Posts Tagged ‘executions’

The Ceasefire Illusion, IDF Civilian Executions At Al-Shifa & Israel Caught Lying Again

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/21/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Saudi Arabia Tops 100 Executions in 2023

 September 9, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Amnesty International announced that the number of executions conducted by Saudi Arabia this year has surpassed 100, raising concerns that the death penalty is being used in the kingdom in violation of international law. The number of executions is less than the 196 executions conducted in 2022. However, it […]

Top Democrat Doctor Calls for Unvaccinated To Be Shot to Death in Nazi-Style Executions

A top Democrat doctor has called for Nazi-style executions of unvaccinated citizens in America. Florida Dr. Daniel B. Case harassed and bullied other employees at Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida over their vaccination status. At […] The post Top Democrat Doctor Calls for Unvaccinated To Be Shot to Death in Nazi-Style Executions appeared first on […]

Stories from the Gallows: Executions Exhibition Reveals Tragic Tales of Death

The Museum of London Docklands is hosting Executions, a major exhibition exploring the capital’s history of public punishment, from the first recorded public execution in 1196 to the last in 1868.  Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

UN condemns executions of Russian POWs by Ukrainians

READ HERE: The UN human rights watchdog is aware of a new graphic video purportedly showing the execution of Russian POWs by Ukrainians and has raised the issue with Kiev   Source

Disingenuous Reporting On Iran Executions By Western Media

The Islamic Republic of Iran is receiving pushback from Western media outlets over its execution of a man that was charged with killing two members of Iran’s security forces. However, the story is being manipulated in the latest saga of distortions and outright lies that are being perpetuated about the Iranian government. Western media outlets […]

Saudi Arabia resumes drug related executions

READ: Fear mounts over possible execution of 54 inmates in Saudi Arabia Source

AI Art is Powered by ISIS Executions and Non-Consenual Porn

Hacking. Disinformation. Surveillance. CYBER is Motherboard’s podcast and reporting on the dark underbelly of the internet. See More → AI art has gotten wildly popular over the past year. Programs like Midjourney and Dall-E are generating incredible images and incredible controversy. But these programs don’t exist in a vacuum. AI’s require billions of images to […]

AI Art is Powered by ISIS Executions and Non-Consenual Porn

Hacking. Disinformation. Surveillance. CYBER is Motherboard’s podcast and reporting on the dark underbelly of the internet. See More → AI art has gotten wildly popular over the past year. Programs like Midjourney and Dall-E are generating incredible images and incredible controversy. But these programs don’t exist in a vacuum. AI’s require billions of images to […]

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art

Some of the image-generating AI tools that have taken over the internet in recent months are powered in part by some of the worst images that have ever been posted to the internet, including images of the Islamic State executing people, photoshopped nudes of celebrities, and real nudes that were hacked from celebrities’ phones in […]

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art

Some of the image-generating AI tools that have taken over the internet in recent months are powered in part by some of the worst images that have ever been posted to the internet, including images of the Islamic State executing people, photoshopped nudes of celebrities, and real nudes that were hacked from celebrities’ phones in […]

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art

Some of the image-generating AI tools that have taken over the internet in recent months are powered in part by some of the worst images that have ever been posted to the internet, including images of the Islamic State executing people, photoshopped nudes of celebrities, and real nudes that were hacked from celebrities’ phones in […]

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art

Some of the image-generating AI tools that have taken over the internet in recent months are powered in part by some of the worst images that have ever been posted to the internet, including images of the Islamic State executing people, photoshopped nudes of celebrities, and real nudes that were hacked from celebrities’ phones in […]

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art

Some of the image-generating AI tools that have taken over the internet in recent months are powered in part by some of the worst images that have ever been posted to the internet, including images of the Islamic State executing people, photoshopped nudes of celebrities, and real nudes that were hacked from celebrities’ phones in […]

ISIS Executions and Non-Consensual Porn Are Powering AI Art

Some of the image-generating AI tools that have taken over the internet in recent months are powered in part by some of the worst images that have ever been posted to the internet, including images of the Islamic State executing people, photoshopped nudes of celebrities, and real nudes that were hacked from celebrities’ phones in […]

Japan carries out first death row executions since 2019

Japan executed three death row inmates on Tuesday, applying the death penalty for the first time since December 2019. “Three death row inmates were executed today,” a justice ministry official has confirmed. They were a 65-year-old man convicted of the hammer and knife murders of seven family members and neighbours in 2004, and two men […]

FULL (OF IT) Benjamin bla bla blah Fulford – 10-25-21… “Worldwide arrests, executions as Khazarian mafia takedown accelerates”

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 10-25-21… “Worldwide arrests, executions as Khazarian mafia takedown accelerates”Posted on October 28, 2021 by kauilapele2 Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. All I’ll add is that this one is very full of “items of interest”.Feel free to use one’s own Higher Discernment. “A series of arrests, executions and resignations worldwide […]

A Hijacking, Secret Extractions, Taliban Executions: Troops Braved Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

What some U.S. forces thought would be 96 hours on the ground in Afghanistan evacuating U.S. embassy staff turned into 16 days and evacuating 124,000 people. With the world’s eyes on them, they did their best to wrangle the situation under control. When the State Department finally triggered the non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO) on August 14, […]

Taliban Official Claims Brutal Punishments and Executions Will Return to Afghanistan

Afghan Christians Fear Their Community Will Be Treated Like Criminals 09/24/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, a member of the Taliban’s interim government and chief enforcer of the group’s strict interpretation of Sharia law, has said that the executions and other brutal punishments will […]

Strict Punishment, Amputations and Executions will Return to Afghanistan, says Taliban Co-founder

The Taliban fighters posing for family photo and relaxing in the Presidential Palace, Kabul, Afghanistan, Aug 15, 2021 Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, a co-founder of the Taliban who will control prisons under the new regime in Afghanistan, said strict punishment, including amputations and executions, will return. “Everyone criticized us for the punishments in the stadium, but we […]

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