Posts Tagged ‘covering’

Biden admin approves more stringent rules covering “forever chemicals” in drinking water

Biden admin approves more stringent rules covering “forever chemicals” in drinking water The administration of President Joe Biden has approved more stringent health advisory limits for two types of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly known as “forever chemicals,” in drinking water. In March 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the first national drinking water standard […]

Journalist Motaz Azaiza Flees Gaza After Months Of Covering Israel-Hamas War

The 24-year-old gained a massive global following for documenting Israel’s ongoing bombardment in Gaza. Source

Netanyahu just said Israel will permanently occupy the land ‘from the river to the sea.’ The U.S. media is covering it up

The other day Benjamin Netanyahu produced his most memorable statement since October 7. He said that his ultimate aim is that Israel will permanently occupy all the territory “from the river to the sea.” There is video of him saying it in Hebrew. He was double-crossing decades of official U.S. policy, which is supposed to […]

Extensive Roman Road Network Covering Devon and Cornwall Revealed in UK

A Roman road network crossing Devon and Cornwall in the UK connecting significant settlements with military forts across the two counties as well as wider Britannia has been revealed for the first time. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Poll: 60% Say Joe Biden Covering Up His Involvement in Family Deals 

Sixty percent of voters believe President Joe Biden is working to cover up his involvement in his family’s business deals with foreign adversaries, a Rasmussen Reports poll found Monday. Source

House subcommittee: Scientists admit to covering for Fauci’s role in COVID-19 lab leak due to political pressure

(NaturalNews) The GOP-led House Select Subcommittee on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic reported that top scientists testified that they helped former… Source

Science Continues To Show COVID Jabs Are Deadly & Insurance Covering Puberty Blockers For Minors

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

At Least 19 Killed in Southwest China Landslide Covering Mine Worker Dormitory

A landslide tore through a mining company’s worker dormitory early Sunday morning in southwestern China, killing 19 people, authorities said. The disaster struck in a mountainous rural district of Sichuan province’s Leshan county, where rains have been falling constantly for weeks. Those killed were all apparently workers with the Jinkaiyuan mining company, according to state […]

Covering (up) antiwar protest in US media

The national press is a no show. Source

Victoria Police covering up child abuse in Mildura?

Victoria Police have been covering up crimes of people in positions of authority, especially their ‘bosses’ you know those in government, since their inception in 1853. NEVER forget that the colony’s criminals (albeit better behaved ones), instead of ‘honourable’ people, were recruited by the government to become police officers, where they have evolved into a […]

Report: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC Have Spent Just 14 MINUTES Combined Covering The ‘Twitter Files’

Report: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC Have Spent Just 14 MINUTES Combined Covering The ‘Twitter Files’ Date: December 15, 2022Author: Nwo Report   The term “Twitter files” has only been used six times by anchors Posted BY: Steve Watson The major left-leaning U.S. news networks have spent only 14 minutes between them covering Elon […]

CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency and NO ONE Has Gone to Jail

Imagine an agency so secretive and so corrupt that they can literally get away with criminal sexual abuse of children. Source

“Election Fraud”: Why is Google Covering Up The Explosion of Search Traffic On this Topic?

Sun, Nov 13 2022 Sayer Ji, founder of,, and co-founder of Stand For Health Freedom, shares his concerning finding that Google is back at it again, manipulating search results to coverup the true volume of interest in topics, such as election fraud and voting problems that are being searched at unprecedented volumes not only in the […]

Uber confirms “cybersecurity incident” and covering up 50m customer’s and 7m driver’s data breach in 2016

Uber confirms “cybersecurity incident” after 18-year-old claimed to be behind massive breach It’s unclear whether he accessed customer data What just happened? Uber is investigating a cybersecurity incident that has compromised many of its internal systems, giving the hacker, who says he is just 18 years old, almost complete access to the company’s network. The breach is […]

Rand Paul: “America Should Be Appalled” At Fauci Covering His Tracks

Appearing on Fox News Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul slammed Anthony Fauci for taking the default position of trying to “cover up” his activities, including potentially encouraging social media companies to censor medical information. After a federal judge ordered the release of emails Fauci sent to social media platforms concerning what he defined as ‘misinformation’, many want to […]

Pinkerton: New York Times Continues Its Long History of Covering for Commies with Gorbachev Obit

You can always count on the New York Times to put its liberal spin on events. For instance, this breaking news headline: “Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader who transformed the map of Europe and presided over the end of the Cold War, has died at 91.”  We can see the spin here: the Times gives Gorbachev […]

Mask Theater: Biden Removes Face Covering Before Boarding Air Force One

In addition to claiming he has nothing to hide and was not responsible for shutting down anything, Anthony Fauci claimed Thursday that COVID lockdowns have not “irreparably damaged anyone”. Fauci made the comments in an interview with FOX News host Neil Cavuto, who asked “do you regret that it went too far, whatever your original […]

Oz Campaign: PolitiFact Covering Up ‘Fetterman’s Radical Positions’ on Emptying PA Prisons by One-Third

Pennsylvania Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz’s U.S. Senate campaign blasted PolitiFact, saying it is “cover[ing] up for” his Democrat opponent “John Fetterman’s radical positions on putting criminals back on the streets.”  

CNN Which Helped Mass Murder Millions Covering Up Killer Jab Side Effects And Deaths is Worried About Gun Sales.

One day a bunch of evil self righteous lying pedophile degenerate children hating ass holes brought a women caught in adultery to Jesus and wanted Jesus to say she should be stoned to death. Jesus looked at the crowd and said, “He without sin in their own life, cast the first stone”. Then he took […]

Exclusive — Rep. Jim Banks: Nancy Pelosi Covering Up ‘Systemic Breakdown of Security’ on January 6

House Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) told Breitbart News Saturday that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is covering up the “systemic breakdown of security under her watch during the January 6 protests and riots. 

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