Posts Tagged ‘coleman’

The persecution of long time whistle blower Dr Vernon Coleman: the dirty tricks used to make life miserable & difficult for him & his wife


Dr. Vernon Coleman: If the Covid Jab was a Trial Run – What Happens Next?

There is still much mystery about the covid vaccine…My suspicion has, for a long time, been that the covid jab was merely a test to try out some form of weapon system.” By Dr. Vernon Coleman Evidence from researchers around the world has shown that Bluetooth signals can be detected in some individuals who have been […]

Vernon Coleman – Israel Supporters are Monsters

How long will it be before anti-semitism becomes  the regrettable but default condition for billions  of caring and morally responsible citizens of the world? “Jews who think Israel can do no wrong will fill the internet with anonymous abuse and threats  but the fact is that Israel is now the most wicked nation the world […]

1993 Prozac Live TV Debate with Dr Vernon Coleman [Strong Language]

VIDEO LINK Dr Coleman helps highlight the info Big Pharma won’t be telling you. You will also hear from folk who took it & how they fared. Doctors don’t tell their patients of the side effect risks … the norm as we’ve seen clearly in very recent years. Also featuring in the vid debate is […]

Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘They don’t want you to own a home’

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON AUGUST 22, 2022 • ( 18 COMMENTS ) In the world of the Great Reset, ordinary people will not be allowed to own their own homes. The widely promoted principle ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’ will apply to buying and owning any sort of property as much as it will apply to anything else. […]

Dr Vernon Coleman: Time is Running Out for Those Who Care About Freedom

The manager of a favourite café told me yesterday that their electricity bill, currently £900 a month, will rise to £2,800 from next month. That won’t be unusual. Energy bills everywhere [literally, all over the world] are going to triple. A litre of petrol or diesel will soon cost over £2. Charging an electric car […]


DR VERNON COLEMAN -THERE WILL BE BIG PROBLEMS FOR THE VAXXED Tap News / David 2 Original Article: Become a Patron $1 Per Month or make a Donation Your support is appreciated | We will win this war Source

Dr. John Coleman Published This in 1993: At Least 4 Billion ‘Useless Eaters’ to be Culled by 2050

From the book ‘The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of Committee of 300‘ by Dr. John Coleman (fmr. MI-6 Intelligence Analyst), published in 1993: “At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be […]


DR. VERNON COLEMAN – WE ARE WINNING THE WAR! HIS PREDICTION FOR 2022! Tap News / David 2 Original Article: Support $1 Per Month or make a Donation Thank you for helping independent media Source


 DR VERNON COLEMAN’S REVIEW – THE GENOCIDAL CURVE – TIME TO SPEAK UP! Tap News / David 2 Original Article: Become a Patron! $1 Per Month or make a Donation Thank you for helping support our work and our mission in this war. Armed with the truth, united we stand. Source

UK Wants to Add Fluoride to Drinking Water – Dr Vernon Coleman Explains Why This ‘Does Far More Harm Than Good’

The UK’s four chief medical officers (including the inevitable and, to me, increasingly scary Dr Whitty of England) want to see fluoride added to all drinking water in the UK. There is already fluoride in some areas but these people, who have I believe betrayed the British public throughout the covid-19 fraud, now want fluoride […]


Isabel Maxwell, sister of Ghislaine Maxwell, was married to filmmaker Dale Djerassi. “Dale Djerassi participated in the ‘St. Batman Crucifixion’ in Woodside, Calif., in 1994.” Linked to Jeffrey Epstein is the powerful UK politician Peter Mandelson. Epstein’s Black Book. Peter Mandelson, who is Jewish, is the son of Mary Morrison and George Mandelson.[9] His father’s […]

Dr Vernon Coleman: Covid Jab is Up to Six Times Deadlier to Boys as Covid-19

Anyone who still recommends giving the covid jab to teenage boys should be arrested, charged, convicted and jailed for attempted murder. Image: David Icke The ever popular section on my website which is entitled `Updated 10th September – How many people are the vaccines killing?’ this evening contains a link to research conducted by a […]

Dr. Vernon Coleman: How the Vaccines are killing people and how they plan to kill 7 billion

Please share this very important article with everyone you know. Also, please help save lives and send this article to hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, care homes, schools, newspapers, journalists, etc.  No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill. But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention […]

Dr Vernon Coleman | Passing Observations 36

Passing Observations 36 Tap News / Weaver This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not. 1. Police are encouraging the public to download […]

Vernon Coleman – Why are So Many So Stupid? Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source


Conspirators’ Hierarchy Quotes ― John Coleman “How the Committee of 300 Arranges Elections The term “fair and free elections” has no meaning in the U.S. The candidates for the presidency are selected by the Committee of 300 so in reality it does not matter who “wins” the election and goes on to the White House.” […]

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Vital Revelations About How Masks Damage Children (Permanently)

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Vital Revelations About How Masks Damage Children (Permanently) Tap News / Weaver Dr Vernon Coleman – Truth Comes To Light March 6, 2021 Original video is available at Dr. Vernon Coleman BrandNewTube channel. — [As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are […]

Dr Vernon Coleman reply to the One-Sided BBC Panorama Programme on Vaccination

My Reply to the One-Sided BBC Panorama Programme on Vaccination Tap News / Weaver (This is the script of Vernon Coleman’s contribution to the film `We will not be silenced’ (Ask the Experts II) which was published on 20th February 2021 by Oracle Films and Covileaks. It is Vernon’s response to a Panorama programme which […]

How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing? – (Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA)

No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill. But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine: 1) A 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two who worked in paediatrics died at […]

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