Posts Tagged ‘actions’

Biden faces key test over Israel’s military actions in Gaza

President Biden is facing a key test this week in delivering a report to Congress on Israel’s conduct in Gaza, which has the potential to cut off U.S. assistance to Israel. The report is mandated by National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM 20), which Biden issued in February, and is due by May 8. It requires… […]

Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October?

15 December 2023 JONATHAN COOK The BBC and others keep revisiting Hamas crimes that day, but fail to report on growing evidence that Israel killed its own citizens, often in grotesque fashion Middle East Eye – 15 December 2023 Barely a day has passed since the 7 October attack by Hamas when the western media […]

Israel’s savage actions in the name of Jews make Jews unsafe

Jewish thinkers have long warned that Israel’s dependence on western Jews’ political support to gain impunity for its human rights abuses could contribute to antisemitism in the U.S. and even make Jews’ lives “precarious.” Source

US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To “Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel”

READ HERE:   Source

Some hostile Israeli actions are clearly ‘against international law’ – EU

READ HERE: Denying Gaza water, food and electricity is not appropriate a war crime, Josep Borrell has said   Source

Iran ‘broadly complicit’ in Hamas’s actions, national security official says

U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Jonathan Finer said early Monday that Iran was “broadly complicit” in the Hamas attack on Israel over the weekend, citing Tehran’s efforts to train and provide the Palestinian militant group with arms. Finer said Iran “without a doubt” is indirectly responsible for backing and training Hamas, but said it is… […]

New Whistleblower Document Reveals Multi-Agency Criminal Actions By Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac [USA/DC Corporation] To Spy On And Entrap Law Abiding Americans

(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — Bombshell new documents have recently come to light revealing how the U.S. Government illegally spied on and entrapped citizens during the 2014 “Bundy Ranch Standoff,” and beyond. The document, which was authored by Larry Wooten, a former Special Agent with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), reveals the terrifying extent to […]

Zelenskyy confirms counteroffensive actions taking place in Ukraine

Ukrainian President says mood is positive but doesn’t give details on military operations Source

Actions of the Reserve Bank of Australia as defined by law

The actions of the Reserve Bank of Australia, must comply with the law, that being the Reserve Bank Act 1959. Reserve Bank of Australia building, 65 Martin Place, Sydney.  Designed in 1959 by the Commonwealth Department of Works. See the original Act: Source: See also Screenshot: Source

EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR By Jim Hoft Published November 19, 2022 This report originally ran on October 26, 2020, a week before the election. The tech giants censored it. The fake news mainstream media ignored it. Twitter deleted Joe Hoft’s account […]

US Court Rules Hezbollah Must Pay $111 Million for Actions in 2006 War

On July 12, 2006, Hezbollah took three Israeli soldiers hostage, hoping to trade their release for that of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners. Instead, Israel launched a massive military operation aimed at neutralizing Hezbollah. The result of the war was massive devastation of Southern Lebanon, over 1,100 Lebanese killed (the overwhelming majority of them civilians), 119 […]

DeSantis Announces Actions to Confront CCP Influence in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Sept. 22 signed a new executive order and unveiled a package of legislative proposals to combat “malign foreign influence,” particularly from communist China. “The number one source of that influence, not just in the United States but really around the world, is the Chinese Communist Party,” DeSantis said during an […]

DeSantis Announces Actions to Confront CCP Influence in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Sept. 22 signed a new executive order and unveiled a package of legislative proposals to combat “malign foreign influence,” particularly from communist China. “The number one source of that influence, not just in the United States but really around the world, is the Chinese Communist Party,” DeSantis said during an […]

DeSantis Announces Actions to Confront CCP Influence in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Sept. 22 signed a new executive order and unveiled a package of legislative proposals to combat “malign foreign influence,” particularly from communist China. “The number one source of that influence, not just in the United States but really around the world, is the Chinese Communist Party,” DeSantis said during an […]

DeSantis Announces Actions to Confront CCP Influence in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Sept. 22 signed a new executive order and unveiled a package of legislative proposals to combat “malign foreign influence,” particularly from communist China. “The number one source of that influence, not just in the United States but really around the world, is the Chinese Communist Party,” DeSantis said during an […]

US ambassador praises Israel’s ‘relatively calm’ actions in Gaza, leaves out slain Palestinians

US ambassador to Israel Tom Nides yesterday praised Israel’s treatment of Gaza, saying that it had been able to “lean in” and make life better for Gazans, with the result that last month’s onslaught was “relatively calm.” Nides did not mention the 49 Gazans, among them 17 children, killed by Israeli missile strikes in those […]

Sweden election: Russia’s actions in Ukraine see Stockholm beef up its fight against disinformation

The Swedish agency on the frontline of defending against malign influence and disinformation has been busier than ever ahead of Sunday’s general election. The Psychological Defence Agency’s job is to strengthen the population’s ability to detect and resist any efforts from countries like Russia to subvert society and the democratic process. Mikael Östlund, from the […]

Four Actions to Take When Raising Rents

Dear Monty: I bought a six-unit apartment building recently. How can I soften the blow to the tenants when I raise their rent? Monty’s Answer: The nature of your question suggests this is your first rental property. You gave little information about the property, such as location, age, condition, staggered lease terms, etc. It is […]

Four Actions to Take When Raising Rents

Dear Monty: I bought a six-unit apartment building recently. How can I soften the blow to the tenants when I raise their rent? Monty’s Answer: The nature of your question suggests this is your first rental property. You gave little information about the property, such as location, age, condition, staggered lease terms, etc. It is […]

US Citizens and Media on Russia’s Actions in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Russian special operation to denazify Ukraine, this issue has been on the front pages of every media outlet in the world and has been actively discussed. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have repeatedly told the world community […]

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