Here’s why the U.S. Congress is sanctioning the ICC for issuing
an arrest warrant for war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.

SOTN Editor’s Note: A guilty psychopath will always strike out at its accuser out of sheer guilt.  This is what they do, and often with great success.  However, that wily tactic will not work in this case because the countless crimes against humanity committed in Gaza by the IDF are simply too egregious and well documented to be covered up.  Not only is the Netanyahu regime finished, every enabler of the Gaza genocide will surely receive their comeuppance.  Quite significantly, the karmic slack is tightening faster by the day for everyone because of the rapidly accelerating End Times scenario overtaking the entire planetary civilization.  Which means that Israel is about to be busted upside the head with a divine four by four.


The U.S. Congress has fully supported Israel’s military
campaign, with both appropriated funding and military
aid, against the Palestinian citizens residing in Gaza
thereby becoming an accomplice with intent to carry
out the ongoing genocide.  Furthermore, much of the
GOP House leadership has given their full and
unconditional moral support to Israel in their odious
war against the defenseless Palestinian people.


As the head of the Executive Branch, President Joe Biden
has provided military aid in the form of weaponry and
ammunitions which have been deployed against the same
citizenry.  The exact amount of war funding, materiel
support and military assistance from the U.S. Armed
Forces offered by the Biden administration has yet to be determined, but it has occurred throughout the duration
of the genocide.

Bottom Line: If Netanyahu gets convicted of genocide,
then these two American entities are quite exposed to
charges of being co-conspirators in a highly organized
plot to commit mass murder on an industrial scale.
Hence, Congress was directed to take an offensive
position against the ICC in order to intimidate the
prosecutors to minimize the likelihood of any future
indictments.  Additional pre-emptive strikes by the
culpable Congress will likely be made to fend off other
retributive legal actions against U.S. officials and/or

Submitted by A War Crimes Analyst
SOTN Exclusive
May 21, 2024


US Congress threatens ICC with sanctions

Washington has condemned international court’s application for warrants targeting both Israel and Hamas

House Republicans are reportedly working on a bill to sanction the International Criminal Court, after its top prosecutor sought the arrest of both Israeli and Hamas leaders in connection with the Gaza conflict.

ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – as well as Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh  and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri – of “war crimes and crimes against humanity” in Gaza and Israel.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, called the ICC move “disgraceful” and “lawless.”

“If unchallenged by the Biden administration, the ICC could create and assume unprecedented power to issue arrest warrants against American political leaders, American diplomats, and American military personnel,” Johnson said on Monday, demanding the White House “use every available tool to prevent such an abomination.”

Michael McCaul, the Texas Republican who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Axios on Monday that a bill to sanction the court is already being drafted, based on the February 2023 bill introduced by Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican.

Cotton was among the dozen senators who wrote to Khan earlier this month, reminding the ICC prosecutor that the US has a law on the books allowing “all means necessary and appropriate” to defend any Americans – or allies – sought by the court. The 2002 law was nicknamed the “Hague Invasion Act.”

While some congressional Democrats have urged a hard line on the ICC, two members of the Progressive Caucus – Pramila Jayapal and Mark Pocan – have argued it was not up to Congress to dictate to an independent court.

According to Axios, Netanyahu has urged US President Joe Biden to “intervene” to prevent the ICC from approving Khan’s warrant request.

Biden has already denounced Khan’s motion to seek the warrants as “outrageous” and protested that it created “equivalence” between Israel and Hamas. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted that the ICC “has no jurisdiction over this matter” and questioned “the legitimacy and credibility of this investigation.”

Although the US was one of the creators of the ICC, modeled after the Washington-backed war crimes tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Congress never ratified the Rome Statute. The court has jurisdiction over the West Bank and Gaza, because the Palestinian Authority accepted it in 2015.




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