Posts Tagged ‘gaslighting’

Manipulation Politics: Israeli Gaslighting in the United States

Although the pro-Israel camp and their allies continue to dominate and influence Congress and the executive branch, they have slowly begun to lose control of the narrative. Renegade Editor’s Note: This article comes from a left-wing perspective, so you will see talk of “apartheid” and “racist” depictions of Arabs, but it’s a good overview regardless. […]

Pfizer Never Stops Gaslighting Us

Did you see Pfizer’s toe-tapping commercial during the Super Bowl this year? It’s a glossy, feel-good, women-empowering montage set to Queen’s song “Don’t’ Stop Me Now.” Talking statues and portraits of science-greats such as Galileo, Newton, and Einstein are mixed in with Pfizer’s founders Charles Erhart and Charles Pfizer, along with women scientists, professors, and […]

Mike Stone – Gaslighting is the MSM’s Purpose

Everything you see or hear coming  from the mainstream media is a lie.  Not some of it, not most of it, all of it. by Mike Stone ( To substantiate what I’ve just said, let’s look at some recent examples. In October of 2023, the mainstream media told us that Israel was hit with a […]

Fact-Checkers Are Gaslighting You on the Feds’ Vehicle ‘Kill…

n November 2021, former US Representative from Georgia Bob Barr wrote a little-noticed political column claiming that buried inside President Joe Biden’s $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure legislation was a dangerous provision that would go into effect in five years.  Source

Biden regime now gaslighting the public, claims they never issued vaccine mandates and it’s only in your imagination

(NaturalNews) It wasn’t long ago when federal officials were calling for mask mandates, covid-19 test requirements, vaccine mandates and vaccine passport systems… Source

Megyn Kelly calls out Trump for GASLIGHTING America about COVID lockdowns – “you actually gave Fauci a presidential commendation before leaving office”

(NaturalNews) In one of the most cringeworthy interviews he has ever given, former President Donald Trump just about killed his chances of reelection in 2024 by… Source

The Despicable Gaslighting Around Child Trafficking & Our Unaccountable/Criminal “Leadership”

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/12/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Gaslighting at its finest: Trudeau claims he DID NOT force anyone to get vaccinated

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has irked many by claiming that he never forced anyone in his country to get vaccinated.During an April 24 speech at the University of Ottawa, Trudeau said he merely incentivized people to get the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. “And that’s exactly what they did. We got … […]

[Premiering 10:30 AM ET] How the Media–Political System Is Fueling Riots and Gaslighting America: Julio Rosas

Violent riots that have led to looting, arson, and murder in American cities over the past several years have been spurred into action by a media and political system, according to Julio Rosas. Rosas is senior writer at Townhall and author of “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful: The 2020 Riots and the Gaslighting of America.” He […]

EU to LEARN the Worth of Friendship With U.S. (Well Broken Promises & Gaslighting Like Broken Treaties With Indians)

30 Aug, 2022 20:16 HomeWorld News Energy-starved Europe is about to learn the worth of Washington’s friendship Comment:  Pictured is a Pine Ridge Rez child living in abject filth & poverty thanks to the American Anglo-Dutch Evil Empire. The US energy secretary is pressuring refiners to stop exporting more fuel to European allies in dire […]

Here’s why the CIA’s Mockingbird Media is massively gaslighting the electorate every hour until Election Day.

Let’s see how the Democrats are doing while now controlling the White House and ALL OF Congress these past 20 months. • Stock Markets Crashing• Layoffs Picking up and Fed announced this week real pain comingwith Inflation at 8.5%• Real Estate Prices Tanking• Average Gasoline price up to $4.35/gallon up from $2.25• Rents up 50-70%• […]

Gaslighting Autism Families: CDC, Media Continue to Obscure Decades of Vaccine-Related Harm

Gaslighting Autism Families: CDC, Media Continue to Obscure Decades of Vaccine-Related HarmThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest autism report, once again, attributed the rise of autism to “more awareness” rather than a true increase — and as usual, mainstream media fell in line with that Children’s Health Defense TeamDecember 17, 2021 Media and […]

Jewish Supremacists Celebrate Hanukkah By Gaslighting America About ‘Antisemitism’

(ShineALightOn) To better celebrate the traditional lighting of candles on the ersatz Jewish “holiday” Hanukkah, ShineALightOn, a Jewish supremacist organization which — according to its website — admits to being part of an international network of other supremacist cell groups — such as the Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, and Chabad — has released a […]

Israel is gaslighting the world by branding Palestinian human rights groups ‘terrorists’

Nov 3, 2021, FILE PHOTO. Palestinian members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. © AFP / Musa Al SHAER Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist and activist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East, especially in Syria and Palestine (where she lived for nearly […]

Gaslighting: The Psychology of Shaping Another’s Reality

August 08, 2021 By Cynthia Chung for The Saker Blog “But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.” – […]

They Are Gaslighting Us! Nightmarish Inflation Is Already Here But The Fed Is Denying That It Even Exists

Renegade Editor’s Note: Snyder appears to be an apocalyptic Christian, but this information is important. By Michael Snyder They would like us to believe that what we can see happening right in front of our eyes is not actually real.  Over the past year, our politicians in Washington have gone on the largest spending binge […]

Now we see that Trump haters are gaslighting Trump supporters everywhere

BY DAVID LIMBAUGHPJ Media AP Photo/Alex Brandon It’s getting scary out there, people. Everywhere you turn, Trump haters are venting their wrath against Trump supporters, as if supporting President Trump is an unforgivable sin. They’re projecting and gaslighting — blaming Trump and his supporters for everything they’re doing. It’s madness, but at long last, they […]

Trump and Netanyahu’s barefaced gaslighting on the Israel-Kosovo deal

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GASLIGHTING: Very few folks know what they don’t know

“Crazy people aren’t sane enough to ask themselves if they’re crazy.So, trust yourself, believe what’s in your heart. Trust our eyes overwhat we are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that youare crazy, because you are not, you’re being gaslighted.” Consider: Gaslighting. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse aimed at controlling […]

Crime Syndicate Ramps Up ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Gaslighting Campaign

By Russ Winter Handling of the Las Vegas mass shooting was so badly botched that the Crime Syndicate is resorting to a series of gaslighting news articles to try to put the genie back in the bottle. Gaslighting essentially means calling someone crazy for being a “conspiracy theorist” (CT). This method is fairly effective when used […]

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