Archive for the ‘clinton’ Category

New Jersey Transgender prison inmates Accused for Raping Female Inmates and Impregnating them

A female New Jersey prison inmate clams she was sexually assaulted by a transgender convict whose “aggressive” actions were not stopped by staff inside a notorious women’s penitentiary. An unidentified female inmate has sued the New Jersey Department of Corrections after claiming she was sexually assaulted at the now-closed Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women […]


November 26th, 2022. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step december 4th. One step at a time, hand in […]

Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton’s White House 17 Times

Newly obtained documents show that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein visited the Clinton White House 17 times, including twice in one day on three separate occasions. Bill Clinton welcoming Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in the White House / The Sun “Epstein, who died in 2019, visited Bill Clinton at the Executive Mansion over the course of […]

$1.25 Billion, ISIS Annual Revenue from Stolen Syrian and Iraqi Oil

 ARABI SOURI NOVEMBER 15, 2021 “ISIL (ISIS – DAESH) was getting stronger, Daesh was threatening the possibility of going to Damascus, we know that this was growing, we were watching, we saw that Daesh was growing in strength, and we thought that Assad was threatened, we thought, however, that we can probably manage that Assad might then […]

Hillary Clinton demands Boris ‘mandate vaccines’ and wants those refusing jabs sacked

HILLARY CLINTON has demanded Prime Minister Boris Johnson mandate vaccines and sack anti-vaxxers in an extraordinary intervention into British politics. By TOM HUSSEY10:08, Sun, Oct 24, 2021 Hilary Clinton says Boris Johnson ‘needs to mandate vaccines’ The former Democrat presidential candidate told Andrew Marr Mr Johnson should implement draconian rules and sanctions around vaccine uptake in order to force infection […]

Bill Clinton Took Two Previously Undisclosed Trips Abroad With Ghislaine Maxwell

As the world awaits the trial of Jeffrey Epstein ‘madame’ Ghislaine Maxwell, the Daily Mail reported Friday – citing information revealed in a forthcoming podcast – that President Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” (the private jet belonging to the deceased billionaire and convicted pedophile) during a trip to Taiwan, Japan and China. At […]

Watch: Ex-Senate President of Haiti EXPOSED the Clinton Foundation & Hillary

Former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, shocked a large crowd at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL. Sansaricq exposes all of the dirty dealings of the Clinton’s in Haiti while he was still in office. Donald Trump, to his credit, allowed him to speak his mind and expose to the world what […]

Hillary Clinton Privately Warned France Back in 2009 That Wuhan P4 Lab May Lead to Bioweapon Research

In a leaked State Department cable from 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could lead to “biological weapons proliferation concern.” by Jack Posobiec The cable, obtained via Wikileaks, was sent from the State Department in June 2009 to all embassies in member nations ahead of the Australia Group […]

Massive Depopulation by 2025 (Edwin Deagle – Think “CFR”)

Note: I viewed this chart with population proposals in mid 2020 with the link clearly indicating ‘forecast ‘ That link now only takes you to a chart that has no population forecasts. (Anyone who is familiar with the site & can point me elsewhere for those figures please do). I do also recall at the […]

Vatican Hosting Fauci, Chelsea Clinton, Pfizer CEO, Big Tech Oligarchs at ‘Health’ Conference

Vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and a pro-abortion American actress known for posing nude, are all speakers at an upcoming Vatican conference on ‘health.’ There are only two Catholic clergy listed amongst the 114 speakers. by Michael Haynes The […]

22 Years Ago: NATO’s Illegal and Criminal Invasion of Yugoslavia

By Nebojsa Malic Global Research, March 23, 2021 Global Research 26 March 2005 This article by renowned author Nobojsa Malic was first published on March 26, 2005 In the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of what was then the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. For some reason, many in the targeted nation thought the name of […]

SDF Wetworkers Engage in Mass Kidnappings of Young Syrian Men

MIRI WOOD MARCH 9, 2021  SDF armed terrorists, secessionists, unindicted Nuremberg criminals have engaged in mass abductions of young Syrian men from al Raqqa and al Hasakah governates. Over the recent two days, these savages kidnapped over 200 young men, taking them to concentration camps for purposes of turning them “into killing machines by the CIA and […]

The Dangerous Alliance of Rothschild and the Vatican of Francis

22.12.2020  Author: F. William Engdahl Holy Moly! The most globalist and interventionist Pope since the Crusades of the 12th Century has formalized an alliance with the largest figures in global finance led by none other than that noble banking family, Rothschild. The new alliance is a joint venture they call “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican.” […]

Clinton Epstein, Fleeing NYC, IsrAliens – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: Bill Clinton confirmed on Epstein’s island; the banksters flee the sinking ship of New York; and Israel space chief admits the Galactic Federation exists. CLICK HERE for […]

Interview 1608 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

HomeRemedySupply says: The Psychopaths and SociopathsThe following December 9th article by Brandon Smith brings up a few points which clicked with me. The entire article is worth viewing. Is The Globalist “Reset” Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand EXCERPTS One aspect of narcopaths (narcissistic sociopaths) that is important to remember is that they […]

After Trump the flood:

December 08, 2020 by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi for the Saker Blog Whether there was indeed voter fraud and rigging, and I personally believe there was and at a huge scale, it seems that, by hook or by crook, Joe Biden will become the next President of the United States of America; and we should […]

Meet the new boss!

Posted on November 27, 2020 by indigoblue76 [embedded content] Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Related Filed under: Al Qaeda, America, American Wars, Clinton, IRAQ, ISIS, Syria, War on Syria | Tagged: American Aggression, Biden, Obama, Refugees, US Democrats Republicans Duo, US-mercenaries |

Putin Expels the Families

November 19, 2020 by The Ister for The Saker Blog The 1990s was a time of immense suffering for the Russian people. As the impending collapse of the USSR became discernable, insiders such as Nikolai Kruchina, Viktor Geraschenko, and Leonid Veselovsky created a planning group to ensure the continued influence of Soviet-era officials by transferring […]

A Dem Presidency means The Return of the Blob

October 30, 2020 by Pepe Escobar with permission and cross posted with Asia Times What happens on November 3rd ? It’s like a larger than life replay of the famous Hollywood adage: “No one knows anything.” The Dem strategy is crystal clear, spawned by the gaming of election scenarios embedded in the Transition Integrity Project and made even more […]

POTUS Punk vs. Dem Dementia

October 15, 2020 by Pepe Escobar and cross posted with Strategic Culture Foundation The whole planet is enthralled, appalled, shocked and awed by the spectacle of democracy as enacted under the shadow of messianic imperialism – complete with a slew of slimy, smoking gun October Surprises. We’re in total Frank Underwood territory. And as befits the ultimate “society of the […]

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