where no meaningful action was taken […]

"Frivolous" lawsuit aims to reverse ASA’s Israel boycott

Charlotte Silver Activism and BDS Beat 24 April 2016 Several current and former members of the American Studies Association are suing the academic organization, alleging that its resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions is a breach of contract because it does not fall within the group’s mission. But supporters and opponents of the boycott are […]

President Obama to send another 250 troops to Syria

The move, which is said to be announced Monday, will once again contradict Obama’s 2013 promise of not putting any “American boots on the ground in Syria.” “[Obama] intends to put in more … forces to the tune of 250 in Syria,” a US official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. It is not yet […]

Terrifying volcanic eruptions viewed from space

     The sheer destructive force alone makes volcanic eruptions both a terrifying and wondrous thing to behold. And this gallery allows you to appreciate such sights from probably the best vantage point — from space.                                                        Source Article from

Obese People & Smokers Are ‘Soft Targets’ For NHS Savings

The Royal College of Surgeons say that growing numbers of obese people and smokers are being denied operations as they become “soft targets” for an NHS  which has become desperate to save money. According to evidence, they found that patients were being refused hip and knee replacements and a range of other procedures in more […]

We Are So Poor Because They Are So Rich; We Are So Poor Because They Are So Rich

Print Friendly Why You Should Organize For Political Revolution One day, my business partner leaned over to me and said, “Remember, we are so rich because they are so poor.” That is how he patiently explained to his younger partner why our workers should not get a raise above minimum wage. He could just as […]

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