Posts Tagged ‘murphy’

Report: NJ Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy Spent Taxpayer Money at Taylor Swift Concert, Other Events

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) reportedly spent taxpayer funds at stadium events, including a Taylor Swift concert. Source

‘Deeply Disturbing’: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy Urges Sen. Robert Menendez to Resign

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) has joined the small, but growing chorus of Democrats urging Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) to resign from the U.S Senate after the fellow New Jersey Democrat was indicted on federal bribery charges Friday morning. Source

FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2010) (Corbett Report)

The Corbett Report FROM 2010: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions and G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International join us to talk about their forthcoming documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying?” about the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering campaign taking place in our skies. SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack  WATCH AT THE LINK […]

FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2010)

FROM 2010: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions and G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International join us to talk about their forthcoming documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying?” about the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering campaign taking place in our skies. The post FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection […]

Rex Murphy: The Liberals’ Stance on Ford’s Use of Notwithstanding Clause Oozes With Hypocrisy

Commentary Ontario is a peculiar place. There have been two full years of school closures—of dubious necessity—and now that the COVID regime has finally been lifted, just as children are getting settled back into regular class time, what happens? Why, there is a strike of course. The great CUPE union has called a strike for […]

Another corporate media hack, Margi Murphy of Bloomberg, exposed as climate industrial complex disinformation shill

(Natural News) The act of using “public records laws to obtain public release of public records showing how public servants use their publicly financed positions and resources” to so-called “fact check” information about climate change is a form of harassment and bullying, according to Bloomberg News climate disinformation shill Margi Murphy. An email that Murphy […]

Phil Murphy pushes bipartisanship as he takes helm at NGA

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Friday took the helm of the National Governors Association, launching his term with a message of bipartisanship and commitment to address youth mental health issues. Murphy, a self-styled diplomatic progressive, has been steadily raising his national profile in recent months, fueling rumors that he could be a potential 2024 […]

Dem Sen. Murphy: Illinois’ Red Flag Law Could Have Stopped Shooting, But It’s ‘Ineffective’ and Doesn’t Work as Well as Florida’s

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) stated that the red flag law in Illinois is “ineffective” and “it certainly does appear that there was enough information” about the Highland Park shooter “to cause a court to Source

Dem Sen. Murphy: Republicans Negotiating Federal Gun Laws in a ‘Significant Way Right Now’

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Republicans were engaged in bipartisan negotiations for federal gun safety measures following Uvalde, TX shooting.

Dem Sen. Murphy on Gun Control: ‘There Is Something Dying Inside the Soul of this Country’

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he believed there was “something dying inside the soul of this country” because of inaction on gun control.

“Alpha” Men’s Coach and Conservative Influencer Jack Murphy (Né Goldman) Exposed as Cuck Fetishist Who Did Gay Porn

This whole story is absolutely absurd. I will try to keep it as brief as possible, just so we do not get dragged too far down into the insanity of this worthless individual. First off, Jack Murphy’s real name is John Goldman. Apparently he realized he could attract more guys in the manosphere if he […]

‘Idiocy’: Murphy lashes out at GOP lawmakers who defied Statehouse vax-or-test rule

“This is not about freedom or civil rights,” he said during the briefing, which was conducted virtually. “It’s about [Republican Assemblymembers] willingness to volitionally run the risk of infecting innocent, law abiding folks who have done the right thing during this pandemic. It is outrageous. absolutely outrageous, incredibly irresponsible. Unforgivable.” The Assembly is conducting its […]

Sen. Murphy: Hezbollah Fuel Narrative Effective & Persuasive, US Should Address It Immediately

September 18, 2021 By Staff, Agencies US Senator Chris Murphy focused on the importance of countering Hezbollah “effective” efforts in providing Iranian fuel to Lebanon. “Hezbollah is spinning a very effective narrative about the US blockade of energy resources in the country. They’re offering ships of their own through Iran,” Sen. Murphy said during a […]

Head of Australian Therapeutic Goods Admin (TGA), Brendan Murphy, tells Parliament to keep quiet about vaccine effects (hear it for yourself)

Shocking. If this does not illustrate for you the vast corruption that is afoot with this plandemic & subsequent vax rollout, nothing will. It is about, is there any type of insurance or backup should you be injured by one of the killer jabs. As I’ve figured all along you’d be very fortunate to have […]

Phil Murphy took on New Jersey’s Democratic machine. Now he needs it to win.

Murphy will be the first name on the Democratic Party line in the June 8 primary, heading up machine-backed tickets and, in some cases, running directly opposite progressive-backed candidates pushed into “ballot Siberia.” The attorney general Murphy appointed, Gurbir Grewal, has sided against progressives in a lawsuit they filed this year seeking to eliminate that […]

Stephanie Murphy and Val Demings Abandon House to Compete Against Each Other in Democrat Senate Primary

Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) will challenge Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) in the Democrat Senate primary race, abandoning the House for an opportunity to challenge incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). “Stephanie Murphy has never lost a race, despite representing one of the most competitive seats in the country,” Murphy’s staffer Lauren Calmet told Florida Politics. “She is an effective […]

Murphy’s law

Murphy’s law – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – A rare meeting between U.S. Senator Chris Murphy and Iran’s Ambassador to the UN lay bare the many misperceptions being propagated by the Democrats about the West Asia region.  It’s not common for Senator Murphy to make formal announcements about his dealings with Iranian officials. Over the past years, […]

On masks, New Jersey’s Murphy goes it alone

Leaders across the region have largely moved in unison on major Covid-19 announcements, and Murphy’s delay isolates the self-proclaimed progressive on a critical facet of the reopening as he preps for a reelection campaign that will focus heavily on his management of the pandemic. His decision to continue indoor masking puts him in the uncomfortable […]

New Jerseyans still giving Murphy high marks for his handling of the pandemic, poll finds

Although New Jersey has the highest coronavirus death rate in the country — much of it from early in the pandemic — 53 percent of those surveyed think the state is doing better than others in dealing with coronavirus, while 23 percent say it’s doing worse and 23 percent say it’s doing about the same. […]

‘Our state has forgotten us’: Immigration groups frustrated with Murphy agenda

As the pandemic enters its second year, the absence of economic relief for New Jersey’s nearly 500,000 undocumented residents has created a vexing situation among advocates. Proponents of relief say that as taxpaying undocumented workers remain excluded from federal relief efforts and pandemic-related unemployment benefits, the state should step in. They note other states, including […]

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