Posts Tagged ‘criminally’

Boeing to be criminally INDICTED for fraud

(NaturalNews) Aerospace giant Boeing could face a criminal indictment from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for allegedly violating the terms of a 2021… Source

Good Evening From The Illegally Criminally, Militarily Occupied Republic of Texas

Ran my 5 foot by 8 foot Republic of Texas flag up the flag pole. Have a larger one but it is still in the package. Don’t figure to run it up the pole till the day The occupying US Corpations occupying Sub Corporation ‘THE STATE OF TEAXS’ has been run out of the occupied […]

Hate To Burst Your Bubble, But Republic of Texas Has Been Illegally, Criminally Militarily Occupied for 158 Years & Guvnor ABUTT is Their Khazarian Bit#h

A civil war is one in which two or more factions try to control the same seat of power through war. When the closet homosexual atheist Marxist manic depressive rabidly racist against African Americans Lincoln was narrowly elected even though his own family would not vote for him, knowing him too well, He doubled the […]

This is just one more way that POTUS Imposter Biden was criminally installed to destroy America!


Pastor in Sri Lanka Criminally Charged for Sermon Comments

Pastor Jerome Fernando was arrested in Sri Lanka on Dec. 1, 2023. (Keshia Kumaresan, Creative Commons) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A pastor in Sri Lanka was granted bail on Wednesday (Jan. 3) after being jailed since Dec. 1 on a charge of “outraging religious feelings” for comments in a sermon that appeared online, sources […]

Now you know his NWO globalist masters criminally installed him as POTUS imposter to mock US and demean the American people every day of his fraudulent term.

BIDEN (between coughs): "I've been eating everything that's put in front of me! I've eaten pasta, which I love. Eaten a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan…" JILL, ED.D.: "And ice cream!" — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 1, 2024 Source

The Republic of Texas Has Been Illegally Militarily Criminally Occupied for 158 Years & Counting

The ‘STATE OF TEXAS’ Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS is a sub corporation for the US Coprporation which is illegally in an international war crime occupying the illegally militarily criminally occupied Republic of Texas. Legal Axiom:‘THE FRUIT OF THE POISON TREE IS POISON”. The ‘UNITED STATES’ in an illegal criminal […]

Robert De Niro Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Criminally Insane’ In a ‘Medical Sense’

Unhinged far-left Hollywood star Robert De Niro has returned to his favorite side gig — badmouthing former President Donald Trump and his supporters. According to De Niro, Trump supporters are “criminally insane” and hell-bent on […] The post Robert De Niro Claims Trump Supporters Are ‘Criminally Insane’ In a ‘Medical Sense’ appeared first on The […]

There is no “Israel”, Only Illegally, Criminally Occupied Palestine

“All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to […]

Wenzhou Christian criminally detained in Sichuan, China, seminaries shut down

China (International Christian Concern) – On August 20, a Christian woman named Li Chunqing from Zhejiang province’s Wenzhou sent out an open prayer letter for her husband, Lin Xuesui, who was detained for attending Sunday worship. On June 14, Lin was criminally detained by the Public Security Bureau for “organizing and supporting illegal gathering” in […]

Feds to Criminally Charge Hunter Biden after Pedophile Code Words Found on Laptop

The Department of Justice is preparing to criminally charge Hunter Biden following a series of bombshell revelations about his ‘Laptop from Hell‘ that have been too disturbing to ignore. According to CNN, sources within the […] The post Feds to Criminally Charge Hunter Biden after Pedophile Code Words Found on Laptop appeared first on News […]

“Suitcases Full Of Drug Money”: Credit Suisse Found Criminally Guilty in Money-Laundering Case Tied to Cocaine Ring

Another day, another dismal development for the 2nd largest (but most damned) Swiss bank. On Monday, Credit Suisse Group was convicted of failing to prevent money laundering by a Bulgarian cocaine trafficker, in the first ever criminal conviction of a major Swiss bank in the country’s history. The verdict, in which a former relationship manager at the […]

Exclusive— Josh Mandel: ‘Big Tech Oligarchs’ Like Mark Zuckerberg Must Be Criminally Investigated

“Big Tech oligarchs” such as Mark Zuckerberg should be criminally pursued to stop large technology companies’ anti-competitive conduct, Josh Mandel, a Republican candidate running for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Ohio, said on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. “You’ve got to go after them criminally because they don’t […]

Gov. DeSantis ‘Should Be Criminally Liable’ For Covid Deaths In Florida Says Joy Behar

Joy Behar told her co-hosts on ‘The View’ that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis should be held “criminally liable ” for all the covid-19 death in his state because he banned face mask mandates. During Thursdays show, Behar accused DeSantis of committing ‘negligent homicide’ by putting his political ambitions ahead of safety. Breitbart reports: Co-host Whoopi […]

Biden Occupation Regime Criminally Brings more Weapons into Syria

 MIRI WOOD JULY 13, 2021 Biden invaders and occupation regime criminally entered Syria — again — on 12 July. This supremacist convoy contained 37 trucks “loaded with weapons and ammunition” and logistical equipment, along with “three trailers carrying new armored military vehicles and eight other trailers loaded with huge camouflaged boxes” and three four-wheeled cars equipped with machine guns.” […]

Whistleblower: Newspaper industry chiefs criminally negligent over Covid scaremongering

Whistleblower: Newspaper industry chiefs criminally negligent over Covid scaremongering David Icke / Gareth Icke – memes and headline comments by David Icke We publish the below anonymously for self-evident reasons. Working for what is essentially the propaganda unit of our government is something I am deeply ashamed of. I have been a journalist at newspapers […]

Peruvian Court Rules That Bill Gates, George Soros Criminally Liable For “Creating” COVID-19 Pandemic

Peruvian Court Rules That Bill Gates, George Soros Criminally Liable For “Creating” COVID-19 Pandemic Tap News / Weaver Share Bill Gates, George Soros, and several members of the Rockefeller family were deemed responsible for the advent and spread of the Chinese virus, which has killed tens of thousands of small businesses and forever changed the […]

The Assange saga: Practicing real journalism is criminally insane

January 07, 2021 By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times Synchronicity is definitely fond of mirror wonderwalls. The Julian Assange saga seemed to have entered a new chapter as he was, in thesis, on his way to – conditional – freedom this past Monday, only one day after the first anniversary of […]

Mary Trump: ‘Cruel and Traitorous’ Donald Must Be Held Criminally Accountable

President Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump called on her “criminal, cruel and traitorous” uncle to be held “accountable” after he leaves the White House in an interview this week with The Associated Press. Trump said, “In his view, winning is so important, and he always deserves to win that it’s okay to lie, cheat and steal.” She […]

New Yorkers Object to Andrew Cuomo’s Criminally Negligent Homicide

The following is a press release that I submitted today to PRweb/Cision intended to start a widespread conversation on Andrew Cuomo’s criminality and dictatorship; and how to get rid of it. As regime gatekeepers, they denied its release. This is the second time they did this to me. Likewise, I tried to advertise an ARREST […]

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