Posts Tagged ‘vetoes’

US Vetoes Palestinian Bid For Full UN Membership

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Kansas governor vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care to minors

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D) vetoed a bill that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors in the Sunflower State Friday. “This divisive legislation targets a small group of Kansans by placing government mandates on them and dictating to parents how to best raise and care for their children,” Kelly said in a veto message… […]

Democrat Dolton, Illinois Mayor Vetoes Resolution to Investigate Her Own Corruption of Misusing Funds for Lavish Trips, $1 MILLION Security Detail – Mayor Previously Came Under Fire for Shutting Down Businesses That Don’t Donate to Her

Democrat Dolton, Illinois Mayor Vetoes Resolution to Investigate Her Own Corruption of Misusing Funds for Lavish Trips, $1 MILLION Security Detail – Mayor Previously Came Under Fire for Shutting Down Businesses That Don’t Donate to Her Source

US Vetoes Gaza Ceasefire For 3rd Time & Red Cross Still Claims COVID Jab “Does Not Enter Bloodstream”

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/21/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 138: U.S. vetoes another UN resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza

The U.S. vetoed another resolution in the UN Security Council calling for a Gaza ceasefire as the WHO evacuates 32 critical patients from besieged Nasser Hospital, and the World Food Program is forced to suspend distribution amid mounting famine. Source

U.S. Vetoes UN Resolution Backed By Many Nations Demanding Immediate Humanitarian Cease-Fire In Gaza

The United States has vetoed a United Nations resolution backed by almost all other Security Council members demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. Source

US Vetoes UN Resolution For Gaza Ceasefire As Biden Visit Fails To Calm Fears Of Wider War

Update(1535ET): The big controversy out of the UN Security Council on Wednesday is that the US vetoed a draft resolution calling for a humanitarian pause in Gaza, as Israeli airstrikes continue and ground forces are reportedly still staging for an invasion. The draft resolution was proposed by Brazil and condemned “the terrorist attacks by Hamas,” urged […]

U.S. Vetoes U.N. Resolution Condemning Violence Against Civilians In Israel-Hamas War

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said it was too early to craft an appropriate Security Council response to the crisis. Source

Newsom Plays ‘Moderate’: Vetoes Transgender Custody Bill

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) vetoed a bill Friday that would have allowed judges to consider a parent’s support — or lack thereof — for a child’s gender transition in custody battles between divorcing parents. Source

North Carolina governor vetoes 12-week abortion ban

North Carolina governor vetoes 12-week abortion ban lead image Source

Romania retaliates after Austria vetoes country from joining Schengen Area over migrant crisis

Romania, angered by Austria’s decision last week to single-handedly veto the country’s accession to the border-control-free Schengen Area of the European Union, has recalled its ambassador to Vienna, Emil Hurezeanu. Romania has also called on Romanian nationals to boycott Austrian holiday resorts during the winter ski season. Last Thursday, only one of three Schengen hopefuls, […]

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf Vetoes GOP Bill Requiring School Course Materials To Be Posted Online

By Chris Menahan Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf on Wednesday vetoed a bill that would allow parents to see what their kids are being taught in school. From CBS Pittsburgh, “Gov. Tom Wolf Vetoes Republican Bill To Post School Course Materials Online”: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf vetoed a bill on Wednesday that would have required school […]

Portugal’s president vetoes law legalising euthanasia

Portugal’s president has refused to sign a second draft bill legalising euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said the wording of the proposed law was too imprecise and vetoed the law. President Rebelo de Sousa – a staunch Catholic – had previously expressed reservations about the first draft bill to legalise euthanasia. […]

Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Vetoes Michigan Election Integrity Bills: They ‘Perpetuate the Big Lie’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) used her veto powers to quash four bipartisan election integrity bills over the weekend, claiming the bills “suppress the vote” or “perpetuate the ‘Big Lie.’” Whitmer vetoed House Bills 4837, 4838, 4492, and 4528, ceremoniously announcing her decision during the annual Detroit NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner. Whitmer claimed during the dinner that a “coordinated […]

Maryland governor vetoes 3 police reform bills

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced Friday that he has vetoed three police reform measures approved by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly, all measures passed with enough votes to override the vetoes. The Republican governor vetoed legislation that includes the repeal of job protections in the police disciplinary process that have become common in other parts of […]

Trump vetoes defense bill, setting up possible 1st override vote of his term

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Donald Trump on Wednesday vetoed the annual defense policy bill, following through on threats to veto a measure that has broad bipartisan support in Congress and potentially setting up the first override vote of his presidency. The bill affirms 3% pay raises for US troops and authorizes more than $740 […]

Breaking: President Trump Vetoes ‘Unconstitutional’ Defense Bill

President Trump vetoed the annual $740 billion defense bill and sent it back to Congress. The bill included a number of partisan amendments, including a block on the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Last week Trump said he would veto the bill because it would not allow for the removal of US military from other […]

US Vetoes UNSC Call For Protection Of Palestinians

The US has vetoed a proposal to the United Nation Security Council (UNSC), seeking to offer “international protection” to Palestinian civilians in the wake of more than 120 of deaths in the Gaza strip. They were the only council member to vote against the Kuwaiti drafted resolution. US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley slammed […]

US vetoes highly supported UN resolution denouncing Israeli violence, then flops in trying to blame Hamas

The United States vetoed on Friday a Kuwaiti-drafted UN Security Council resolution that condemned Israel’s use of force against Palestinian civilians, underlining Washington’s differences with friends and foes alike over the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Later, a second, US-drafted resolution that blamed Hamas for the violence and upheld Israel’s right to defend itself failed to attract […]

Russia Vetoes US Resolution At UN To Lay Blame For Syria Chemical Attack; China Abstains

Russia on Tuesday vetoed a US-drafted and sponsored UN Security Council resolution on the alleged chemical incident in Syria that would have created a new inquiry to lay blame for chemical weapons attacks in the war-torn country. The draft was designed to fail and thus “justify” unauthorized action in Syria, Russia’s UN envoy […]

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