Martin Luther King was another Masonic Controlled Opposition, just like Hitler. Views: 166
Posts Tagged ‘masonic’
Martin Luther King was another Masonic Controlled Opposition just like Hitler.

Trump, Harris & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Mind Vise

(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.) A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe. There is an intensifying conflict between Left” (globalism) and “Right,” (nationalism)which are each backed by a Masonic […]
June 9 – We’re Trapped in a Masonic Jewish Solipsism

(In a solipsism, reality is redefined to conform with partisan self-interest) Whether it’s the Left (Communist) or Right (Zionist) wing of the Masonic Jewish dialectic, Humanity is trapped in the self-serving Cabalist Jewish Mission to enslave and dispossess mankind through plandemics, vaccines, financial crises, and contrived wars. In a solipsism, reality is redefined to conform […]
June 5 – Rothschild’s Third Masonic-Jewish World War is Starting

WORLD WAR III WATCH: NATO Drawing Up Plans to Deploy American Soldiers to the Front Line to Potentially Fight Russia in An All-Out War The public is blissfully ignorant of the fact we are in the summer of 1939. The death wish of Western Civilization is nearing fulfillment. All wars are designed by Freemasons on both […]
Pawns in High Places The Masonic roots of Voodoo

Pawns in High Places The Masonic roots of Voodoo Wed 1:10 pm +01:00, 10 Apr 2024 posted by pete fairhurst 2 “Since the fateful inception of modern Freemasonry on the night of June 24th, 1717, the world has been wracked by an increasingly growing list of bloody and violent revolutions. From America to France, […]
March 26 – The Age of Masonic Jewish Overreach

(Antisemitism is anti-Satanism. We gave our national credit card to people who want to destroy us.) In the past four years, the Satanists overreached in four ways which guarantee their ultimate downfall. 1. Rebranding the seasonal flu as a pandemic and poisoning millions with gene therapy disguised as “vaccines.” Having revealed their “You will own […]
Trump & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Tag Team

(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.) A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe. There is an intensifying conflict between Left” (globalism) and “Right,” (nationalism) which are each backed […]
Masonic symbols and brethren on world currency, according to the Grand Lodge of Russia

Below is a slideshow published by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Russia. It reveals masonic symbols and Freemason members on bank notes from various countries throughout the world and during different eras. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source Views: 1
Nov 7 – Lavrov Blames “Anglo Saxons” Not Masonic Jews for Coming World War

(left, Masonic thumb on knuckle handshake) In the third great Masonic Jewish world war, Zionists will play the role of Nazis, and Russia-Muslims Will be the Communists. Rothschild-controlled Freemasons like Lavrov are on both sides of every world war. Please send links and comments to Russia says West is pushing Middle East to brink of a […]
Oct 30 – Masonic Bankers Fund Both Sides of Islam-Zionist Conflict

200 held as Jewish group shuts NYC’s Grand Central calling for Gaza ceasefire Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Zionist group, protests Israeli strikes on Hamas with banners and slogans saying ‘not in our name,’ and ‘Palestinians should be free’ – There is no such thing as grass roots any more. It’s all astro turf. […]
Oct 27 – Feckless Goyim Enlist for Third Masonic World War

This cartoon is being shadowbanned. I found it on Yandex. Please send links and comments to US bombs Syria in an effort to provoke Iran into World War III “Things are escalating much faster than we anticipated. The U.S. has just bombed multiple targets in Syria, clearly in an effort to provoke Iran […]
Masonic Jewish Conspiracy – Last Moment of Lucidity Was 103 Years Ago

We can’t even acknowledge the calamity that has befallen mankind without being “politically incorrect,” an old Communist Party term now in mainstream use. It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment a century ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time. In July 1920, the staid Tory newspaper, The Morning […]
How Franco’s Belief In A ‘Jewish Masonic Bolshevik’ Conspiracy To Destroy Christian Spain Was Vindicated

Francisco Franco meets Adolf Hitler (The Jewish Chronicle) A historian is now denying that there were enough Jews in Spain to organize a “Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik Conspiracy” which Francisco Franco believed was actively hell-bent on destroying and overthrowing Christian Spain: “In May 1949, Israel’s ambassador to the UN addressed the General Assembly to oppose the re-establishment of […]
Masonic symbols of Russia

House of the insurance company “Russia”. Institute of Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky. Russian Freemasons considered the all-seeing eye not only a divine sign, but also a symbol of the future.In the photo: Sklifosovsky Institute (Moscow) The all-seeing eye or the gaze of the Great Architect of the Universe. Freemasons believed deeply in God […]
Army General Reveals How Judeo-Masonic Oligarchs, Chabad Lubavitch Jews, And The C.I.A. Gained Control Of Ukraine

(Bitchute) A very revealing interview has been posted on Bitchute conducted with an unnamed General in the Ukrainian army in Simferopol, Ukraine on March 7, 2014. The General sounds bitter and frustrated by what was happening in his country at the time in early 2014 — the C.I.A./Soros-sponsored “Revolution of Dignity.” He wanted to get […]
We Are Surrounded By Masonic & Satanic Symbols – Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies

In the modern world, we are surrounded by countless logos, symbols, and graphs that make up our everyday life. No matter where we look, willingly or unwillingly, we find ourselves immersed in a deep layer of information that is in turn filled with secret symbols and eerie meanings. And while ancient societies such as the Illuminati, […]
Bizarre Masonic Police Force Uncovered In Los Angeles

Claiming to be descendants of the Knights Templar, the Masonic Fraternal Police Department vowed to “protect Masonic Grandmasters” across 33 states. Three California residents were arrested on April 30th on suspicion of impersonating a police officer and were released later that day. Claiming to be the “oldest police force in the world”, the Masonic Fraternal […]
Cristeros War- Mexicans Revolted Against Judeo Masonic Tyranny

From June 15, 2013 20th Century Mexico’s Catholic Uprising by Olivier Lelibre (Abridged by In 1924, Plutarco Elias Calles became President. For this descendant of Spanish Jews, a 33rd degree Mason, “the Church is the unique cause of all Mexico’s misfortunes.” For him, too, she had to disappear. [He was a tool of the […]
Jordan Peterson Defends Masonic Jewish Conspiracy

So, what’s the story? No conspiracy. Get it? No conspiracy. Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority because, as a group, they have a higher mean IQ. Thus sayeth Peterson: Jews are grossly overrepresented in both GOP and Democrat Administrations due to their higher IQ and NOT because Rothschild bankers control US credit and […]