Posts Tagged ‘meron’

Dozens of Hezbollah Missiles Hit Meron Base, Branit Barracks in Response to Israeli Assassination Crime

May 16, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – Top In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes. The first […]

Video| Watch Hezbollah Strike on Meron

April 29, 2024 Lebanon – Live News – News – Top – Videos Hezbollah’s Military Media released late on Sunday video showing the strike on the settlement of Meron and the surrounding settlements in northern occupied Palestine, as the Lebanese resistance group went ahead with pro-Gaza attacks against Israeli sites. The footage below shows dozens of Hezbollah’s Katyusha missiles pounding Meron and the […]

Meron Strike Proves Hezbollah Ready for All-Out War, ‘Israel’ Not: Zionist Circles

January 8, 2024 Source: Al-Manar English Website The Israeli circles continued on Monday following up the repercussions of Hezbollah strike which targeted the Zionist surveillance air base located atop Mount Jarmaq (“Meron”), the highest peak in the ’48 occupied Palestine. The Israeli media outlets indicated that the Israeli army was forced to operate new surveillance systems in order […]

Mount ‘Meron’ is most significant target of Hezbollah operation

 January 8, 2024 Source: Israeli media By Al Mayadeen English Israeli media continue to show signs of shock at the magnitude of the operation conducted by the Lebanese Resistance, Hezbolla. The strike on the Israeli “Meron” intelligence and Airforce base, conducted by the Lebanese Resistance group Hezbollah, continues to haunt “Israel”. The military analyst of Haaretz, Amos […]

Hezbollah Meron Operation Commands Israeli Attention: Assessing Impact and Implications

January 7, 2024  Focus on Zionists – In depth – Live News – Middle East – News – Top – Zionist entity Hezbollah’s recent operation targeting the Meron Air Base has captured intense scrutiny from the Israeli enemy’s media and circles, highlighting the operation’s field achievements and its broader implications. Israeli media acknowledged the precision of Hezbollah’s strikes on Meron, emphasizing the lack of a tangible Israeli […]

Hezbollah Commences Retaliation for Arouri’s Murder with Attack on ‘Meron’ – VIDEO

January 6, 2024 On Friday, the leader of the Lebanese Resistance group Hezbollah had vowed retaliation against Israel for its assassination, on Lebanese soil on January 2, of a top Hamas leader, Saleh al-Arouri, and other leading members of the group.  The first wave of Hezbollah’s response arrived on Saturday in the form of an […]

Mount Meron disaster: Israel arrests safety engineer who okayed celebration where 45 died

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

ZAKA volunteers return to site of Meron disaster for psychological counseling and emotional support.

Browse > Home / News / ZAKA volunteers return to site of Meron disaster for psychological counseling and emotional support. May 9, 2021 by Lydia Weitzman Read on for article Almost a week after the disaster at Mount Meron in which 45 people lost their lives, dozens of ZAKA Search and Rescue volunteers and paramedics […]

Lighting Candles for the Meron 45

Shortly after 45 Jews were crushed to death at a Lag Ba’Omer festival in Mount Meron, Israel announced that Sunday would be a national day of mourning. Israelis across the country, including secular Jews, lit candles for the ultra-Orthodox worshipers who perished at the festival. The finality of death concentrates the mind. On that day […]

Curious Times Episode 25: Honoring the Meron 45

David Suissa is President of Tribe Media/Jewish Journal, where he has been writing a weekly column on the Jewish world since 2006. In 2015, he was awarded first prize for “Editorial Excellence” by the American Jewish Press Association. Prior to Tribe Media, David was founder and CEO of Suissa Miller Advertising, a marketing firm named […]

Mount Meron and Metaphysics

Metaphysics, or abstract theory beyond human rationality, is the last refuge for religious reactionaries. It is, by definition, impossible to argue with them on a rational basis. That is why no argument can convince the vast majority of Haredim, and most certainly their leaders, that the tragedy that led to the death of 45 people […]

Learning the Right Lessons From Meron — and Punishing Those Responsible

Ultra Orthodox Jews look at stairs with waste on it in Mount Meron, northern Israel, where fatalities were reported among the thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered at the tomb of a 2nd-century sage for annual commemorations that include all-night prayer and dance, April 30, 2021. Photo: REUTERS/ Ronen Zvulun Adeeb Joudeh Al Husseini is a […]

Senator Chuck Schumer to Meron mourners: ‘I have deep faith in Hashem’

Following the tragedy on Mount Meron last week in Israel, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer visited families in New York who lost a loved one to express his condolences as they sit shiva (Jewish period of mourning). The families of the victims sat for the week of shiva, the Jewish rituals of mourning during which the bereaved receive […]

Remembering the innocent lives lost in Meron

May 7, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article In the shadow of a Covid outbreak in Sydney, Australia the heads of the community and members of parliament came together (with COVID-19 regulations) for a memorial service in memory of the 45 young people who tragically lost their lives, in the greatest civil tragedy […]

Remembering Meron – “45 for 45”

May 7, 2021 by Community newsdesk Read on for article Both the Kesser Torah College Boys’ and Girls’ High Schools in Sydney have held a special memorial event in memory of the victims of the Mt Meron tragedy. The event – called was named “45 for 45” as students dedicated 45 minutes of study in […]

Meron tragedy impacts world’s Jewish communities’ mental health

The global impact of the tragedy in Meron, the most devastating civilian disaster in Israel’s modern history, is like few tragedies in recent memory – and Jewish communities around the world are requesting increased mental health support to overcome the trauma.  “In today’s interconnected world, where the images, videos and stories are broadcast around the […]

In wake of Meron disaster, prominent rabbi says ‘women should be more modest’

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Stop Justifying the Deaths of the Meron 45

My daughter called me before the Sabbath in terrible pain. Beyond trying to process the deaths of 45 religious Jews at Mount Meron during Lag B’Omer celebrations, she was in an argument on a chat group with a woman who said that the deaths had a reason. This woman prophesized that God sent these 45 men to their deaths in order […]

Shas leader: Meron disaster is sign from heaven, but we are not exempt from scrutiny

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

New Legislation Needed to Prevent Another Meron Tragedy, Experts Say

(The Media Line) New legislation requiring crowd management at mass gatherings could prevent a tragedy similar to the one at Mount Meron from recurring, crowd control experts say. Some 45 people were killed and an additional 150 injured during a crowd crush at the annual Lag b’Omer celebrations at Mount Meron in northern Israel. More […]

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