Posts Tagged ‘retaliation’

Philip Giraldi – The Second Round of Retaliation Between Israel and Iran Has Just Begun

  Given the lying and fact-twisting that have routinely been part and parcel of accounts of what is occurring in the Middle East, the past several weeks have nevertheless been shocking in terms of how an abysmally low standard of … Read the rest Source

After Iran’s retaliation

Israel will likely use its limited attack on Iran to win a green light from the Biden administration to invade Rafah. While the muted response might have hopefully avoided a regional war, the price could be paid in Palestinian blood. Source

Is this official US pronouncement regarding Israel’s retaliation for real, or just a feint?

“PRIDE GOETH BEFORE A FALL” By the look on Bibi’s face below, it’s clear that he’s between the porverbial rock and hard place. ___ Source

Existential war: Gaza to West Bank & Iran’s retaliation

15 Apr 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Myriam Charabaty The escalating confrontations in the West Bank are intricately linked to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the Axis of Resistance’s support for Palestine, and Iran’s retaliatory operation, True Promise. In recent months, the West Bank has witnessed a disturbing trend: a surge in attacks by […]

Iran Strikes Back: Two Israeli Sites Destroyed in Retaliation Attack, Iranian Officials Warn of Harsh Response

April 14, 2024  Iran – Live News – Middle East – News – Top Iran announced the destruction of two key Israeli military sites as part of their retaliation operation against the occupied Palestinian territories. Major General Mohammad Bagheri revealed that the Israeli intelligence headquarters in Mount Hermon and the Novatim military base were targeted and successfully destroyed using ballistic and cruise missiles. […]

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 189: Israel and U.S. brace for Iranian retaliation as ceasefire talks stall

Casualties  33,634 + killed* and at least 76,214 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 462+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.** Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139. 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.*** *Gaza’s Ministry of Health […]

Flashback: Britain’s 1947 ‘Kristalnacht’ Was Retaliation For Jewish Terrorism In Palestine

(The New Statesman) In 1933, world Jewry declared war on Germany — initially through economic warfare in the form of an international boycott — and that boycott caused a backlash against the Jews in Germany, which culminated in 1938’s Kristalnacht — when Jewish stores and synagogues were attacked — an act that both Adolf Hitler […]

Iran Bombs Targets in Syria and Iraq as retaliation for Kerman Attack

    In a swift and decisive response to the heinous terrorist attack that took place in Kerman, Iran, on January 3, claiming almost a hundred lives and leaving hundreds injured, the Iranian government has carried out retaliatory strikes. The attack targeted what Iran alleges are ISIS positions in Syria and an Israeli spy center […]

Hezbollah Commences Retaliation for Arouri’s Murder with Attack on ‘Meron’ – VIDEO

January 6, 2024 On Friday, the leader of the Lebanese Resistance group Hezbollah had vowed retaliation against Israel for its assassination, on Lebanese soil on January 2, of a top Hamas leader, Saleh al-Arouri, and other leading members of the group.  The first wave of Hezbollah’s response arrived on Saturday in the form of an […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: Retaliation for Dahiyeh Attack Imminent, Silence Signals Exposure

January 5, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – S. Nasrallah Speeches – Top Batoul Wehbe Hezbollah’s Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah pledged a swift response to Israel’s airstrike in Beirut that killed Hamas deputy head Saleh al-Arouri, asserting Lebanon’s chance to liberate its remaining land after Gaza aggression ceases, and emphasizing the need for a real equation preventing sovereignty violations. Addressing the […]

U.S. Fighter Jets Strike Iran-Linked Sites In Syria In Retaliation For Attacks On Troops

The Pentagon says U.S. fighter jets launched airstrikes early Friday on two locations in eastern Syria linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. Source

Russia Promises Retaliation After Ukrainian Drones Hit Russian Tanker

As Kyiv’s naval capabilities grow, the Black Sea is becoming an increasingly important battleground in the war. Source

Proof The 1941 Lviv ‘Pogrom’ Was Retaliation Against Jews For Orchestrating ‘Red Terror’ In Ukraine

(Tablet Magazine) From a Jewish perspective, no Jews died in World War II — rather every Jew was ‘murdered’ for no other reason than they were victims of irrational “antisemitic” hate — and the following article — “A Slaughter of Jews in the Ukraine” — is a typical example of how Jews remain arrogantly oblivious […]

Toll of Jenin raid increases as resistance pledges retaliation

26 Jan 23 Source: Al Mayadeen & Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The number of martyrs as a result of the Israeli occupation forces’ raid on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank is still on the rise, nearly 12 hours after it started. The toll of martyrs who died as a result of […]

China Suspends Visas For South Koreans In Retaliation Over COVID Testing Rules

Japan’s Kyodo News service said the ban would also affect Japanese travelers. Source

Israel Kills Palestinian Teen, Hit By Bomb Attack Retaliation

Israel’s escalating presence inside the occupied West Bank is leading to even greater violence. Within one day the body of an Israeli soldier was taken hostage, as bomb attacks struck Jerusalem. Tel Aviv now weighs a tough response, but at what cost? On Tuesday night Israeli occupation forces accompanied a small group of extremist Israeli […]

HRW raises ‘alarm bells’ over Egyptian regime’s retaliation against activists 

Egyptian authorities have detained hundreds of people in a nationwide crackdown following calls for anti-government protests, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Wednesday. Those arrested include journalists, a prominent lawyer, and a member of an opposing political party. The rights group has expressed fears over retaliatory actions by the Egyptian authorities once the COP27 climate […]

Workers Speak Out as UPS Continues Retaliation against Union Activists

Starting at 8:00 a.m. on September 1, workers and allies began to congregate at the steps of the Metro Queens UPS facility. The rally built on two-days of tabling, where dozens of coworkers posed for solidarity photos and encouraged coworkers to sign a petition defending “all fired activists.” Veterans of the 2014 ‘Maspeth 250’ wildcat strike, a […]

Lawsuit to Stop Retaliation by Medical Specialty Boards Filed by AAPS Educational Foundation

July 12 2022 The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation (AAPS) filed a lawsuit today in the federal Southern District of Texas, against three medical special boards for their threatened retaliation against physicians who speak out on matters of public concern. AAPS stands up for First Amendment rights of physicians who, like all American citizens, […]

Starbucks Union Files Complaint: Store Closures Are Retaliation

After Starbucks announced Monday that it plans to shutter 16 U.S. stores as part of a strategy for addressing store safety, the chain’s rapidly expanding union filed a complaint alleging that the move is a form of union-busting. The coffee chain said that by the end of the month it would close six stores each in the Seattle and Los Angeles […]

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