Posts Tagged ‘context’

Legal Context Behind the Bioweapon Hypothesis

In a previous article, I laid out the legal framework for issuing Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for medical products. EUA was the type of authorization granted to Covid mRNA vaccines, along with hundreds of other medical products used during the declared Covid pandemic. Once we understand the basic legal framework, we can investigate the most important aspect […]

A feminist praxis for academic freedom in the context of genocide in Gaza

The Palestinian Feminist Collective condemns sophicide and scholasticide in Gaza – the deliberate annihilation of Indigenous knowledge traditions and the physical destruction of centers of knowledge. Source

The context for October 7 is apartheid, not the Holocaust

The Israel lobby is attempting to indoctrinate Americans that the context for the October 7 attack is the Holocaust. This is a misrepresentation. The Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Source

From ‘Very Based’ to ‘Out of Context’: William Wolfe Attacks Right Wing Watch for Exposing His Radical Views

Earlier this week, Right Wing Watch posted a clip of former Trump administration official and unabashed Christian nationalist William Wolfe declaring that “we are getting close” to a point where Christians need to “heed the call to arms.” When we published a link to our post and a video clip from Wolfe’s remarks on Twitter, […]

Context Is Everything

Context is everything. If you have already internalized this point and you understand how this insight has been weaponized by the powers that shouldn’t be, great! But here’s another point to consider: we can use this insight about the importance of context to our advantage. The post Context Is Everything first appeared on The Corbett […]

Scholars Want Term ‘White Paper’ Scrapped Due to its ‘Racial and Historical Context’

Renegade Editor’s Note: Jakobi doesn’t exactly look White to me. Hmm. By Dave Huber ‘Exclusionary to some groups, Source

Kent Christmas Claims ‘Evil People’ Took His Shocking Sermon ‘Out of Context’

Far-right pastor Kent Christmas used the sermon he delivered at his Regeneration Nashville church last week to urge the members of his congregation to show the same sort of “passion” that drives radical Islamic terrorists to be willing to “die for their beliefs.” “I am at war with evil!” Christmas ranted during that sermon. “This […]

Are Bible Quotes That Make Christians Uncomfortable Really Taken Out of Context?

The bible is revolting. It is sickening. It is nowhere NEAR as nice a book as what an ethical human could come up with, so why on earth does it have this reputation as having been written by the very author of love itself? It wasn’t. It was written by human men – and pretty […]

 AUKUS & Quad In Context: Australia Violates All Indo-Pacific countries

Australia has formed the anti-China AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) and Quad (Australia, India, US and Japan) Alliances to contain a supposedly aggressive China. In reality a US lackey, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, serial invader and subversive Australia violates ALL Indo-Pacific countries. A detailed and documented analysis of Australian violation of all 81 Indo-Pacific countries […]

Race realism within a Catholic context

The Confusion of Tongues, (Tower of Babel). The people, distraught in front of the Tower of Babel, as God confuses human language and scatters them. ‘Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face […]

Jobs Report Coverage Lacked Context, Worker Perspective

In the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the editorial board of the Financial Times  (4/20/20), perhaps the most important newspaper of capital in the English-speaking world, fretted about how the pandemic could upend labor relations. After the Black Death of the 1300s, the paper noted, the population decline meant surviving peasants had the leverage to demand […]

Remembering Chandra Shekhar Azad  in the Context of Our Victimized Young Activists Today

Written by  Bharat Dogra and Jagmohan Singh Chandra Shekhar Azad has been one of the most enduring and inspiring symbols of courage and resistance in India. He symbolizes for millions of people in the country indomitable  spirit of great courage in standing up for justice and freedom. As we remember him on his martyrdom day […]

Development in the Indian Context

India is the world’s largest democracy and there is no denying the fact that India occupies an important place in the world economy. India is one of the world’s fastest growing economies and this is no mean distinction. But the question that remains unanswered is, ‘What is India’s development status?’ Is it that, which gets […]

US Economic Sanctions On Cuba In The context Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

Above photo: Cuban Health Specialists arriving in South Africa to help curb the spread of COVID-19. GovernmentZA via Creative Commons. On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic.  Shortly after that, on Friday, March 26, during his participation in a virtual summit of leaders from the G20 countries, UN Secretary-General António Guterres […]

Fauci Calls for Trump Campaign to Take Down Commercial Quoting Him Out of Context — Another Ad Would Be ‘Outrageous’

Anthony Fauci said Monday on CNN’s “The Lead” that the Trump campaign should not run a commercial, which he claimed was taking him out of context. Anchor Jake Tapper said, “Should the Trump campaign take this ad down?” Fauci said, “I think so I think it’s really unfortunate and really disappointing that they did that. It’s so […]

The Palestinian context will rule the region, so be patient السياق الفلسطيني سيحكم المنطقة فانتظروا

 The Palestinian context will rule the region, so be patient مايو 18, 2018 Written by Nasser Kandil, Those who expect that the confrontation ignited by the Palestinian people is meaningless and that the generous sacrifices are for free do not pay attention to the spiritual fact illustrated in the past two days that America and […]

Hezbollah: Lieberman’s Remarks on Lebanon’s Energy Resources “in Context of Continuous Israeli Aggression”

 January 31, 2018 Hezbollah on Wednesday maintained that the statements made by the Zionist war minister Avigdor Lieberman reflect the Israeli greed for seizing Lebanon resources, adding that they come in the context of enemy’s continuous aggression on the Lebanese sovereignty and legitimate rights. In a statement, Hezbollah expressed its support to the stances made […]

US Government Shutdown in Context: They Hate You

  January 21, 2018 Source Article from

Reminder in the context of Iran: 7 Countries in 5 Years

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Vietnam documentary leaves out context, America’s global war on communism

Too many people either thought the Vietnam documentary was the best thing ever and that critics were ideologues, which is Phil Weiss’s position, or else they were ideologues who came to the documentary expecting the worst and didn’t let the reality alter their opinions much.  How fortunate for both sides that I fall in the […]

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