Posts Tagged ‘figurines’

Trypillian Culture Female Figurines Found at Ukraine’s “Pompeii”

A team of archaeologists from the Ukraine discovered five clay female figurines hidden inside a hole in a wall in Verteba Cave, in the Borshchiv Region of western Ukraine. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

Osiris Figurines and Bust of Bacchus Recovered Side by Side in Poland. Why?

In a recent archaeological excavation carried out in the village of Kluczkowice in Poland, a peculiar discovery has been made of Roman and Egyptian gods lying side by side. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Clay Wonders: The Handmade Figurines of Djenne-Djenno

Amidst the vast expanses of the Malian region, there once flourished a remarkable civilization. How do we know? The unique terracotta figurines of Djenne-Djenno give historians a glimpse into the rich and fascinating history of this region.  These precious artifacts are not only beautiful works of art but also offer deep insights into the daily […]

Wei Dynasty Terracotta Figurines Enrich Our Knowledge of Ancient China

Datong, Shanxi province has now yielded a large number of terracotta figurines, dated 1,500-years-old in the latest round of archaeological finds – all from the tombs of the upper class. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Spain returns smuggled figurines, funeral jars to Egypt

Spain returned 36 stolen antiquities to Egyptian officials on Monday, including figurines of gods and goddesses and ancient jars meant to hold human remains, reports Reuters. The artefacts – among them a granite carving of the lion’s head of the warrior goddess Sekhmet – were taken illegally from archaeological sites, officials said. Smugglers brought them […]

Latest ‘Lucky Jew’ figurines in Poland: Candles that promise ‘financial success’

JTA — Even among Jews in Poland, few are shocked at this point by the popular figurines of ultra-Orthodox Jews counting money that are sold in the country as good luck charms. Yet even locals are pausing to take stock of the latest development on that controversial theme: scented candles that one retailer advertised as […]

Ice Age Figurines and the Sanctity of Prehistoric Obesity

While we all know too much icing can lead to obesity, a new study now says too much “Ice Age” can too, linking the famous Ice Age Venus figurines with a widespread prehistoric desire for “female obesity.” According to a 2019 Lab Blog article, “ Fat shaming ” won’t solve the world’s obesity epidemic, and the […]

3,500-Year-Old Pig Figurines Found in Ancient Polish Stronghold

Archaeologists working on a prehistoric settlement in Poland have discovered two tiny pig figurines, miraculously found intact after 3,500 years. The ancient relics can help experts to better understand prehistoric society in the middle of the second millennium BC, in this part of Europe. The remarkable figures were found in Maszkowice (Małopolska) on a mountain […]

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