Posts Tagged ‘losers’

Winners and losers of the final GOP debate before Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa — Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis met one-on-one on the debate stage for the first time here on Wednesday night, just five days before the Iowa caucuses. It was a critical encounter for the former United Nations ambassador and the Florida governor, as polls indicate they are locked in a tight battle… […]

Winners and losers from the third Republican debate

A slimmed-down field of GOP presidential hopefuls took the stage in Miami on Wednesday for a third primary debate. Only five people qualified for the clash: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.), former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. The debate was again defined… […]

Biden campaign pans GOP debate: ‘Party of losers’

The Biden campaign panned the Republican Party as a “party of losers” following the third GOP presidential debate Wednesday night.  Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement that a party would normally reflect and change its course after losing an election, referring to Tuesday’s elections in which Republicans had a disappointing performance. … […]

Winners and losers of the first GOP debate

MILWAUKEE — A stormy Republican clash here Wednesday kicked off the 2024 debate season — even if the biggest name wasn’t on the stage. Former President Trump’s decision not to participate in the Fox News debate at the Fiserv Forum overshadowed the event and likely lowered its ratings. Trump did not entirely cede the spotlight,… […]

Winners and losers from the second fundraising quarter

Winners and losers from the second fundraising quarter | The Hill Skip to content The end of the second fundraising quarter marks a new glimpse into how campaigns are faring ahead of November’s high-stakes elections. Most of the Republican presidential hopefuls and President Biden had not yet officially declared their candidacies by the end of […]

Pedo commoner “king” No Chin Charlie from tiny Island For Misfits, Losers, Pedophiles and Inbred Sheep to ‘Permanently Exile’ his Bastard Illegitimate Step Son Big Pie Hole Harry

Big Pie Hole Harry and his Sperm Donner daddy who Di had a sexual fling with as Pedo No Chin Charlie was way too busy helping Pedo and Dead Corpse raping best buttie Jimmy Savile with the traumatized and terrified children to keep Di sexually satisfied Here the spawn of commoner Bastards, no Chin Charlie […]

Control Freak Losers Who Can Spell Adulterated yankee English

Every now and then some loser will try to take me to task because I can not spell adulterated yankee English. Got an Email. Looking at your index I note that you have twice spelled ‘speech’ as ‘speach’ .It jars on the eye a tad and detracts from otherwise sensible points. I share your contempt […]

Winners and Losers From the Ukraine War

Alex On Life – Dog-Whistling Life Coach for Losers

I keep seeing these types pop up all over the “jew wise” movement. They’ll dog whistle to their followers about the jews, but then spend 90% of their time bitching about how much women suck, how they’re all whores, and need their rights taken away. I highly doubt this man has a wife and there’s […]

From Zoom to Quibi, the tech winners and losers of 2020

We streamed, we Zoomed, we ordered groceries and houseplants online, we created virtual villages while navigating laptop shortages to work and learn from home. When it comes to technology, 2020 was a year like no other. Here are the year’s tech winners and losers: — Virtual Reality As the world adjusted to a new stuck-at-home […]

Karl Rove to Trump: ‘America Likes Comebacks But They Don’t Like Sore Losers’

Republican strategist Karl Rove said on this week’s broadcast “Fox News Sunday” that President Donald Trump should be aware Americans do not like “sore losers.” Anchor Chris Wallace asked, “The Electoral College votes tomorrow, and then on January 6, the Congress actually counts the votes and formally declares a winner. Do you expect President Trump […]

80% of US partisan losers think the last 2 elections were stolen

Ramin Mazaheri is currently covering the US elections. He is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: […]

Putting Some Degenerate Losers in Their Places

Crushing some losers. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram.

Jeffrey Goldberg Accused of Lifting Trump’s “Losers” Quote From End of Godfather II

Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer says the presidential candidate’s cognitive functioning and speaking ability has deteriorated significantly in the last few years. Speaking to the Washington Free Beacon, Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with Biden from 2011 to 2017, said the presidential candidate is “not the […]

Study reveals winners and losers of Israel’s work-from-home revolution

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Debt Makes Losers of Us All — Here’s How to Challenge the System

January 23rd, 2018 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World “With the nation’s household debt burden at $11.85 trillion, even the most modest challenges to its legitimacy have revolutionary implications.” ~ from the article, “Don’t Owe. Won’t Pay. Everything You’ve Been Told About Debt Is Wrong.” After twenty years, I’ve finally paid-off my student loans. […]

Bad losers, the USA is still training terrorists in Syria

The US-led coalition is training militants at the Syrian Hasakah refugee camp located 70 kilometers from the border of Turkey and 50 kilometers from the border of Iraq. The New Syria Army is being formed at the location to fight the Syrian government forces in southern Syria. The US Special Operations Forces (SOF) are playing the main role in […]

Kathy Griffin & Hillary Clinton Are Losers, Not Victims

21st Century Wire says… Those on the “left” need to start taking responsibility for their actions. Kathy Griffin, an alleged comedian, has received immense backlash for a stunt she pulled earlier in the week. Griffin apparently thought it would be a great idea to pose with a blood soaked effigy of President Donal Trump’s decapitated head. […]

Who Are The Biggest Losers From The Puerto Rico Bankruptcy

So does that mean that there are no losers or casualties (metaphorically speaking for now) from the bankruptcy filing? The answer is that in addition to the citizens of Puerto Rico of course, more than half of whom live in poverty and who are about to be crushed by even more austere financial conditions […]

Jew-Hating Black Dude Hunted by Police

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 30, 2016 Run! Don’t let these bastards catch you! Sometimes, even the most humble among us is capable of doing something noble and notable. Bobo here (his real name isn’t known yet, but he’s probably called Bobo I guess) gave his all to fight back against ZOG. Now he’s being hunted like […]

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