Posts Tagged ‘islamists’

June 12 – Marine LePen Vows to Expel “Islamists”

(Marine LePen promises to Make France Great Again!) The present debate comes down to this: Does man have a soul that is connected to the Creator’s Moral Design? The Satanists say we are “hackable animals” that can be programmed to serve them, not God. This debate will determine what we are made of.   Le Pen […]

British Gov’t Warns MILLIONS of Radical Islamists Flooding West Is a ‘Realistic Prospect’

The British government has warned that tens of millions of radical Islamists are set to flood Europe and the U.S. in the coming months as a result of open border policies. In a speech at […] The post British Gov’t Warns MILLIONS of Radical Islamists Flooding West Is a ‘Realistic Prospect’ appeared first on The […]

Malaysia Sees Far-Right Islamists Rise as Election Ends in Hung Parliament

Malaysia is facing a hung parliament for the first time in its political history, after its general elections swung in surprisingly hard favour of the country’s far-right Islamist party. A record number of voters defied inclement weather and flooding to cast their ballots in the hotly anticipated election, as the nation of more than 33 […]

Sudan: Islamists slam official silence about Israeli aggression at Al Aqsa Mosque

Islamists in Sudan have condemned the silence of the Sudanese government about Israeli aggression at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, Quds Press reported on Monday. The Head of the Broad Islamic Current, Adel Ala Allah, declared the movement's solidarity with the Palestinians. Ala Allah rejected any form of normalisation of ties between Sudan and the […]

3 killed in Pakistan in clashes between police, Islamists

Two demonstrators and a policeman were killed Tuesday in violent clashes between Islamists and police in Pakistan, hours after authorities arrested the head of an Islamist party in the eastern city of Lahore a senior official and local media reported. The policeman was killed in overnight clashes with the supporters of Saad Rizvi, the head […]

Islamists in Germany fraudulently received €1 MILLION in Covid-19 aid, some funds used to ‘direct terrorism financing’ – media

Around €1 million in Covid-19 relief funds aimed at businesses might have ended up in the pockets of hardline Islamists, German media reported, citing sources in the Berlin police who opened more than 100 probes into the fraud. The misuse of coronavirus aid to finance terrorist activities was reported by German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. […]

Women, Islamists suffer setbacks in election in Jordan

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US Ambassador tells Serbia to reward Kosovo Islamists by giving them their own state

     On May 29th, a group of Serbs displaced from the Kosovo village of Petrich by Albanian violence attempted to visit the remains of the demolished village church and the village cemetery to mark Holy Trinity holiday (according to the Julian calendar). However, as is usual in most of NATO-occupied Kosovo, they were met by […]

Pentagon Think-Tank Praises Al Qaeda as ‘Moderate’ Islamists

Pentagon Think-Tank Praises Al Qaeda as ‘Moderate’ Islamists By Eric Eric Zuesse An October 24th article by Colin P. Clarke of the Rand Corporation the main think-tank for the Pentagon is headlined “The Moderate Face of Al Qaeda , and a section of it is headed A Moderate Alternative, presenting Al Qaeda as the […]

New Law Allows Islamists To Carry Swords In Texas

Lawmakers in Texas have signed a new bill into law allowing Islamists to carry swords and large knives in public spaces.  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the controversial bill that removes restrictions on the use and possession of serveral dangerous types of knives and other edged weapons. With Texas being home to one of the […]

‘Thousands’ of violent Islamists in Sweden: security police

June 18, 2017 0 Source Article from

‘Thousands’ of violent Islamists in Sweden: security police

June 18, 2017 0 Source Article from

‘Thousands’ of violent Islamists in Sweden: security police

June 18, 2017 0 Source Article from

4 suspected Islamists arrested in Berlin ahead of Obama’s visit

The early morning operation was aimed against a gang of armed drug traffickers, police said. A total of nine people were arrested in the raid, with four of those detained being members of a “violent Islamist” group, Reuters reported. Thousands of extra visitors are expected in Berlin for the long weekend from May 25 to […]

‘50 times more brutal than terrorists’: Duterte warns Islamists of retaliation if he’s angered

Duterte, who was speaking Sunday during the opening of a national sports tournament, was referring to the recently foiled terrorist plot in the country which three Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) affiliates were preparing. Several soldiers and civilians, and at least four militants, including a senior commander of an Islamist extremist group were killed in the […]

Texas Declare War On Black Lives Matter Terrorist Group

Authorities in Texas are cracking down on the Black Lives Matter group, saying they will operate a policy of “zero tolerance” against homegrown threats of terrorism. Texas Governor Greg Abbot has teamed up with lawmakers to introduce the Police Protection Act, which he says will strengthen penalties for crimes committed against cops. reports: “At a […]

Blast rocks fertilizer factory in Ibaraki, Japan, knocking out power in neighborhood

At least 300 homes lost power as a result of the explosion, according to local media. The incident took place at around 3 p.m. local time (0400 GMT).The explosion also destroyed the roofs of at least two buildings and heavily charred the interior, images from the scene showed. Police are investigating the incident. There were […]

Jihadists recruit & train Syrian teens to carry out terror acts, opposition tells Russian military

According to data provided by Syrian opposition representatives, a special unit consisting of teenagers was formed in the Syrian province of Idlib, Russia’s defense ministry’s spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said during a news briefing. The teenagers reportedly completed “a special training program” conducted by Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham militants. The eldest “recruit” of […]

Journalist Jailed By Israel Approaches 70th Day Of Hunger Strike

Print Friendly Above Photo: New Yorkers took to the streets on Friday, 29 January to demand the immediate release of imprisoned Palestinian journalist Mohammed al-Qeeq, on his 66th day of hunger strike and shackled to his hospital bed in critical condition. (Photo: Joe Catron/MintPress News) “He shouldn’t die for practicing his profession,” journalist and administrative detainee […]

Spain police seize 1.4 tons of camouflaged cocaine

A shipping container loaded with what appeared to be sacks of charcoal on wooden pallets arrived at Spain’s second-busiest port of Valencia on November 30. Spanish police acting on intelligence data provided by the British National Crime Agency (NCA) carried out a search. Forensic examination showed the pallets were made of pressed cocaine powder weighing […]

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