Posts Tagged ‘popularity’

Hitler’s New Popularity

Hitler’s New Popularity January 2 2024 ___________________________________ More Vids! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, POB 547, Priest River, ID 83856 E-mail: brothernathanaelfoundation([at])yahoo[dot]com Scroll Down For Comments Source

In Israel, politicians like Yair Golan gain popularity when they call for genocide

Yair Golan revitalized his floundering political career when he started making genocidal statements and telling the people of Gaza, “you can die from starvation, it’s totally legitimate.” Source

Kinzinger: If Indicted, Trump Will Gain Popularity – ‘Will Help Him in the Primary’

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), now a CNN contributor, said Thursday on “The Situation Room” that if Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicts former President Donald Trump, it will make him more popular in the Republican Party and help him possibly win the 2024 nomination. Source

Greek yogurt popularity soars; market worth more than 45 billion

The global Greek yogurt market size is expected to reach 46.5 billion dollars (USD) by 2028, expanding at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2021 to 2028, based on a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. A shift in dietary consumption coupled with the growing adoption of probiotic-rich foods has been propelling the demand for […]

Greece soars in British popularity while France and Portugal slip

“Greece has soared in its summer appeal to British visitors, while France and Portugal have slipped down the league table of European sunspots” writes the Independent after analysing the latest passenger data from the Civil Aviation Authority – for July 2022. According to its findings,  Spain is the clear winner, with 3.55 million passengers flying […]

FBI Raid, Probes Unlikely to Hurt Trump’s Popularity: GOP Strategists

The ongoing probes targeting former President Donald Trump have done little to dampen his prospects for a presidential run in 2024, according to political analysts. Despite a series of investigations, including a Department of Justice (DOJ) probe into whether Trump had mishandled classified documents after leaving office, Republican voters have made up their minds about […]

From Peasant To Pharaoh: The Popularity of ‘Pizza’ in the Ancient World

Since the ancient times, people have been eating pizza in one form or another. By 2200 BC, Egyptian flatbread was topped with a spread called dukkah and evidence of flatbread consumed in Italy also date back to 2000 BC. Although it is known that the Persians, Etruscans and Greeks were producing something that can loosely […]

Name Donald has hit record low popularity

“The” Donald appears to have made sure he will be the most prominent Donald for years to come, as new data shows that the former president‘s first name hit record low popularity in 2020. A new report from the Social Security Administration included data on the most popular names for babies in 2020. Though Donald […]

Harry, Meghan UK popularity plummets after Oprah interview – poll

The popularity of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan has tumbled in Britain and has never been lower following their explosive interview with US chat show host Oprah Winfrey, according to a poll on Friday.During the interview aired last Sunday, Meghan said her pleas for help while she felt suicidal were ignored and that one […]

Barack Obama: Trump’s Popularity a ‘Racist Reaction to a Black President’

Barack Obama has attacked President Trump and his supporters, claiming Donald Trump’s huge popularity is nothing more than a “racist reaction” to his own presidency. In his forthcoming memoir, which focuses on his first term in the White House, the former POTUS slams Trump supporters as xenophobic and paranoid. The 768-page book, entitled “A Promised Land,” is due for release this week. In […]

Poll: Biden Popularity Tanks Following DNC

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Poll: Biden Popularity Tanks Following DNC

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Poll: Biden Popularity Tanks Following DNC

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Poll: Biden Popularity Tanks Following DNC

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Poll: Biden Popularity Tanks Following DNC

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Poll: Biden Popularity Tanks Following DNC

In a telling display, Hollywood and media leftists engaged in a tirade of attacks on black and naturalised speakers at the RNC, ironically charging that the GOP is attempting to hide its own racism behind a display of diversity. The speakers who were the target of the abuse included First Lady Melania Trump, Republican Kentucky […]

Fall of ‘Jupiter’? Macron’s popularity down, as hopes for the ‘political wonderboy’ seem to vanish

In early May 2017, Macron won the French presidential elections with 66.1 percent of the vote, which was one of the most decisive results in the history of the French Fifth Republic. A month later, his party, ‘Republic on the Move’ (LREM), scored another impressive victory by winning a majority of seats in the French […]

French President Macron’s popularity drops 10 percent in 3 months – poll

The poll was carried out by Ifop for the Journal du Dimanche newspaper, and indicated that the percentage of those satisfied with the president fell from 64 in June to 54 in July. Size matters? Framing of Macron’s extra-large official portrait ‘could cost €2.7mn’ Among those surveyed, 47 percent say they are “mostly satisfied” with […]

عودة العلاقات التركية ـ الإسرائيلية: غاز ومصالح على حساب فلسطين  

سارعت أنقرة إلى المصالحة بسبب الثروة الغازية المكتشفة حديثاً في إسرائيل (أ ف ب) ستشهد الأيام والأسابيع المقبلة تطوراً في العلاقات التركية ــ الإسرائيلية عما كانت عليه قبل ست سنوات. الأتراك الذين رفعوا شعارات فضفاضة تجاه القضية الفلسطينية عموماً وقطاع غزة خصوصاً تنازلوا عنها، كل ذلك مقابل الغاز الإسرائيلي وتحالفات إقليمية في صالح تل أبيب […]

Turkey vs. possible scenarios in Syria

Alwaght- At the present time, Turkey is facing challenges from different sides due to the crisis in the neighboring Syria. Ankara has changed the friendship borders with Syria into borders for challenge and conflict, and any time it can get engaged in a destructive war. This comes while the neighboring Syria has couple of scenarios […]

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