Posts Tagged ‘SA’

FGM Savagery Increasing in UK

More than 1,200 cases of female genital mutilation have been recorded in England in the first three months of 2016, an indication that the Third World colonization of that country is proceeding apace. According to figures released by Health and Social Care Information Centre, the cases exclude reports in Scotland and Wales—which means that […]

Passport Photo Turns Salford Man Into Adolf Hitler

A man from Salford, Manchester had a shock when he received his passport containing a picture of the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Stuart Boyd applied to renew his passport ahead of a planned 50th birthday holiday. He was “distraught” to find a photo of himself resembling the German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the new passport. A […]

Passport Photo Turns Salford Man Into Adolf Hitler

A man from Salford, Manchester had a shock when he received his passport containing a picture of the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Stuart Boyd applied to renew his passport ahead of a planned 50th birthday holiday. He was “distraught” to find a photo of himself resembling the German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the new passport. A […]

SKY CRIMINALS: Chuck Norris Publishes Another Chemtrails Wakeup Call

Country legend Merle Haggard, who died of a lung infection (double pneumonia) on April 6, sang in his song, “What I hate”: “What I hate is looking up and seeing chemtrails in a clear blue sky today.” Several months ago, I wrote a column titled, “Why are geo-engineering researchers being stonewalled?” In it, I gave […]

Resistance Report: From Ashes Of Capitalism The Next System Rises

Print Friendly Above Photo: From There is a growing consensus that the crisis facing us across multiple fronts: environmental justice, racial justice, wealth inequality and more are both interconnected and systemic, meaning that Capitalism not only has no answers for these crisis, but these myriad crisis themselves are built into the system. Dana Brown, the […]

Estonian politician wants Koran banned in public places

Outlawing the Koran was proposed by Kristiina Ojuland, head of the People’s Unity Party (PUP), Estonian media reported. “Today, the negative and criminal side of Islam is so strong that we believe this move is a necessary measure to provide safety for our country and our nation, especially our women and children,” Ojuland, who served […]

Estonian politician wants Koran banned in public places

Outlawing the Koran was proposed by Kristiina Ojuland, head of the People’s Unity Party (PUP), Estonian media reported. “Today, the negative and criminal side of Islam is so strong that we believe this move is a necessary measure to provide safety for our country and our nation, especially our women and children,” Ojuland, who served […]

Estonian politician wants Koran banned in public places

Outlawing the Koran was proposed by Kristiina Ojuland, head of the People’s Unity Party (PUP), Estonian media reported. “Today, the negative and criminal side of Islam is so strong that we believe this move is a necessary measure to provide safety for our country and our nation, especially our women and children,” Ojuland, who served […]

Estonian politician wants Koran banned in public places

Outlawing the Koran was proposed by Kristiina Ojuland, head of the People’s Unity Party (PUP), Estonian media reported. “Today, the negative and criminal side of Islam is so strong that we believe this move is a necessary measure to provide safety for our country and our nation, especially our women and children,” Ojuland, who served […]

Estonian politician wants Koran banned in public places

Outlawing the Koran was proposed by Kristiina Ojuland, head of the People’s Unity Party (PUP), Estonian media reported. “Today, the negative and criminal side of Islam is so strong that we believe this move is a necessary measure to provide safety for our country and our nation, especially our women and children,” Ojuland, who served […]

Nonwhites Attack at Trump Rally

An alliance of nonwhites and supporters of the Jewish socialist Bernie Sanders yesterday violently halted a planned Donald Trump rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)—one  of the most nonwhite educational institutions in the country. Even though the controlled media has tried to blame Trump for the violence, video coverage of the […]

Nonwhites Attack at Trump Rally

An alliance of nonwhites and supporters of the Jewish socialist Bernie Sanders yesterday violently halted a planned Donald Trump rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)—one  of the most nonwhite educational institutions in the country. Even though the controlled media has tried to blame Trump for the violence, video coverage of the […]

USA mulls more permanent troops in Europe. Do we really need the trouble makers here?

Pentagon mulls more permanent troops in Europe – report RT | March 7, 2016 The US military is reportedly considering plans for permanent deployment of “one or more” US Army brigade combat teams (BCT) to Europe, as the West continues to ramp up rhetoric over alleged Russian aggression. The head of the US military’s European […]

Invader Rapes after “Don’t Rape” Course

A nonwhite invader has raped a white woman inside an invader center in Belgium just two weeks after attending a “how to treat western women” course put on by that country’s government, the Belgian VTM news channel has reported. According to the report, the Afghani, who claims to be sixteen years old, raped the […]

Asylum Seekers? Not in Israel

Israel expels all “refugees” from the Jewish state, a new BBC investigation has revealed—while simultaneously paying to help “asylum seekers” into Europe. At the same time, all of the official Israel-supporting Jewish lobbies in America and Europe work full time to import these very same “asylum seekers” into their European host nations. The exterior […]

Bi-Partisan Wars In Seven Countries

Print Friendly Above Photo: From President Obama says that if the GOP had their way they would force him to conduct wars in seven different countries. Is that true? And is that something only the GOP wants? How many wars is President Obama conducting? This is a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else. “Right now, […]

Arrested? do not submit to their verbal contract!

Australian Victorian Police Corporate Officers having a hard time Impersonating a commonwealth officer is a crime punishable of up to 2 years in jail.. yet every public servant does it.

Richmond legend Neville Crowe pulled to safety by stranger after Yarra River …

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Burke pins super trawler hopes on Greens

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Federal help for axed public servants dismissed as a ‘stunt’

Click to play video More video Recommended Click to play video Prepaid petrol ‘can be done’ Click to play video Hezbollah warns US over anti-Islam film Click to play video Protests dog Newman at regional cabinet Click to play video US-Russian space crew touch down Click to play video Duchess gets a topless Solomon greeting […]

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