Posts Tagged ‘supporters’

AG Garland Says Trump Supporters Need To Be Jailed To Prevent ‘Second Holocaust’

Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday called for the mass arrest of Trump supporters in America, warning that a ‘Second Holocaust’ could happen if they are allowed to remain free. The shocking comments were […] The post AG Garland Says Trump Supporters Need To Be Jailed To Prevent ‘Second Holocaust’ appeared first on The […]

Israel supporters angry over CUNY hiring Marc Lamont Hill

In 2018, Marc Lamont Hill was fired from his job at CNN over comments he made in support of Palestinian liberation. Now, Israel supporters are angered over his hiring by CUNY. Source

Alex Soros Vows To ‘Wipe Trump Supporters From Face of the Earth’

Alex Soros has vowed to “wipe Trump supporters from the face of the Earth” ahead of the 2024 presidential election in America. The son of George Soros and newly appointed head of the Open Society […] The post Alex Soros Vows To ‘Wipe Trump Supporters From Face of the Earth’ appeared first on The People's […]

Backers of endless war deplore that many Trump supporters favor using violence

Are some of Trump’s true believers are eager to adapt the violent precepts of perpetual war to American politics? Source

Facebook Hires CIA Agent To Censor Trump Supporters Ahead of 2024 Election

Facebook has hired former CIA agent Aaron Berman to oversee a team of people tasked with censoring Trump and his supporters on the platform ahead of the 2024 election. According to reports, Berman has been […] The post Facebook Hires CIA Agent To Censor Trump Supporters Ahead of 2024 Election appeared first on The People's […]

‘We Need to Start Killing’: Trump’s Far-Right Supporters Are Threatening Civil War

In what is becoming a now all-too-familiar trend, former President Donald Trump’s far-right supporters have threatened civil war after news broke Thursday that the former president was indicted for allegedly taking classified documents from the White House without permission. “We need to start killing these traitorous fuckstains,” wrote one Trump supporter on The Donald, a […]

Supporters of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny mark birthday with protests

Supporters of jailed Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny held protests in Russia and several European cities to mark his third birthday in prison. Supporters of jailed Russian opposition figure, Alexeï Navalny, held protests in Moscow, Germany, and elsewhere in the world on Sunday to show their support as the 47-year-old spent his third birthday in […]

WATCH OUT!!! FAKE “Trump Supporters” at Manhattan Protest Are Identified As an Actor And an Anarchist (Possible Antifa Member) By Independent Journalist [VIDEO]

FAKE “Trump Supporters” at Manhattan Protest Are Identified As an Actor And an Anarchist (Possible Antifa Member) By Independent Journalist [VIDEO] Source

Pakistan’s Ex-PM Imran Khan Marks Court Presence as Supporters Clash With Police

ISLAMABAD—Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan officially marked his presence in court in the country’s capital on Saturday, his aide said, complying with judicial orders after a standoff with police that has led to intense clashes with his supporters. Local media Geo TV reported that the trial court in Islamabad cancelled the warrants for his […]

Israel’s liberal supporters are taking their denial to a new level

“Netanyahu is subverting Israel’s democracy” while advancing “a plan to completely strip the independence of Israel’s Supreme Court.” Source

A letter to supporters of Israel: It is time to break your silence

Dear Supporters of Israel, It is time to step out and criticize this country that has operated above accountability. Things are spiraling out of control. They have been out of control for some time, but now the insanity and madness are being exposed to the world, and this arrogant behavior must be brought into question […]

Sanders supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party. It’s not going well.

When Bernie Sanders’ supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party two years ago, progressives across the country were thrilled. Socialists had managed to bring down one of the most powerful establishment forces in the nation, the famed Democratic machine built by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. They saw it as a blueprint for the […]

‘Resistance and Unity’: DFLP Supporters Rally in Gaza (PHOTOS)

February 21, 2023 By Palestine Chronicle Staff Palestinian supporters of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine took part in a march marking the 54th anniversary of the group’s founding in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. DFLP is one of the main socialist movements in Palestine. Its origins go back to […]

More protests erupt across Brazil after Bolsonaro supporters storm Congress

Brazil’s President has vowed to protect democracy and punish thousands after supporters of ex-President Jair Bolsonaro stormed Congress on Sunday. Source

Jair Bolsonaro Hospitalized In Florida After Supporters Storm Brazil’s Congress, Wife Says

The right-wing former Brazilian president, who has not acknowledged his election defeat, was experiencing abdominal pain, according to his wife. Source

Jair Bolsonaro Supporters Clash With Police In Brazil’s Capital

Ever since his defeat in October’s election, many of his backers have gathered outside military barracks across the country refusing to concede defeat. Source

Morocco fan dances with Senegal supporters

WATCH: African teams continue to shine after Morocco triumph Source

Trump’s Jan. 6 supporters feted at his Mar-a-Lago campaign launch

When Donald Trump plunged into the 2024 presidential race last week at his Mar-a-Lago club, he was surrounded by sidekicks, superfans and self-described sycophants. Among them was another subset of Trump world figures who look poised to help form the coalition behind his third presidential bid: those sympathetic to or even a part of the […]

Pakistani police use heavy tear gas on Imran Khan supporters

READ: Will be back on streets once I fully recover: ex-Pakistan PM Khan in address after attack Source

Imran Khan supporters protest rally shooting

Imran Khan supporters protest rally shooting Source

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