Archive for the ‘RSPCA won’t drop pig abusers’ Category

Please help me get justice for my cat. RSPCA are responsible for her death.

Hello there, I am reaching out for support after the RSPCA became responsible for the death of my cat. I am a new user so I can’t post links, but please copy and paste my link to read and sign my petition. Many thanks, Mary Rudgard. Source Article from

I posted about

Campaign to bring private prosecutions made by the RSPCA under the control of the CPS Source Article from

No powers in law?

I keep herring that the animal welfare charity has no powers in law as such   But they have its called BIG WEALTH £ and that corrupts most laws. Source Article from

Clearing my grandads name

Hi there, I’m just after some advise. Years ago my grandad was convicted of cruelty to animals. He had 6 cows taken from a herd of around 40, apparently it was only them six that were abused even though they ran together. Head no warning notice, the six that were taken from a beef suckler […]


Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

Notice To Newcomers To This Site!!

Campaign to bring private prosecutions made by the RSPCA under the control of the CPS Source Article from

I posted about

Campaign to bring private prosecutions made by the RSPCA under the control of the CPS Source Article from

Clearing my grandads name

Hi there, I’m just after some advise. Years ago my grandad was convicted of cruelty to animals. He had 6 cows taken from a herd of around 40, apparently it was only them six that were abused even though they ran together. Head no warning notice, the six that were taken from a beef suckler […]

No powers in law?

I keep herring that the animal welfare charity has no powers in law as such   But they have its called BIG WEALTH £ and that corrupts most laws. Source Article from


Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

Notice To Newcomers To This Site!!

Campaign to bring private prosecutions made by the RSPCA under the control of the CPS Source Article from

No powers in law?

I keep herring that the animal welfare charity has no powers in law as such   But they have its called BIG WEALTH £ and that corrupts most laws. Source Article from


Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

I’m being investigated by the RSPCA…..Help??

Hello and welcome to the forum firstly let me say how sorry i am that you have lost your mare and the circumstances you now find yourself in rspca have no rights of arrest/entry or anything else ,they are just an animal charity and not a very good one either you were right not to […]

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