Posts Tagged ‘violates’

How Israel violates International Law in Gaza: expert report

An independent expert report lays out how Israel systematically violated U.S. and International Law in Gaza, concluding that Israel launched indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian areas due to “extremely relaxed rules of engagement.” Source

The COVID-19 Vaccine Program Violates the Nuremberg Code

The COVID-19 Vaccine Program Violates the Nuremberg Code and the U.S. Informed Consent Laws February 13, 2021 by Edward Hendrie The COVID-19 Vaccines Are NOT Approved by the FDA The COVID-19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA as being either safe or effective. The FDA published a fact sheet prepared by Pfizer-BioNtech that states the following: […]

Abaya ban violates secularism principle, lawyer asserts as France top Court hears appeal

Abaya is not a religious garment, and the ban on this loose over-garment violates the principle of secularism, said a Prosecutor representing three unions of educational institutions in France which have filed an appeal against the top Court’s recent rulings upholding the ban on abaya. The Sud Education Paris, La Voix Lyceenne and Le Poing […]

Paul Blair Is Teaching Pastors That the Federal Welfare System Violates ‘God’s Design’

Liberty Pastors is a Christian nationalist organization dedicated to training pastors to become more involved politically. Founded by religious-right activists Dan Fisher and Paul Blair, Liberty Pastors hosts multi-day retreats around the nation where local pastors and their spouses are instructed by right-wing speakers like Rick Scarborough, Mat Staver, Rick Green, E.W. Jackson, Alex McFarland, […]

DOJ Argues Florida Law Restricting Chinese Land Ownership Violates Constitution

The Department of Justice on Tuesday challenged a Florida law that bars Chinese citizens from owning land, asserting it violates federal housing law and the 14th Amendment. The department filed a statement of interest (pdf) in a case challenging the provision, arguing the Florida law restricting Chinese land ownership by U.S. military installations and major […]

Biden: Race Preference Ruling Violates What ‘Constitution Says’ that All ‘Created Equal’ — Dobbs Gave States Power ‘We Fought a War over’

President Joe Biden claimed that the Supreme Court is straying away from what “the Constitution says, we hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator.” Source

Israel coalition deal violates UN resolutions, constitutes war crime 

Palestinian political and human rights experts have described the agreements concluded by the new Israeli coalition government partners as a clear and explicit violation of UN resolutions and international law which consider Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories "illegal". The Director General of the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness), Mahmoud Al-Hanafi, said making any […]

Lebanon condemns Israel strike on Syria, saying it violates Lebanese airspace

Lebanon has condemned an Israeli air strike on Syria, emphasising that it violated Lebanese airspace by doing so. According to Syria's military, the Israeli strike on the Shayrat Airbase in Homs province yesterday killed two soldiers and injured three. A warehouse for Iranian militias and Hezbollah were also destroyed, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported. […]

US says Iran supplying drones to Russia violates UN Resolution

The United States agrees with British and French assessments that Iran supplying drones to Russia would violate a UN Security Council Resolution that endorsed the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six powers, US State Department spokesman, Vedant Patel, said on Monday, Reuters reports. "Earlier today, our French and British allies publicly offered the assessment […]

France claims Iran’s space rocket launch violates UN rules

France has condemned Iran’s space rocket launch, describing it as “regrettable” amid Iran’s ongoing nuclear talks with world powers, news agencies reported. The satellite launch was in breach of United Nations Security Council resolutions, the French Foreign Ministry claimed. “These activities are all the more regrettable as they come at a time when we are […]

 AUKUS & Quad In Context: Australia Violates All Indo-Pacific countries

Australia has formed the anti-China AUKUS (Australia, UK and US) and Quad (Australia, India, US and Japan) Alliances to contain a supposedly aggressive China. In reality a US lackey, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, serial invader and subversive Australia violates ALL Indo-Pacific countries. A detailed and documented analysis of Australian violation of all 81 Indo-Pacific countries […]

New Brunswick Violates Human Rights With COVID-19 Order to Ban Unvaccinated From Groceries: JCCF

New Brunswick’s new COVID-19 measures allowing grocery stores to decide whether to give access to the unvaccinated population violates fundamental human rights, says a legal organization focused on constitutional freedoms. On Tuesday, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom sent a warning letter (pdf) to New Brunswick’s Minister of Justice and Public Safety Hugh Flemming in […]

United Nations: Forced Expulsion Of Palestinians Violates Law

Above Photo: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP. UNRWA representatives say Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood are refugees who have the right to their support. United Nations representatives have denounced the potential forced expulsion of Palestinian families from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood as a “violation of international law”. Speaking from Sheikh Jarrah on […]

Federal court says Georgia BDS law violates First Amendment

A federal judge has ruled that Georgia’s anti-BDS law is unconstitutional. The ruling comes in response to a lawsuit that was filed against the state by journalist Abby Martin. Martin, a longtime advocate for Palestinian rights and director of the film Gaza Fights for Freedom, was invited to give a talk at Georgia Southern University […]

Exclusive Photo: Gretchen Whitmer Violates Own Coronavirus Orders at Dive Bar

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) hit the bar this weekend and violated her own coronavirus orders, according to a photo Breitbart News has exclusively obtained. Whitmer and a large group of friends, including her appointed chief operations officer, Tricia Foster, visited the Landshark in East Lansing, violating her restaurant orders in the process, according to […]

Biden Administration’s September 11 Withdrawal Plan Violates Peace Agreement

Biden Administration’s September 11 Withdrawal Plan Violates Peace Agreement By Black Alliance for Peace, Popular Resistance. April 15, 2021 | Educate! Above photo: Afghans have held rallies in support of the fragile peace talks. EPA. Members of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) criticized U.S. President Joe Biden’s announcement Wednesday that he would pull troops […]

RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law

RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law Children’s Health Defense » Feed / Aerowenn Hunter Rutgers University last week announced it will require all students enrolled for the 2021 fall semester to be vaccinated for COVID-19. The announcement prompted Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to remind university […]

EU parliament shelves vote on Brexit deal after Boris Johnson ‘violates’ agreement

The European Parliament has shelved plans to approve Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal after Brussels accused the UK of violating the agreement. The trade deal between the UK and EU has been in provisional force for two months but needs to pass a vote in the European Parliament to become permanent. Leaders of the legislature’s political […]

Biden “Revenge” Bombing of Syria “Violates International Law”: Legal Sc holar

Biden “Revenge” Bombing of Syria “Violates International Law”: Legal Scholar We Are Change » Feed / John Titor A Notre Dame Law School professor is among the legal experts who condemned U.S. President Joe Biden’s bombing of Syria Thursday as a clear violation of international law. “The United Nations charter makes absolutely clear that the […]

Israel violates international law anew, again bombing Syria to further indifference of Western media

    Israeli missiles reportedly targeted Syria again on Monday. Usually carried out under the pretense of “targeting Iranian/Iranian-backed militias,” Israel’s strikes violate Syria’s sovereignty and breach international law. Israel’s military chief of staff boasted earlier about hitting over 500 targets in just 2020 alone. Bearing in mind that Syria’s air defenses do intercept Israeli […]

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