Posts Tagged ‘revelations’

New revelations about Claudine Gay’s selection as Harvard president indicate being black helped her avoid academic scrutiny

(NaturalNews) How does someone who committed academic plagiarism on multiple occasions make their way to the top position in one of America’s toughest… Source

Top Whistleblower Makes Explosive Revelations Dubbed CTIL Files Regarding Secret Anti-Disinformation Group Created For Censorship Purposes

Dr. Hura Anwar11/29/2023 A whistleblower revealed secret CTIL documents, exposing government involvement in online censorship. Journalists like Michael Shellenberger uncovered how the CTIL, initially portrayed as a volunteer group, was linked to government agencies in the U.S. and UK. Investigations confirmed CTIL’s role in shaping narratives and suppressing information, impacting major events like Trump’s election […]

Florida Surgeon General Drops Eye-Opening Revelations on Biden Admin’s Booster Push

Originally Published on Vigilant News Building on previous guidance from September 13, the office of Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo issued a new statement Monday (October 23, 2023), telling Floridians to think twice about the COVID-19 booster shots formulated for the XBB.1.5 variant, which is now on the verge of extinction. Dr. Joseph Ladapo: […]

Shocking new revelations about CCP connections to the White House: DOJ’s probe of Biden family associate found to have “irregularities”

(NaturalNews) A Washington D.C.-based conservative/activist think tank recently proved how President Joe Biden has become a compromised, treasonous puppet of the… Source

Impending Financial Collapse, #TwoPartyIllusion Operatives, Ohio Revelations & Manufacturing Consent

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/12/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Capitol Bldg Faux Riot Revelations

The Kosher trap set for the peaceful demonstrators on Jan. 6, 2121. Tucker Carlson Tonight: January 6 Episode- March 6, 2023 ( Democommies and CNN furious over the release of the Suppressed Jan 6 tapes!!! [embedded content] Praise Yahweh and pass the ammunition. Share this: Source


RUSSIA’S RESPONSE TO SEYMOUR HERSCH REVELATIONS – IF NEGOTIATIONS FAIL PUTIN WILL GIVE 72 HOURS BEFORE USING NUCLEAR WEAPONS WarNews24/7  However, I believe the following to be the original. 72 hours before the use of tactical nuclear weapons: what should Russia do after revealing the US trace in undermining the Nord Streams I would like […]

INFOGRAPHIC: Key Revelations of the ‘Twitter Files’

Files reveal how the government pressured the social media giant into censoring a large number of accounts By Petr Svab January 17, 2023 Updated: January 18, 2023 Documents revealed by Twitter’s new owner, tech billionaire Elon Musk, show the social media company has been intertwined with a government–private censorship apparatus. Twitter suppressed or removed content on various subjects, including irregularities in […]

8 Most Shocking Revelations From Trump’s Tax Returns

After years of anticipation, Democrats released the tax returns of Donald Trump, shattering Trump’s dream of working as an accountant for H&R Block. Members of the House Ways and Means Committee say this proves once and for all that Trump is “guilty of something, probably.” But what do these tax returns actually reveal? Source

More Revelations About the Nature of the ‘Capitol Coup’

More Revelations About the Nature of the ‘Capitol Coup’ December 14, 2022 Russ Winter    PAINTING: Anthony Freda/ZeroHedge Details are emerging that point to the psyop nature of the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill shit storm. One assorted group of sketchy characters I have referred to as the “Village People” — headed up by a guy […]

FBI Agent Testimony: Warnings of a “hack and leak” ahead of the Hunter Biden revelations

Analyzing the deposition of FBI Agent Francis Chan Techno Fog Dec 6 2022 Today, we learned more about the FBI’s influence operation during the 2020 election election. Yesterday, as part of a civil rights suit against the Biden Administration, Missouri Attorney General (and Senator-elect) Eric Schmitt released the deposition transcript of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And just […]

Interview 1770 – James Corbett on the 300th Episode of Revelations Radio News

HomeRemedySupply says: Damn! Wow!!Thanks for the comment JayaJeff.Your comment had been rolling around in my mind like a loose marble for the past 24 hours. I tried to shake it and let it go, but more marbles started rolling.Gosh…I was afraid that I might lose all my marbles. Then “Bang!”…out of know-where came this sudden […]

Sam Bankman-Fried’s Law Firm Drops Him As A Client Amid Ongoing Bankruptcy Revelations

With post-mortem after post-mortem after FTX port-mortem piling up, even as the questions surrounding the world’s biggest crypto fraud and bankruptcy pile up at an even faster pace amid a breathless demand for answers – like where did all that $8 billion really go – on Saturday we learned that as part of the firm’s shambolic bankruptcy process, FTX won’t even disclose its […]

Recent Revelations About Ukraine’s Illegal Arms Projects Highlights Other Major Shifts in the World

Earlier this year Russia alleged that Ukraine and the United States were developing biological weapons. The development of these weapons has been banned since the signing of a convention on the topic in 1971. These reports are all dismissed by the Western mainstream media that alleged it was Russian disinformation. Unfortunately for the Western media […]

With Bucha Provocation the US Tries to Hush Up the Revelations of its Bioweapons Development

In recent days, a wave of false accusations against Russia emegerged in the West, alleging that its military committed war crimes in Bucha, Ukraine, during its special operation to denazify Ukraine. This is despite the fact that, in addition to official statements by the Russian authorities about the fake nature of these allegations, a senior Pentagon official has […]

ACH (1699) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1699) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on January 25 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Revelations […]

ACH (1689) Don Black, Jay Hess, And Patrick Slattery – The Stormfront National Bugle ACH Show #5 – The Revelations Of Rabbi Yaron Reuven

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1689) Don Black, Jay Hess, And Patrick Slattery – The Stormfront National Bugle ACH Show #5 – The Revelations Of Rabbi Yaron Reuven Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on January 12 2022, Andy participated in […]

Explosive revelations about the FDA and Pfizer’s COVID vaccine [PART 1&2]

With billions of Pfizer COVID shots having been mandated by governments and administered to citizens around the world, there have of course been millions of adverse events that have occurred. A group of scientists have sent a FOIA request to the FDA to ascertain the approval process of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and the first 500 […]

Revelations expose CIA’s war on WikiLeaks – #26

A new investigative article published by Yahoo! News on Sunday has given us fresh insights into the CIA’s war against WikiLeaks. US spies in 2017 plotted to kidnap or even murder Assange, the new article shows. The organisation’s publisher, the journalist Julian Assange, is currently a political prisoner in a British jail. Read issue 16 […]

Top Administrator for US Conference of Catholic Bishops Resigns After Revelations He Frequented Gay Bars and Used Grindr

Isn’t it ridiculous how so many people on the “right wing” are encouraging us to turn to Catholicism as a bastion of family values and tradition in the degenerate West? E. Michael Jones, Nick Fuentes, Milo Yiannopolous, and many others constantly shill for one of the most corrupt organizations in the past two millennia. Jeffrey […]

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