Violation of the above code is a hanging offense.
This means ANY Demonically Possessed Ass Hole
who pushed the Non Vaccine Killer Jabs for a Non Existent Mythical Not Scientifically proved to exist “virus”, Deserves and MUST receive a Fair Nuremberg Common Law Trial followed swiftly by a fair neck snapping, pants shitting hanging!
Every school teacher, every school administrator, every school trustee, every priest, preacher, Sunday school teacher, every hospital administrator, every hospital staff, every “social media” platform operator and employ, every MSM type, every doctor, every pharmacy employ or owner, every politician, World level, National level, State or province level, county or perish level, city level, who cheerled and pushed the Communistic Penal code lockdowns, useless but harmful to one’s health manditoiry dust masking and the injecting of the Rothschild’s Human herd Culling killer Jab death bDarts, DESERVES and MUST receive expedient Nuremberg common Law Court or Tribunal trials followed by expedient neck snapping hanging!
No excuses, no pardons, no mercy.
Just expedient trials and hangings.
The Ole Dog!
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