Posts Tagged ‘yankee’

Reconstructed Confederates Loving yankee Occupation, Slavery & Trump

Twitter Litter is filled with “confederates” arguing” with little children raping yankees about what led to the South being subjugated to the yankee US. But when you get into their “politics”, most all are pimping for Trump, a Rothschild’s owned and operated fat pedophile who spent four years betraying America for the benefit of Rothschild’s […]


yankee: 1: A soul-less demonically possessed former human which loves communism. 2: A control freak. 3: A self righteous hypocrite which always sees the speck of sawdust in another’s eye, but can not see the forrest growing in their own. A member of a mass murdering death cult. 4: A class of Gentuza who need […]

The Ole Dog!’s Opinion on Pedophiles, Politicians, yankee carpetbaggers, Southern Scalawags & Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s end Of Times Death Cult Members

The Ole Dog! Source

A Bit From a Great Aunt’s Letter About How The yankee “soldiers” “Fought” the War

Seated left, my great grandfather Carleton, grandson of an American Revolutionary War soldier who served three years under Washington, grandson of another American Revolutionary War soldier who served six years under Washington, the last 3 as a scout for Washington’s army, Great Grandson of another American Revolutionary War soldier who died soon after the war […]

Welcome To The Occupied Republic of Texas, Now Go Home or Leave Your Vile yankee & Kalifornia Communistic Mind Rot Behind

I have never been against folks leaving shit holes and moving where they can have more freedom and a better life. The problem happens when folks move from shit holes and try to bring their shit hole ideas and ways with them. If you are going to try to bring your shit ways with you, […]

Of yankee Evil, Lies & Propaganda

When the yankee won against the Confederacy using gang rapes of children, pregnant women, minister’s daughters, black and white, often until death, digging up the dead to rob, mass murder, mass arson, planned starvation, destruction of whole cities filled with civilians, the evil of the yankee did not just infiltrate Southern Schools, but also Southern […]

MassAss yankee S#it Hole High Court Said Forcing Killer Jabs on Folks Is Legal” because It Protected Them From A Non Existent “Virus”

MassAss High Court Protecting the general public from a spread of a “pandemic” “caused” by “witches” The yankeeland city of Boston’s “Covid-19” Killer Jab mandate for city workers was legal, according to a March 30 ruling by the Massass High Court, after the city claimed that the ability to adequately combat the Non Existent Mythical […]

Dublin Blues With Foreword Definition of Difference Between a yankee and a DAMN yankee

A song I did years back. It was on YouRube before they banned me for telling the truth It was on BitChute for a good while, still is just won’t load. BitChute seems to not kick off videos they do not like, they just make sure they will not load and play. So I uploaded […]

yankee Marxist Atheist Closet Homosexual Abraham Lincoln’s Repudiation of the Declaration of Independence

And closet homosexual who shacked up with men. The current ‘UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’ is a for profit corporation owned and run by foreign to America Usury Bankers. Americans are the cattle which the evil child raping bastards farm for profit and use for cannon fodder in instigated wars. Papa BadBush Who’s daddy was brought […]

Taking Confederate Memorials Down At a yankee “military” Academy Which Teaches How To Chew Rope & Take It Up The Ass

The yankee ass holes are taking down all memorials to Confederates at the Point. General Robert E. Lee, CSA, is my cousin. General stonewall Jackson, CSA, is my cousin. General Richard Taylor, CSA, is my cousin. General James Longstreet, CSA, is my cousin. Lt. Col. John A. Washington, Aid de Camp to General Lee who […]

yankee ‘Sanctuary City’ NYC Mayor Declares State Of Emergency After Criminal Illegal Invaders Overwhelm Resources

Hypocritical yankees who don’t see any problem with Texaican cities being over run with millions of hands out child and women raping, thieving, murdering, drunk driving like they are still in Mexico Criminal illegal invaders, whine and cry like little spoiled bitches when a handful gets dumped on their asses which have been caterwauling for […]

