Posts Tagged ‘oligarchs’

AI Oligarchs Plans: Team With China, ‘Break’ Capitalism


Alex Marlow: Joe Biden’s A.I. Oligarchs Plan for Our Future — Harness U.S. Government, Team with China, and ‘Break’ Capitalism

Vast swaths of the federal bureaucracy are bought and paid for by Big Tech, laundered through “consulting” agreements and nonprofit grant programs. The latest—and by far the scariest—way that Joe Biden intends to accelerate this trend is with artificial intelligence (A.I.). Source

Updated: A list of oligarchs and Putin critics found dead since Ukraine war

Another mysterious death among Russian top executives last week drew further attention to the ever-increasing number of suspicious demises among the oligarchs and critics of President Vladimir Putin, raising questions on whether they have become all too common to be completely coincidental. Ivan Pechorin, a top manager at the Corporation for the Development of the […]

The Mysterious Deaths of Russian Oligarchs

Joe Biden to Send Another Billion Dollars to Ukrainian Regime and Oligarchs to Prop Up War Machine

We are coming up on the first year anniversary of the surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists. Hundreds if not thousands of Americans are still trapped inside Afghanistan – if they’re not dead. And the $85 billion in US weapons Joe Biden gave the terrorist regime are starting to work their way into the […]

Army General Reveals How Judeo-Masonic Oligarchs, Chabad Lubavitch Jews, And The C.I.A. Gained Control Of Ukraine

(Bitchute) A very revealing interview has been posted on Bitchute conducted with an unnamed General in the Ukrainian army in Simferopol, Ukraine on March 7, 2014. The General sounds bitter and frustrated by what was happening in his country at the time in early 2014 — the C.I.A./Soros-sponsored “Revolution of Dignity.” He wanted to get […]

Breaking News from the All-Powerful Oligarchs of Oz

The crisis in Ukraine has spun the world backward on its axis. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s atypical military campaign, or denazification as some refer to it, has most western nations frantic for solutions. Unfortunately, the NATO and EU states don’t bother to ask the right questions, let alone propose the correct answers. Now, with Russia […]

Exclusive— Josh Mandel: ‘Big Tech Oligarchs’ Like Mark Zuckerberg Must Be Criminally Investigated

“Big Tech oligarchs” such as Mark Zuckerberg should be criminally pursued to stop large technology companies’ anti-competitive conduct, Josh Mandel, a Republican candidate running for election to the U.S. Senate to represent Ohio, said on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. “You’ve got to go after them criminally because they don’t […]

Globalist Oligarchs Gather At Idaho Resort For Private Conference On ‘Immigration Reform,’ ‘Criminal Justice Reform’ And ‘Climate Change’

Renegade Editor’s Note: Most of these “globalist oligarchs” are jews of course. By Chris Menahan Globalist oligarchs Mike Bloomberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Bob Iger, Shari Redstone, Robert Kraft, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet along with current CIA director Bill Burns and many others have gathered at a resort in rural Idaho for a five-day Bilderberg-style conference […]

Report: Silver Spoon Oligarchs: How America’s 50 largest inherited-wealth dynasties accelerate inequality

Image Credit: The Greanville Post new IPS/ report finds that the U.S. continues to suffer from the extreme and growing wealth and power of inherited-wealth family dynasties – and the growth of their extreme wealth accelerated during the pandemic. The report, “Silver Spoon Oligarchs: How America’s 50 Largest Inherited-Wealth Dynasties Accelerate Inequality,” tracks the 50 […]

Vatican Hosting Fauci, Chelsea Clinton, Pfizer CEO, Big Tech Oligarchs at ‘Health’ Conference

Vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and a pro-abortion American actress known for posing nude, are all speakers at an upcoming Vatican conference on ‘health.’ There are only two Catholic clergy listed amongst the 114 speakers. by Michael Haynes The […]

Fauci, Pfizer CEO, Big Tech Oligarchs, Chelsea Clinton & Other Globalists To Speak At Vatican ‘Health’ Conference’

The Vatican has announced its fifth International Health Conference on “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” taking place next month. The Vatican event will host scores of globalist and pro-abortion speakers such as Chelsea Clinton, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, population control advocate Jane Goodall and the director of the U.S. National […]

Courage doctor from Canada unpacks: It’s the oligarchs pandemicCanadian physicia…

Courage doctor from Canada unpacks: It’s the oligarchs pandemicCanadian physicia… Henry Makow Courage doctor from Canada unpacks: It’s the oligarchs pandemic Canadian physician Dr. Mark Trozzi, left, himself a trauma surgeon and lecturer at two universities, has taken the much-touted PCR test under the microscope and comes to the conclusion: The test can not only […]

Cyprus is no longer a tax haven for Russia’s oligarchs — The Duran

By Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst… Moscow announced the unilateral termination of the transnational agreement with Cyprus on the avoidance of double taxation. Effectively, Cyprus will no longer be a tax haven for Russia’s rich. 720 more words via Cyprus is no longer a tax haven for Russia’s oligarchs — The Duran Share this: Like this: […]

Do U.S. Oligarchs Exist? Not in Mainstream Media

Do U.S. Oligarchs Exist? Not in Mainstream Media TV news shows are good at getting viewers riled up. Day and night, I hear the anchors on CNN and MSNBC getting us riled up about the schemes of this or that “Russian oligarch with links to the Kremlin.” I’ve heard that phrase incessantly in recent weeks […]

The Deadly Rule Of The Oligarchs

The Deadly Rule Of The Oligarchs Above Photo: Mr. Fish / Truthdig Oligarchic rule, as Aristotle pointed out, is a deviant form of government. Oligarchs care nothing for competency, intelligence, honesty, rationality, self-sacrifice or the common good. They pervert, deform and dismantle systems of power to serve their immediate interests, squandering the future for short-term personal gain. […]

israel’s Money Machine-Jewish oligarchs fund crimes against humanity

The stars came out in Hollywood on November 2nd, or at least some of them did. The gala event celebrated the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and raised funds to support its mission in Israel itself and on the occupied West Bank. The organization being fêted was the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF), which […]

(((Suburbicon))): Dr. Duke Proves How Jewish Ultra-Racist Oligarchs Promote Mass Discrimination & Anti-White Racial Hatred in America!

(((Suburbicon))): Dr. Duke Proves How Jewish Ultra-Racist Oligarchs Promote Mass Discrimination & Anti-White Racial Hatred in America!   Download Today Dr. Duke talked about the latest blockbuster attempt by Hollywood to instill shame and self-hate in whites and incite blacks to violence: Suburbicon. The film stars George Clooney and Matt Damon, and depicts the first […]

Rising Up Against The Oligarchs Does Not Equal Socialism

By Jon Rappoport There are “people’s” groups all over the world who advocate the overthrow of the men at the top —the Oligarchs—who control nations. These people’s groups want to install socialism as the answer to Oligarchy. That’s preposterous. The Oligarchs—bankers, mega-corporate CEOs, financiers, government leaders, intelligence agencies—collude to cut out competition so […]

Trump Hires Personal Lawyer Who Defended Putin’s Oligarchs for FBI Russia Probe

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Host of Hardline Radio Show Donald Trump has “lawyered up” to combat the on-going investigation into his campaign’s contacts with Russia. Trump has hired his long-time representative Marc Kasowitz “as private attorney on matters related to the Russia investigation.” Kasowitz will defend Trump as an individual, separate from […]

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