Why Germany Invaded Poland-How WW 1 & WW 2 Started and America was Dragged in Both Times

England instigated both WW 1 and WW 2.
They did so because their Rothschild masters ordered them to start both wars.

England instigated WW 1 for the Rothschilds.
Germany was winning.
Germany offered while winning to call the war off, everyone just stop the killing and go home.

Rothschilds told England which was losing the war they started for the Rothschilds, hold on.
If you steal Palestine for the Rothschilds, we will drag America a into the war to save England from defeat.

England agreed and a formal contract to steal Palestine for the Rothschilds in return for America being dragged into a war Americans wanted nothing to do with was made.
It was called the Balfour declaration.

Just to be fair and show you why the Ukraine war is instigated Ratshit to make war on humanity, the current “president” of Ukraine is a Rothschild’s Homosexual Khazarian Jew Bitch.

Very “presidential”.

The Rothschilds had the Jews in Germany start a campaign to undermine the will of the German people to keep fighting the war at the same time Jews and Jew owned newspapers in America started demonizing Germany and Germans.

President Wilson was owned by the Rothschilds as were many members of congress.
USA while claiming Neutrality in the war had been providing England with weapons, ammo and other war materials in violation of the Neutrality Laws.

The HMS Lusitania, the sister ship to the Titanic was docked in New York, USA in violation of the Neutrality Laws and in violation of the Laws of the Sea against shipping war materials on a passenger ship loaded huge amounts of war materials on the Lusitania.

Germany took out huge full page ads in New York newspapers telling Americans not to sail on her as she was carrying war materials to murder German soldiers and as such a legal target to sink.

USA assured Americans they should sail on her and it was completely safe.

Winston Churchill who was at the time Lord of the British Admiralty and owned by the Rothschilds, had her sailed off the coast of Ireland where the British knew German U Boats were sinking British Shipping, pulled her military escort ships off of her, left her like a sitting duck for the Germans to sink.
A German U Boat hit her with a torpedo.

The illegal war materials on board caused a secondary explosion which cause a huge number of passengers to not have time to get off before she sank.
In total 1,198 drowned.
Of these, 128 were American citizens Germany had warned not to sail on her and which the USA government had assured them it was completely safe to do so.

US government and Jew owned and controlled press in America went into overdrive to manufacture war fever in America.

As a result of America entering the war, and the treasonous Jews in Germany undermining the will of the German people to keep fighting, Germany surrendered.

Part of Germany was taken from Germany and given to Poland.

Long before WW 2 started, in 1933, the Rothschilds had their useful idiot red Russian Khazarian Jew bitches

start an economic and propaganda war against Germany.

When the Rothschilds were ready for WW 2 a generation after the end of WW 1, they had Britain encourage the Poles to do atrocities to the Germans now under Polish rule, guaranteeing if Germany responded to stop the mass rapes, torture and murder of the ethnic Germans, Britain would defend Poland.

Hitler kept warning Poland they needed to stop the atrocities against the Germans but Britain kept telling the Poles to keep it up, they would protect them.

When Hitler invaded Poland to put a stop to it, Britain and France screamed bloody murder and declared war on Germany.

‘Neutral Sources Document Why Germany Invaded Poland’

When Russia also invaded Poland, marched more than 20,000 Polish solderers into the forrest and executed them, Britain and France said nothing.

Hitler kept offering peace to France and Britain but Rothschild controlled Britain was not going to have peace because thats not what the Rothschilds wanted.

F.D. Roosevelt who was president of the USA, was owned by the Rothschilds.
While the USA claimed neutrality, they were arming Britain, again.
FDR had US Navy vessels escorting British shipping trying to get Germany to sink an USA ship so he could declare war on Germany.

The American people wanted nothing to do with WW 2 and FDR had to promise to get reelected he would keep America out of the war.

As FDR could not get Gemany to sink an Us Navy ship, he turned to using economic sanctions against Japan to get them to attack the US Navy.
He had the US Sixth fleet moved from California to the Hawaiian Islands US had taken over by force and was occupying illegally, to make it easier for Japan to attack.

FDR knew the Japanese were coming, he purposely had the battle ships with no steam up, ammo stored in bunkers so they could not readily defend themselves.
He ordered the planes to be put in circles on the airfields to make better targets.
He needed as many dead Americans, as much destruction as possible so he could drag America into another Rothschild’s Usury Banker War Americans did not want.

FDR had warning the attack was coming and purposely did not inform the US Navy Admiral and Army General at Pearl.

FDR made sure the Aircraft carriers were out to sea as at the time Battleships were becoming obsolete but the carriers were the new cutting edge of naval Warfare.

As soon as FDR got about 3,000 Americans killed by his hand with help from Japan, he started screaming like a raped vestal virgin for war.

He had congress declare war against Japan, who had a defense treaty with Germany, so FDR got to declare war on Germany as he had been trying to for months.

Enormous American treasure was pissed off in WW 2 making rich Usury bankers richer.
US betrayed the American people, helped set up Communist China

The OSS which became the CIA trained and armed Communist Chinese Terrorist under cover of WW 2

under cover of the war, saved Communist Russia from defeat at the hands of Germany which invaded Russia to keep Russia from invading Europe.

The US and Britain made sure Communist Russia

took all of Eastern Europe and set up the Cold War so the Rothschilds could have their Pre-Planned Korean and Viet Nam wars in which again, Americans died and American treasure was transferred to usury Bankers pockets, again.

General George S Patton figured out the treason the USA was doing against the American people.
He tried to end the war in Europe in 1944, but the US took his supples away to give Communist Russia time to gobble up all of Eastern Europe.

After the war was over Patton was still trying to stop the pre-planned Cold War and stop Rothschild’s red Russian communism/Zionism from completely taking over America, so the USA murdered him.

And the rest as they say, is history.

This is why WW 1 started, how Americans were dragged into WW 1 against their will.
This is how WW 2 was started, Americans were dragged in against their will.

This is why America is a communistic shit hole today.

The Ole Dog!


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One Response to “Why Germany Invaded Poland-How WW 1 & WW 2 Started and America was Dragged in Both Times”

  1. Anonymous says:

    A corrupted capitalism is not synonymous with communism. There would be a equal distribution of wealth by the government if this was a communism.

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