Posts Tagged ‘fiasco’

The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here

The Trump ‘Assassination’ Fiasco: Logic and Critical Thinking Are Necessary Here July 16, 2024 By: Gary D. Barnett “In America, as soon as you are born, you are brainwashed. Starting with your parents, then by religion, then by the public school system, and then by government via the news media.” ~ James Thomas Kesterson Jr […]

Google’s A.I. Fiasco Exposes Deeper Infowarp

When the stock markets opened last Monday morning, February 26, Google shares promptly fell 4%, by Wednesday were down nearly 6%, and a week later have now fallen 8%. It was an unsurprising reaction to the embarrassing debut of the company’s Gemini image generator, which Google decided to pull after just a few days of […]

Nathan Wade Pulls Out Of Fani Case After Fulton Fiasco

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Amazon’s Black Friday fiasco: over 1000 workers rebel in historic pay dispute strike

Image credit: Flickr As Black Friday dawned, Amazon’s usual bustling operations were thrown into chaos as more than 1,000 workers at the Coventry distribution warehouse abandoned their posts. This significant labor upheaval, unrivaled in Amazon’s three-decade history, marks a defining moment in the ongoing global fight for fair wages and humane working conditions. Across the […]

Palestinian alumni call for Harvard Kennedy School dean to step down over Ken Roth fiasco

Harvard Kennedy School’s Palestinian Alumni Collective is calling for the resignation of Dean Douglas Elmendorf after he rescinded a fellowship to Ken Roth over his Israel criticisms. The group is also calling for Roth, who spent almost thirty years as the executive director of Human Rights Watch, to be reinstated at the school. Source

Tunisian President under pressure to resign after ‘fiasco’ elections

Tunisian opposition parties have demanded President Kais Saied’s resignation after fewer than 9% of the electorate voted on Saturday Source

Bitcoin’s drop in value triggered by FTX fiasco a “deadly blow” to El Salvador’s financial solvency

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Bitcoin’s sudden drop in value, triggered by the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange company FTX, dealt a “deadly blow” to the Central American nation of El Salvador.The most popular crypto token saw a 21 percent drop in its value, with its price hitting the lowest in two years. While the ongoing global economic […]

The Men Behind the Curtain: Biden’s Impotence, the Mar-a-Lago Fiasco, and the Silent Technocratic Coup

To the comatose American public, drunk on social media and Netflix, who still passively believe that their government is legitimate, Biden’s degeneration offers valuable insights.

YCP – Jan 6 Impeachment Fiasco, Plus Bill Gates Buying Up Farm Land

The post YCP – Jan 6 Impeachment Fiasco, Plus Bill Gates Buying Up Farm Land appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Merkel on Biden’s Afghan Fiasco: ‘Everything Seems to Have Been in Vain’, Macron’s Migrant Wave Concerns

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has labelled the 20-year Afghan war as being “in vain” while French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the country must not again become a hub of terrorism. The German and French leaders gave televised statements to their respective nations on Monday, with Chancellor Merkel calling the Taliban’s conquest of the last […]

Afghan Fiasco Caught Up with the US in Syria

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) estimates that during the 10 years of war in Syria 36% of the country’s 18 million inhabitants have lost their homes, 6.6 million people have become internal refugees, and 13.4 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. More than 5.6 million people have left Syria since […]

The Afghanistan Fiasco Caught Up With the US in Iraq

As various foreign media reports on recent developments in Iraq around the presence of US bases and US military contingents indicate, opposition towards them grows almost daily. In January 2020, the Iraqi parliament adopted a resolution calling for the withdrawal of foreign armies and, above all, the US military contingent from the territory of the […]

China Claims Mars Landing After Out-of-Control Rocket Fiasco

The Chinese Communist Party claimed a Chinese rover has landed on Mars, making China the second nation, behind the United States, to accomplish a landing on the planet. “The rover, named Zhurong after the Chinese god of fire, is part of China’s Tianwen-1 mission, which launched in July 2020,” NBC News reported Friday. Not many details […]

Blame the dictatorship in Egypt for the Suez Canal fiasco

Impunity rules the day when those assigned with responsibilities are allowed to abandon them without consequences. This happens frequently in dictatorships, where economic opportunities favour those within the inner circles; bribery and corruption are prevalent, and widespread injustices are commonplace. The rule of law is compromised as those charged to protect become part and parcel […]

Diplomatic Fiasco? Israeli Press Should Wait Before Gloating

Israeli model May Tager, holding an Israeli flag, poses with Dubai-resident model Anastasia Bandarenka, holding an Emirati flag, during a photo shoot for FIX’s Princess Collection, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 8, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Christopher Pike. – The gloating by several Israeli media outlets over the cancellation of Prime Minister Benjamin […]

A Saudi-American fiasco

Yemeni forces advance toward Marib despite U.S.-backed Saudi brutal campaign March 1, 2021 – 21:29 TEHRAN – Yemen’s government forces have launched a liberation campaign to capture the strategic province of Marib while initiating a new operation against Saudi Arabia, a move that indicates the growing capabilities of the Sanaa government despite the Saudi-led war […]

Ten uplifting teaching moments from President Fiasco

In a Nutshell: Avoid Ingesting Poison, Flush Fully, Never RepeatAll of us stable geniuses know what happens when we fail, then double down by not learning from blundering failures. Enter the Boomerang Syndrome. Few of us rush to admit imperfection, but defying disaster invites an infinite regress – failures recur like super-spreader events. That worse case scenario is what defines stupidity, and we […]

How Netanyahu’s huge diplomatic achievement turned into a self-made political fiasco

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‘Absolute fiasco’: Kensington council shuts down Grenfell meeting after journalists demand access

     The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s first cabinet meeting since the Grenfell disaster descended into chaos on Thursday, when a high court allowed journalists into the chamber. The council had barred the public and survivors from attending. The meeting was branded an “absolute fiasco” after Tory council leader Nicholas Paget-Brown took the 11th […]

The Russian Hacking Fiasco

Above Photo: The Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin: Did the Russians hack U.S. election databases? (Yahoo News photo illustration, photos: Maxim Shemetov/Reuters, Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters, AP, AP May 13, 2017 “Information Clearing House” -There’s no proof that Russia hacked the US elections. There’s no proof that Russian officials or Russian agents colluded with members of the […]

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