Posts Tagged ‘unlikely’

JN.1 healthy unjabbed individuals are unlikely to be affected, their innate immune system — still works as it should.

The latest SARS-CoV-2 variant, JN.1, was first detected in the U.S. in September 2023. By mid-December, it accounted for about half of all COVID cases in the country,1 and calls to get the latest “updated” COVID shot resumed. Cases associated with this variant are also on the rise in the U.K., China and India.2 According to […]

The most unlikely ingredient to a successful career in Washington

Most people come to Washington seeking power. Power to change policy; power to elect new leaders; power to sway the most influential judges; power to tell stories that shape people’s minds. But the oldest story in Washington is how the quest for power almost always comes at the expense of what everyone says they really […]

Long Lines At Gas Pump Unlikely, But Middle East Crisis Could Disrupt Supply, Raise Prices

Fifty years after the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the current crisis in the Middle East has the potential to disrupt global oil supplies and raise prices. Source

A real pathogen unlikely as they couldn’t control it. Vaxx a better way to kill large numbers of humans.

Recall I’ve long argued that release of a real pathogen would cause the perpetrators to cede control of events to chance from that moment. Consider whether they would do that. I submit that they would not. A real pathogen would not act predictably. It might fade away without accomplishing their objectives. Or, it might be […]

Trump wallops Biden among unlikely voters: poll

Former President Trump outperformed President Biden in a new survey of unlikely voters in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election. The Suffolk University/USA Today survey, released Wednesday, polled 900 U.S. citizens ages 18 and older — about half of whom were registered to vote. While the poll found respondents preferred Trump over Biden, more voted for… […]

Secretary Yellen’s Visit Unlikely to Repair Relations

Commentary U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen’s goal in Beijing is to explain President Joe Biden’s China policy, which has shifted a great deal. Prior to the beginning of the administration, it was widely believed that Mr. Biden would repeal the Trump-era tariffs and take a softer stance on China. In reality, he appointed a number of […]

Russia ‘Unlikely’ To Build Up Forces Needed To Affect Ukraine War Outcome Soon, UK Says

Vladimir Putin’s troops are only gaining a few hundred meters of territory a week, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. Source

Rolling back Iranian nuclear program extremely unlikely in any scenario: ex-Israeli official

TEHRAN – A former Israeli official has said it is impossible to curb Iran’s rapidly advancing nuclear program except finding a political solution to it. Source

Biden Says ‘Unlikely’ Missile That Hit Poland Was Fired From Russia

The president did pledge support for Poland’s investigation into what it had called a “Russian-made” missile. Source

An Unlikely Friendship With a Paramedic Helps Homeless Addict Turn His Life Around

An unlikely friendship between a California paramedic and a heartbroken homeless man led to a $7 gift that turned the man’s life around. However, it was only after 12 years when they reunited that the paramedic learned of this radical transformation. Jeanah Nomelli, now 43, first met William Levens, now 66, in 2007. William had […]

An Unlikely Friendship With a Paramedic Helps Homeless Addict Turn His Life Around

An unlikely friendship between a California paramedic and a heartbroken homeless man led to a $7 gift that turned the man’s life around. However, it was only after 12 years when they reunited that the paramedic learned of this radical transformation. Jeanah Nomelli, now 43, first met William Levens, now 66, in 2007. William had […]

Israel: Iranian response makes return to nuclear deal unlikely but does not end negotiations

Israeli officials commented on Friday on the latest response Tehran presented in the context of talks to revive the nuclear agreement, which the US announced was “not constructive”. The Israeli officials considered the Iranian response “makes the return to the nuclear agreement soon unlikely, but this does not mean it is the end of the […]

FBI Raid, Probes Unlikely to Hurt Trump’s Popularity: GOP Strategists

The ongoing probes targeting former President Donald Trump have done little to dampen his prospects for a presidential run in 2024, according to political analysts. Despite a series of investigations, including a Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into whether Trump had mishandled classified documents after leaving office, Republican voters have made up their minds about […]

An Unlikely Philosopher

I don’t usually do book reviews, but when I was approached by author Vtaliy Katsenelson to review Soul in the Game: The Art of a Meaningful Life, I was intrigued by his back story. First of all, Katsenelson is the CEO of an investment firm in Denver. As an investment manager, you’d expect him to write a book […]

Good News: Chemotherapy drugs by drone and the unlikely return of a rockstar’s guitar after 45 years

Your weekly dose of #GoodNews is fresh out of the oven with VR replicating the neurological effects of exercise, chemo drugs that descend from the skies, and more. Source

Report: World Health Assembly Unlikely to Pass Pandemic Treaty, but Biden Amendments Are on the Table

According to a flustered report at the Washington Post on Sunday, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) might not be able to muster the support it needs for a sweeping “global pandemic treaty” at the World Health Assembly currently in progress, but amendments proposed by the Biden administration to reduce the influence of member state governments […]

Fauci: Lab Leak Unlikely, ‘Much More Likely’ COVID-19 from Animal Outbreak

Biden chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that the theory COVID-19 pandemic started from a leak in a Chinese laboratory is not likely. Anchor Ari Melber said, “People do want to know where this thing came from. President Biden also talked about an intelligence process for that. There’s been some […]

Pete Buttigieg Says Supply Chain Issues Unlikely To Be Resolved Until Everybody Is Vaccinated

US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has predicted that the West Coast port backlog is unlikely to be resolved until every American has been vaccinated. On Sunday Buttigieg was questioned about why the standstills were now worse than before the White House announced their solution to operate ports 24 hours a day 7 days a week. […]

Josh Gottheimer is taunting the ‘far left.’ He’s still unlikely to face a serious primary.

“I think the temperature is there for somebody to run” against him, said Cathy Brienza, founder of Ridgewood JOLT, a local progressive advocacy group in Gottheimer’s district. “I think he should be afraid.” But by all appearances, Gottheimer is not feeling any heat from the left, even as activists hold protests outside his suburban North […]

Covid Unlikely to Mutate into a Deadly Variant, Says Lead Scientist Behind AstraZeneca Vaccine

There “aren’t many places for the virus to go”, according to the lead scientist behind the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine who says Covid is unlikely to mutate into a much deadlier variant. The Telegraph has the story. Dame Sarah Gilbert said that viruses tended to become less virulent over time as they spread through a population which was becoming […]

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