Archive for the ‘brainwashing’ Category

WEF Whistleblower Has Q Freakout On-Air

Pascal Najadi, a retired banker from Switzerland, whose father was one of the co-founders, along with Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum was on The Alex Jones Show earlier this week and he shocked his host by going “full Q”. Najadi claimed to Alex that Klaus Schwab had been executed by US Delta Forces […]

BL – Tavistock, Part 4

Online pdf:     The post BL – Tavistock, Part 4 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Jacinda Ardern: Government Is ‘Your Single Source of Truth’

The government is your “single source of truth“, according to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who announced that “unless you hear it from us, it’s not truth.“ According to far-left Ardern, citizens must “dismiss anything else” they hear, unless it was issued by the government. Jacinda Arden has been left reeling after New Zealand […]

UK Schools Begin Offering Kids to Eat Insects to ‘Save the Planet’

Four schools in Wales, UK will be offering primary school pupils bugs as an “alternative protein” source in a project directed to ascertain children’s attitudes to “environmentally friendly” foods. Academics at Cardiff University and the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) are targeting children ages 5-11 in this experiment offering plant-based and insect-based […]

One of WEF’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ Advocates China-Style ‘Re-Education Camps’ Used for Uyghur Genocide

The World Economic Forum named Wang Guan as one of its Young Global Leaders in 2021. Wang Guan – a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader – has repeatedly advocated for the Chinese Communist Party’s “re-education camps,” weaponized by the regime against Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Wang, who works as a chief political correspondent for a […]

People Don’t ‘Trust the Science’ Because Too Many Scientists Are Liars With Agendas

There has been an unfortunate shift in Western educational practices in the past few decades away from what we used to call “critical thinking.” In fact, critical thinking was once a fundamental staple of US colleges and now it seems as though the concept doesn’t exist anymore; at least not in the way it used to. […]

George Soros Backed Radical Dem McAuliffe’s Campaign: ‘Keep Parents Out of Classrooms’

“I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” – Terry McCauliffe by Gregory Hoyt According to reports, signs promoting Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe have been spotted that bear the slogan “Keep Parents Out of Classrooms,” a slogan that clearly alludes to parents in recent months voicing opposition to things […]

Report: Google Pushing All-whites-are-racist Brainwashing

    Whistleblowers at Google have released documents that show the tech giant is pushing an “anti-racism” program that says the United States is white supremacist and that Americans are taught to be racists from childhood. Not that we needed it, but the latest from Chris Rufo at City Journal is yet more proof that […]

Dozens of School Districts are Using Book that Claims ‘Whiteness’ is the Devil and That White Children Sell Their Soul for ‘Stolen Land and Stolen Riches’

by guest author, Julian Conradson Investigative Journalist and avid CRT opponent Chris Rufo has identified over 30 school districts across 15 different states that are teaching the radical ‘anti-whiteness’ book, “Not My Idea” by Anastasia Higginbotham. Rufo notes that the book, meant for children as young as kindergarteners, ‘traffics in the noxious principles of race […]

North Korean woman defector says USA is a Crazy Anti-White Racist Communist Utopia

    [embedded content] As American educational institutions continue to be called into question, a North Korean defector fears the United States’ future “is as bleak as North Korea” after she attended one of the country’s most prestigious universities. Yeonmi Park has experienced plenty of struggle and hardship, but she does not call herself a […]

British soldiers who refuse COVID jab will be Educated & could face Disciplinary Action

    The British Army will punish military personnel who decline to be vaccinated against Covid-19, the Daily Mail has reported, as the media and government pile pressure on Britons to get the jab. Orders reportedly issued to the Royal Artillery and Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers state that soldiers who refuse to have the […]

Stockton University Students Must Now Take Two ‘Antiracism’ Courses to Graduate

    Students at Stockton University will now be required to take not one, but two courses on “race and racism” in order to graduate. According to a Stockton University press release, the measure “Race/Racism Education Across the Curriculum,” was approved by the Stockton University Board of Trustees on May 5 and will take effect […]

How did America’s Mainstream Media Seize Responsibility for Deciding what Constitutes Reality?

Home » Manipulation, North America » How did America’s Mainstream Media Seize Responsibility for Deciding what Constitutes Reality?     Six media companies are almost entirely responsible for crafting consensus reality in the West. But their laziness is such that they’re now seeking legal remedies in Congress as an alternative to raising the quality of […]

Study Finds US Academia is in Fact just Intolerant Leftist State Propaganda

    Surveying both victims and perpetrators of political discrimination in the US, the UK and Canada, researchers at an academic think tank have found intolerance toward dissent is only just beginning – and things may get much worse. Purporting to be the first paper of its kind to “investigate authoritarianism and political discrimination in […]

President Biden ‘Most of the Advertisements Today Promote Interracial Couples’

    A little bit of a Freudian slip here for you guys. US President Joe Biden has just admitted that a massive amount of money is purposefully being spent on advertisements to promote the idea of going interracial in order to stop racism. Yes, you’ve heard it correctly, the only way to stop racism […]

BIAS and Brainwashing: Almost All Journalists in Sweden are Leftists

    A Norwegian survey has identified a major left-wing slant among the press in Sweden, as merely 10 percent of journalists support right-wing parties, which leads to trust issues with right-wing voters. A survey by Norwegian pollster Nordiske Mediedager has revealed a great disparity between party sympathies of Swedish journalists and those of the […]

Nike’s latest ad builds on the company’s tradition of slickly-edited propaganda & hypocrisy

    What have skateboarding Muslims and kneeling quarterbacks got in common? They’re all part of the same social justice struggle, according to Nike. Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that Woke Capitalism is at it again. Released on Thursday, Nike’s ‘You Can’t Stop Us’ ad is simultaneously an editing marvel (its editors […]

America’s Schools: Breeding Grounds for Compliant Citizens

“Public school reform is now justified in the dehumanizing language of national security, which increasingly legitimates the transformation of schools into adjuncts of the surveillance and police state… Students are increasingly subjected to di…

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