Posts Tagged ‘puberty’

US Falsified Gaza Aid Report, #CollapsingAthletes Continues, Puberty Blockers Banned & AU10TIX

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/31/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Study reveals a link between PFAS exposure and delayed puberty in girls

A recent University of Cincinnati (UC) study reveals a concerning link between exposure to per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and delayed puberty in girls. PFAS are common environmental pollutants dubbed “forever chemicals.” These harmful chemicals are used to make different environmental and consumer products like firefighting foams and nonstick products. PFAS has long been a cause for concern due to its […]

Identity Crisis: Gender Identity History, Puberty Blockers, and Hormones

Part 1: Gender Identity History, Puberty Blockers, and Hormones   Is it possible to take a balanced, nuanced look at the complex topic of gender identity? In this series we are going to dive deep into various aspects of the debates around transgender individuals and gender identity. Specifically, we are going to look at the […]

Science Continues To Show COVID Jabs Are Deadly & Insurance Covering Puberty Blockers For Minors

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Texas Bans Hormone Therapy & Puberty Blockers For Children

Texas has become latest state to ban transgender kids from receiving hormone treatments and puberty blockers which the left describe as “gender-affirming care.” The bill #SB14 was signed into law by governor Greg Abbott and goes ino effect on September 1 Of course, there was uproar from some quarters…..The American Civil Liberties Union even defended […]

Evidence Shows “Puberty Blockers are Neither Safe Nor Reversible

Evidence Shows “Puberty Blockers are Neither Safe Nor ReversibleDate: March 16, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: | Brian LupoDr. Susan Bradley, who helped pioneer “gender-affirming care” in Canada, has now spoken against the popular model of “gender-affirming care” by placing children on puberty blockers, according to an interview with the Daily Caller. Dr. Bradley founded […]

American Academy Of Pediatrics Now Recommending Puberty Blockers To Treat Strep Throat

ITASCA, IL — The American Academy of Pediatrics has announced new recommendations for treating childhood strep throat using puberty blockers. According to sources, the new guidelines came after repeated requests from Pfizer, Planned Parenthood, and a small mob of blue-haired people outside threatening to burn down their Illinois headquarters. Source

Mattel releases American Girl Doll book urging young girls to take puberty blockers without parental consent

(Natural News) On November 1, the American Girl Doll brand, which is owned by toy giant Mattel, released a children’s book that urges young girls to seek out puberty blockers without parental consent so they can “transition” into another gender. “A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image,” which is marketed for children ages 3-12, tells little […]

White House Will ‘Empower’ Children to Get Puberty Blockers, Sex Change Surgery

Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Admiral Rachel Levine has announced that the Biden administration is working to “empower” children to get puberty blockers and sex change surgery. Levine made the comments during an appearance on MSNBC. “We really want to base our treatment and to affirm and to support and empower these youth — not to […]

Study Contradicts Transgender Narrative, Suggests Puberty Blockers Spike Youth Suicide

Making puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones easier for minors to access has increased youth suicide rates, a new report asserts.

Trump Judge halts Alabama puberty blocker ban, but upholds child ‘sex-change’ surgery prohibition

Photo Credit: Ned Horton/ HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — A federal judge nominated to the bench by then-President Donald Trump has issued a preliminary injunction against the parts of a new Alabama law that prohibit the use of puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones on “transgender” youth. He left intact the state ban on “sex-altering” surgeries for…

Judge Rules Parents Have ‘Fundamental Right’ to Drug Kids With Puberty Blockers And Cross-Sex Hormones

Trump-appointed US District Judge Liles Burke on Friday blocked part of Alabama’s anti-transgender mania law by insisting that parents have a “fundamental right” to drug their children with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which he called “medications” that are “well-established, evidence-based treatments for gender dysphoria in minors.”

Biden Justice Dept. challenges Alabama law banning puberty blockers for gender-confused youth

Photo Credit: Cottonbro/Pexels WASHINGTON — Calling the procedures “medically necessary,” the U.S. Justice Department has filed an intervention to an existing lawsuit challenging an Alabama law that prohibits the use of puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones on “transgender” youth, as well as operations removing healthy body parts. “This lawsuit…

Schoolhouse Sickos: New Jersey Lesson Plan Endorses Puberty Blockers to Fifth Graders to ‘Manage’ Teen Years

New Jersey public school students as young as ten years old could be taught that puberty blockers are an acceptable way to “manage” adolescence, and that masturbating “a few times a day” is a healthy way to relieve stress, according to sample lesson plans being reviewed by the state’s school districts. New Jersey public school students […]

Puberty Blockers Now Available In Infant Formula

U.S.—In response to an unprecedented avalanche of requests from 3 activists on Twitter, baby food manufacturers have finally announced they will be providing hormone-laced infant formula for transgender babies.  “It’s never too early to transition,” said gender scientist and part-time drag queen Esmeralda Sparklestar. “This will ensure parents can give their trans child the nutrition they need […]

Biden’s HHS Pick Dr Levine Refuses to Denounce Mutilating Sex Surgery, Puberty Blockers For Children

Dr Rachel Levine, President Biden’s transgender Health and Human Services nominee, is refusing to denounce mutilating sex surgery and puberty blockers for children. On Thursday, Sen. Rand Paul tried to get Levine, a biological man who considers himself a transgender woman, to denounce allowing minors to take puberty-blocking hormones or undergo surgery to remove breasts […]

LGBT Activist Calls For ALL Children to Be Put on Puberty Blockers

After Birmingham City Council invited members of the public to come up with new street names for a regeneration scheme, winners included “Diversity Grove” and “Equality Road”. According to the council, the names were selected “based on the theme of cohesion and shared values.” Louise Kilbride, the woman whose suggested street names were chosen by […]

Under-16s unlikely to make informed choice on puberty blockers, court rules

Britain’s High Court has ruled that children under 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to understand the risks of the drugs they are taking. It says the experimental nature of the medicines that delay puberty mean the courts should decide over the administration of them – even for adults. Hormone blockers are drugs that can […]

LA Children’s Hospital Consent Form: Youth on Puberty Blockers and Hormones ‘Will Not Have Biological Children’

Photo Credit: Sam Pineda/Pexels (California Family Council) — California state legislators lambasted their opponents in defense of a transgender healthcare bill (AB 2218) in a recent Senate hearing. Senate Health Committee members complained about receiving hundreds of calls from voters telling them not to support a bill that sterilizes children. Author Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D-Los […]

Author and journalist Tariq Ali: Banks and elites have allowed the poor to rot for their own selfish gains

     The banks behind politicians in the western world “have allowed the poor to rot,” and now the elites in those countries, especially the US, are facing a revolt, journalist and author Tariq Ali told RT America’s Chris Hedges in an exclusive interview. “The elites who have run the United States and western Europe have […]

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