Posts Tagged ‘nuremberg’

“COVID-19”, “BIRD FLU”, “SWINE FLU”-The Preventive For All These Is To Convene Nuremberg Tribunal Courts, Give Fair Trials, Fair Hangings To All Lying assed “Elites” and Their 30 Shekel Minions

Want to stop all these wars, Scamdemics, the systematic culling of the human herd

When Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Courts are Convened

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After Dorsey & Musk Both Receive Fair Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Trials & Are Both Convicted of Accessory To Mass Holocaust, Hang Both Over One Limb using Each Other For Counter Wieght

In September 2021 during the Scamdemic for a mythical virus we know does not and never existed, 221 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever On Jack Dorsey’s Twitter Litter I was locked out of my account for trying to warn folks it was a […]

The COVID-19 Vaccine Program Violates the Nuremberg Code

The COVID-19 Vaccine Program Violates the Nuremberg Code and the U.S. Informed Consent Laws February 13, 2021 by Edward Hendrie The COVID-19 Vaccines Are NOT Approved by the FDA The COVID-19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA as being either safe or effective. The FDA published a fact sheet prepared by Pfizer-BioNtech that states the following: […]

News You Can Trust-Good Evidence When Nuremberg Common Law Courts For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Are Convened

Good Evidence When Nuremberg Common Law Courts For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Are Convened The Ole Dog! Source

“Dr.” Robert Malone Will Need To Be Given A Fair Nuremberg Common Law Tribunal Trial, Followed By A Fair Hanging

Gatekeepers and controlled opposition are made great use of by those doing the mass Holocaust of Humanity with the Killer Jabs, Instigated wars . If one does not understand most every “news” outlet to include most “alternative” media sites or blogs on the net are controlled opposition which took the 30 shekels to make war […]

Violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Code is a Hanging Offense

Violation of the above code is a hanging offense. This means ANY Demonically Possessed Ass Hole who pushed the Non Vaccine Killer Jabs for a Non Existent Mythical Not Scientifically proved to exist “virus”, Deserves and MUST receive a Fair Nuremberg Common Law Trial followed swiftly by a fair neck snapping, pants shitting hanging! Every […]




Vera Sharav’s Historic Nuremberg Speech: Eugenics Then and Now

12 avril 2023 On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial, holocaust survivor Vera Sharav warned of the myriad parallels between our world today and the one she barely escaped. Here is our illustrated version of her historic speech. To learn more, visit the following sites: Childrens Health Defense Never Again Is Now Global […]

VIP Elite Panic As Nuremberg 2.0 Trials for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Becomes Reality

Preparations are underway for crimes against humanity trials at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, according to an ICC insider who reveals that key figures from the globalist establishment are set to be sacrificed on the altar of public outrage for their crimes in the elite’s failed Covid plandemic. The globalist elite have made […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Nuremberg 2.0

Stew Peters lays out his ideal political platform: “We need a candidate for president to run on a simple platform: round up Big Pharma, Big Tech and any politicians and/or global elites under American jurisdiction. Then Indict, Try, and Fry them at Nuremberg 2.0.” Paul Blair says that Christians “need to go on the attack” […]

The Nuremberg Judaic Circus Show: Starring Epic Farcical Lies and Featuring Murder of Innocent Germans

Made in Russia – The Holocaust Carlos Whitlock Porter Holocaust accusations fall into three categories: the impossibly ridiculous; the ridiculously impossible; and the hopelessly insane. To accuse an industrialized nation of killing millions of people with Diesel exhaust and insecticide to obtain hair socks; hair mattresses; dirty underwear; human soap; and a pack-rat’s nest full […]

The Nuremberg Judaic Circus Show: Starring Epic Farcical Lies and Featuring Murder of Innocent Germans

Made in Russia – The Holocaust Carlos Whitlock Porter Holocaust accusations fall into three categories: the impossibly ridiculous; the ridiculously impossible; and the hopelessly insane. To accuse an industrialized nation of killing millions of people with Diesel exhaust and insecticide to obtain hair socks; hair mattresses; dirty underwear; human soap; and a pack-rat’s nest full […]

CHD’s Mary Holland: Nuremberg Code violators must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity

(Natural News) Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), called for those who violated the Nuremberg Code to be prosecuted for “crimes against humanity.” Holland made this call through an Aug. 20 speech she delivered in Germany to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code. In particular, her calls for […]

Those Who Violated Nuremberg Code Must Be Hanged Just as the USA Hanged Germans at Nuremberg For The Same Crimes USA has Now Done.

German hanged at Nuremberg by USA for what USA government politicians, News people, doctors, nurses, preachers, priest, hospital administrators, school teachers, corporation owners have now done to more people than the Germans did. Germans hanged at Nuremberg by USA for what USA government politicians, News people, doctors, nurses, preachers, priest, hospital administrators, school teachers, corporation […]

FDA Who’s Officials are Already Facing Hanging For Violation of Nuremberg Code Considering “Approval” of FOURTH Rothschild’s Human Herd Culling Chemical/Biolgical Kill Jab Dose Despite Death Dangers To Jabbed

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering the approval of a fourth Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine dose despite the dangers associated with the experimental injection. According to the Daily Mail, the FDA is currently reviewing data about another booster shot. Officials at the agency are also considering whether to make these second booster doses […]

Nuremberg Violations: Government Vaxx Agents Should be Reclassified as ‘Enemy Combatants’

In reference to anti-lockdown activists and mandatory vaxx opponents, the Deep State bureaucracy recently declared all-out war on “anti-authority ideologies” and “mainstream conservatives” (We’ll report more on this topic in-depth in February): “We have seen a growing threat from those… who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies… I have decided to establish a Domestic […]

Nuremberg Violations: Should Government Vaxx Agents be Reclassified as ‘Enemy Combatants’?

In reference to anti-lockdown activists and mandatory vaxx opponents, the Deep State bureaucracy recently declared all-out war on “anti-authority ideologies” and “mainstream conservatives” (We’ll report more on this topic in-depth in February): “We have seen a growing threat from those… who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies… I have decided to establish a Domestic […]

Reiner Fuellmich Gives an Update on What’s Happening With the Nuremberg 2.0 Trial

The Parliamentary hearing in Poland is wrapping up and the criminal trial for Crimes Against Humanity is set to begin in just a couple of weeks. Fuellmich outlines how the Covid-Crime Against Humanity is a deliberate and premeditated mass-murder of unprecedented proportions. The Luciferian sociopathic globalists who Fuellmich refers to as the “Davos Crowd” have […]

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