The yankee’s Occupation Corporation ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ Should Have a 3ed Choice on “guvnor’s” Election Ballot – NONE OF THE ABOVE

ISRAHELL FIRSTER ANTI-TEXICAN A-BUTT Texicans are the new Palestinians Who wants to steal Texicans God Given Right of self defense firearms using bull shit “red flag” “laws” And is Bestist Butties with The pendejo spawn of a carpetbagger yankee bitch who tries to pretend to be a Texican who wants to run for president so […]

The yankee’s Occupation Corporation ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ Should Have a 3ed Choice on “guvnor’s” Election Ballot – NONE OF THE ABOVE

ISRAHELL FIRSTER ANTI-TEXICAN A-BUTT Texicans are the new Palestinians Who wants to steal Texicans God Given Right of self defense firearms using bull shit “red flag” “laws” And is Bestist Butties with The pendejo spawn of a carpetbagger yankee bitch who tries to pretend to be a Texican who wants to run for president so […]

At Dreamforce in San Francisco, SPAWN OF A yankee CARPETBAGGER BITCH GRAB AMERICANS GUNS ANTI-AMERICAN Matthew McConaughey says presidential run may be ‘inevitable’

WERE THEY REFERRING TO HIS STOMACH “MUSCLE? I thought the USA corporation located in Sopdom & Gomorrah on the Potomac had hit rock bottom with the yankee Pedos the Bad Bushes the Arkansas white trash child rape artist bill walking dick Clinton the illegal Kenyan rope chewing alien the Obombister Trickster Trumpster, Hands all over […]

At Dreamforce in San Francisco, SPAWN OF A yankee CARPETBAGGER BITCH GRAB AMERICANS GUNS ANTI-AMERICAN Matthew McConaughey says presidential run may be ‘inevitable’

WERE THEY REFERRING TO HIS STOMACH “MUSCLE? I thought the USA corporation located in Sopdom & Gomorrah on the Potomac had hit rock bottom with the yankee Pedos the Bad Bushes the Arkansas white trash child rape artist bill walking dick Clinton the illegal Kenyan rope chewing alien the Obombister Trickster Trumpster, Hands all over […]

Control Freak Losers Who Can Spell Adulterated yankee English

Every now and then some loser will try to take me to task because I can not spell adulterated yankee English. Got an Email. Looking at your index I note that you have twice spelled ‘speech’ as ‘speach’ .It jars on the eye a tad and detracts from otherwise sensible points. I share your contempt […]

Ode To An Unattractive Red Headed yankee Whore

When Jen Psaki was but yet a small unattractive evil yankee girl-She decided her lot in life was to give many a man a whirl- When she reached the age when she could work at her dream of pay for it man-She plied her trade with her vigina, annus, mouth and hand- But as a […]

Ode To An Unattractive Red Headed yankee Whore

When Jen Psaki was but yet a small unattractive evil yankee girl-She decided her lot in life was to give many a man a whirl- When she reached the age when she could work at her dream of pay for it man-She plied her trade with her vigina, annus, mouth and hand- But as a […]

The Closet Homosexual Atheist yankee Rail Road lawyer War Criminal Lincoln’s Repudiation of the Declaration of Independence

Perhaps the biggest falsehood ever pedaled about Abraham Lincoln is that he was devoted to the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Exactly the opposite is true; he repudiated every one of the main principles of the Declaration with his words and, more importantly, his actions. In our time the odd and ahistorical writings of […]

Ex-Yankee arrested in Hawaii over July 4 weekend

Former New York Yankees player Bronson Sardinha was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in Hawaii over the Fourth of July weekend. Sardinha was arrested shortly after midnight Sunday, according to Honolulu police records. Sardinha posted bail and was released. The Yankees drafted the Kamehameha Schools graduate as the 34th overall pick in […]

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