Posts Tagged ‘injustice’

HRW’s Gaza report: Fact-check unveils bias and injustice

17 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Rasha Reslan In its latest reports, the HRW perpetuates a longstanding Western narrative that serves to whitewash the current Israeli atrocities being committed in Gaza by the Israeli occupation. Over the past nine months, a well-documented genocidal carnage in Gaza has been unfolding daily, live and unabated […]

Tucker Carlson Exposes ‘Monstrous’ Injustice in Julian Assange Case

“Anybody who knows anything about that case and believes that Assange should still be in prison is your enemy, by the way, and the enemy of human freedom and flourishing,” Tucker Carlson said to a packed audience in Canberra, Australia. Carlson didn’t hold back, calling it “monstrous” that Assange spent twelve years locked away for […]

Pope: The poor are often victims of injustice

“We are part of a history marked by tribulation, violence, suffering and injustice, ever awaiting a liberation that never seems to arrive,” Francis said. “Those who are most wounded, oppressed and even crushed, are the poor, the weakest links in the chain.” He said by focusing on the poor the Church “asks us not to […]

Climate Injustice in the United States

by Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young Capitalism will not lead the way out of climate catastrophe (Markus Spiske)  A few days ago, President Biden was urging climate action when saying, we don’t have much more than 10 years. Fighting global warming is inextricably linked to what Bill McKibben and others call climate justice. Commonly, many […]

Justice minus humanity is injustice

After NIA’s contentions, the special court has rejected the request for sipper. The judge did not ask NIA to prove the genuineness of their claim that nothing was confiscated by them..and without asking why you need 20 days to say yes or no to sipper request? Is it because a sipper in the hands of […]

Chief Rabbi Lau: Halimi case ‘an abominable injustice,’ calls for retrial

Chief Rabbi David Lau has condemned the recent decision by the French Court of Cassation absolving the murderer of Sarah Halimi of criminal responsibility for his actions, and called for him to be retried.Writing in a letter to the Halimi family on Tuesday, Lau said that he was “outraged” by the decision and cited a […]

‘Killing a dog is worse than murdering a Jew’: The antisemitic injustice of France’s Sarah Halimi trial

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Injustice Industrial Complex, and the Human Miasma

As his 67th birthday nears, and Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal faces challenging and potentially fatal health crises, his legal case is still slowly winding its way through the arduous appellate court system. — New court filings for Abu-Jamal’s appeal, Workers World, March 22. Injustice is an industry in the United States of America, just […]

‘It’s an injustice’: Israeli court convicts Palestinian peace activist Issa Amro

Palestinian peace activist Issa Amro was convicted by an Israeli military court on Wednesday on charges relating to his nonviolent activism in the flashpoint city of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank.  An Israeli judge at the Ofer military court — a court that boasts a 99 percent conviction rate against Palestinians —  convicted […]

The American Revolution and Women’s Struggle Against Injustice

The American Revolution marked a turning point in the lives of colonists living in America, who, after years of mistreatment by the British, finally declared their independence. Although this turning point was meant to benefit all living in the colonies, women did not benefit so much from the American Revolution with regards to their independence. […]

Indicators For Measuring Injustice And Societal Decay

Economic indicators – data points, trends, and micro-categories – are the widgets of the big information industry. By contrast, indicators for our society’s democratic health are not similarly compiled, aggregated, and reported. Its up and down trends are presented piecemeal and lack quantitative precision. We can get the process started and lay the basis for […]

The shame of injustice

By Graham Peebles Poverty is the greatest cause of death and illness globally. It strangles the lives of billions of people, denying the expression of innate potential, and condemning men, women and children to live stunted, uncreative lives of interminable suffering and drudgery. While the numbers living in extreme poverty (the World Bank calculates this […]

Israel’s Supreme Court: Liberal bastion or an enforcer of injustice?

It is routinely hailed as Israel’s last line of defence against ultra-nationalist legislation. But does the country’s Supreme Court deserve its reputation as an upholder of liberal values? Recent cases have illustrated how the court, rather than undermining the systematic rights abuses experienced by Palestinians, in fact oils the machine of occupation. Earlier this month, […]

South African land grab from white farmers: Correcting injustice or perpetuating racism?

     Black South Africans need to take their land back from white ‘foreigners’, the leader of Black First Land First told RT. However, the president of the Transvaal Agricultural Union says this will lead to an ‘Arab Spring’. South Africa’s parliament voted on Tuesday in favor of new legislation that could see land from white […]

Sentenced to 65 years for helping Palestinians: Read an excerpt from Miko Peled’s ‘Injustice: The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five’

The following essay is lightly adapted from “Injustice: The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five” by Miko Peled (Just World Books, 2018), which is available for purchase now. In July 2004, federal agents raided the homes of five Palestinian-American families, arresting the fathers, who had been leaders of a Texas-based charity called the Holy […]

Newsletter – From Neoliberal Injustice To Economic Democracy

The work to transform society involves two parallel paths: resisting harmful systems and institutions and creating new systems and institutions to replace them. Our focus in this article is on positive work that people are doing to change current systems in ways that reduce the wealth divide, meet basic needs, ensure sustainability, create economic and racial justice and provide […]

Balfour Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of injustice and oppression

“It’s God’s work…” By Stuart Littlewood On 7 November, in London’s famous Royal Albert Hall, there’s to be “a unique event drawing Christians and Jews together in celebration of the centenary of the Balfour Declaration and all that it led to”.  Christians will be reaching out to support the Jewish community and the state of […]

‘Where there is a wall there are holes’: Issa Amro’s non-violence and Israel’s injustice

Some encounters, however brief, remain unforgettable.  My meeting with the Palestinian non-violent activist Issa Amro in June 2016 was one of those.  It was the end of a long day in Hebron, where I had gone with several colleagues to study first-hand the impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian higher education.  After our interviews […]

The poison of commercialisation and social injustice

By Graham Peebles In cities and towns from New Delhi to New York the socio-political policies that led to the Grenfell Tower disaster in west London are being repeated: redevelopment and gentrification, the influx of corporate money and the expelling of the poor, including families that have lived in an area for generations. To this, […]

Jeff Sessions’ Department Of Injustice

Above Photo: Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks about immigration, in Washington, DC, March 27, 2017. (Photo: Stephen Crowley / The New York Times) Motivated by his deep-seated biases and those of President Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pursuing a draconian agenda on voting rights, immigration, crime, policing, the drug war, federal sentencing and the […]

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