Posts Tagged ‘happens’

Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you suddenly gave the internet to a remote, isolated indigenous tribe with no prior experience of the modern world? Source

Iran vs Israel: What Happens Next Now That Shots Have Been Fired?

So far, both Lebanon and Iran have directly engaged Israeli military forces and civilian targets. Syrian militias are also declaring they will once again start attacking US military bases in the region. In my article ‘World War III Is Now Inevitable – Here’s Why It Can’t Be Avoided’ published on April 5th I noted that: Source

BTW, this never happens in Japan! Thousands of Japanese Citizens Flood Streets to Protest WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines



A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

Dr. Vernon Coleman: If the Covid Jab was a Trial Run – What Happens Next?

There is still much mystery about the covid vaccine…My suspicion has, for a long time, been that the covid jab was merely a test to try out some form of weapon system.” By Dr. Vernon Coleman Evidence from researchers around the world has shown that Bluetooth signals can be detected in some individuals who have been […]

What Happens Next

More war. More terrorism. More refugees flooding towards Europe. The faces change, the agenda always stays the same. Please share this video! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at ALERT! In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we […]

What Happens After Israel Flattens Gaza?

While Israel has been committing atrocities against Palestinians for decades, the flagrancy and ferocity of this looks different than what we have seen in the past. Source

What happens next in Hollywood as writers reach a deal to end strike?

Film and television writers appear poised to return to work, after the Writers Guild of America (WGA) reached a tentative agreement with Hollywood studios Sunday. However, Hollywood isn’t back in action quite yet. Even as writers prepare to head back to work, thousands of actors with the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio… […]

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data

Originally Published on Vigilant News “The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health. Brian Hooker is senior director of science and research at Children’s Health Defense and professor emeritus of biology at Simpson University in […]

What happens in Russia after The Longest Day?

June 27 2023 By Pepe Escobar Following Wagner’s ‘rebellion’ – which was nothing more than a blatant coup attempt, and a PR stunt demonstrated by Prighozin’s top-notch theatrics – NATO and the Collective West’s excitement over the possibility of Russia descending into chaos and civil war were quickly turned into utter disappointment. The first draft of the extraordinary […]

What Happens Next In The Ukraine Proxy War? A New Russian Offensive In Spring

From the very beginning of the Ukraine conflict I have been following developments on both sides. My concern has always been the larger implications in geopolitics and economics. Because globalism has pushed most nations into interdependency, an ongoing war in Ukraine could very well set off a chain of dominoes that tests America’s already unstable […]

What Happens If China’s Economy Collapses?

China, home to a population of over 1.4 billion, is the world’s second-largest economy, with the nation experiencing an average annual growth rate of 6.7 percent since 2012, driven in part by its dominance in manufacturing and its cheap exports of goods. As of 2022, China had a GDP of $17.7 trillion, just behind the United States with […]

CBDCs, SDRs, and the Re-Monetization of Gold… Here’s What Happens Next

READ HERE:   Source

What Happens To Bitcoin After The Ethereum Merge? – GreatGameIndia

According to Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, the second-largest digital currency in the world is anticipated to finish making the switch from Proof of Work (PoW) consensus, which consumes a lot of energy, to Proof of State (PoS) consensus, between September 13 and September 15. How will The Merge, which is believed to fundamentally […]

What Happens To Bitcoin After The Ethereum Merge?

According to Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, the second-largest digital currency in the world is anticipated to finish making the switch from Proof of Work (PoW) consensus, which consumes a lot of energy, to Proof of State (PoS) consensus, between September 13 and September 15. How will The Merge, which is believed to fundamentally […]

Queen Elizabeth II has died: What happens next?

There will be nine days between the death of Her Majesty and her funeral, which are carefully choreographed with ceremony, pageantry and formalities.

When The Dimensional Shift Happens

by Teri Wade, The Dimensional shift will change the molecular structure of your body cause that is the only way you can make this transition. Your body must become less dense. We’re currently being prepped for it in various ways…. The Day of Purification When the Dimensional shift happens we’ll experience the 3rd dimensional […]

What Happens When You Eat Instant Noodles? Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

What Happens When People Find Out COVID Is A Lie And They Have Been Vaccinated Against Something That Doesn’t Exist

At the moment many in the truth movement are already demanding Nuremberg Trials for the corrupt politicians, Media officials, and sell-out doctors who have turned their backs on humanity. Millions have died due to Covid vaccines. But the media is not giving it an inch of coverage. And politicians are now hell-bent on getting our […]

What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah

The LORD is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations cannot endure his wrath. (Jeremiah 10:10) by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News God’s wrath (anger) is apparently not a very popular topic. I have received numerous emails from people over the past couple of […]

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