Posts Tagged ‘accelerating’

Thailand announces intention to join BRICS, accelerating dollar’s demise

(NaturalNews) Thailand has announced its intention to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc in a move that could accelerate the demise of the U.S…. Source

Billionaire Heirs: The accelerating $5.2 trillion wealth transfer

Without robust wealth and inheritance taxes the children and grandchildren of today’s billionaires will dominate our future politics, economy, culture, and philanthropy.” Source

Fossil fuel firms accelerating climate catastrophe despite urgent warnings

Images Credit: Tribune Content Agency, LLC. In a world where the urgency of addressing the climate crisis has never been clearer, an alarming trend persists: Fossil fuel companies are forging ahead with plans to expand their destructive infrastructure, potentially pushing humanity closer to climate catastrophe. An updated database released by Urgewald and numerous partner groups […]

Elites Will Be Accelerating Agenda 2021 – Already Halfway There!

The Coming 5G, Blue Tooth and Graphine-Oxide Plandemic Source:- Source

Development of renewable power plants accelerating in Iran: official

TEHRAN – The development of renewable power plants in Iran has accelerated since the current government administration took office in August 2021, an official with the country’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (known as SATBA) said. Source

Breitbart Business Digest: Unaffordable Used Car Prices and an Accelerating Economy

When we elected a self-styled “car guy” as President of the United States, this was not quite what we expected. Source

Ed Dowd: New Data Shows Vaxx Deaths & Disabilities Accelerating at ALARMING Rate

Ed Dowd: New Data Shows Vaxx Deaths & Disabilities Accelerating at ALARMING Rate Former BlackRock analyst, Ed Dowd joins Seth Holehouse of Man in America with some alarming new numbers which show that the rates of death and disability in the US are accelerating after a period of going sideways for several months, with 850,000 […]

The Pilgrimage of European politicians to Beijing, a sign of accelerating the transformation of the world order

The first two weeks of April this year were a time of pilgrimage to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by European politicians of various ranks, representing some of the continent’s leading states as well as trans-European structures. This in itself turned out to be one of the signs indicating the acceleration of the process […]

Global Sperm Counts Declining At Accelerating Rate: New Meta-Analysis

A recently published meta-analysis shows that global sperm counts are declining worldwide—at an accelerating rate. Source

The US Empire Is Accelerating Toward Global Conflict On Two Fronts


Accelerating De=Dollarization as BRICs Challenges the West

Andy Schectman and Mike Adams discuss the acceleration of global de-dollarizationWatch this video   New International Economic Order Stop WWIII Petition: U.S. Must Join the BRICS! 20141121-BRICS-petition-final.pdf       Sign LaRouchePAC’s On-line Petition to End Geopolitics and Join the BRICS   In today’s nuclear age, the consequence of a geopolitical policy of confrontation with […]

Biden Energy Secretary: ‘Unsustainable’ Gas Prices ‘Accelerating Our Progress Toward Clean Energy’

Gas prices are “unsustainable,” but there is no “quick fix,” Biden’s Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said this week.

The Ukraine War Is Accelerating the New Space Race

The suspension of collaborative projects between Russian and Western space agencies will enhance their traditional rivalries. But the new space race is also being driven by other countries—as well as private companies. Shortly after Russia was sanctioned for invading Ukraine in late February, Russia’s state-run space agency, Roscosmos, announced that it was officially suspending the U.S. from […]

Controlled Food System Is In Place And Accelerating

This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running […]

Science Committee hearing: ‘Accelerating Deep Space Travel with Space Nuclear Propulsion’

The co-chairs of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics of the U.S. House of Representatives Science, Space & Technology Committee were cheerleaders for the use of nuclear power in space at a hearing at which they presided over last week titled “Accelerating Deep Space Travel with Space Nuclear Propulsion.” The advocacy of Representatives Don Beyer […]

France Announces New COVID-19 Restrictions Amid ‘Accelerating’ Epidemic

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday announced a three-week nationwide school closure and a month-long domestic travel ban, as the rapid spread of the virus ramped up pressure on hospitals. In a televised address to the nation, Macron said efforts are needed as “the epidemic is accelerating.” “We’re going to close nursery, […]

Claim: Global Sea Level Rise is Accelerating

Claim: Global Sea Level Rise is Accelerating By Anthony Watts There’s been a lot of buzz about this new paper from Nerem et al (see link in references below) where they claim to find global sea level rise acceleration over the past 25 years. I provide this article from NASA Earth Observatory for context for […]

How Trump is accelerating Israel’s loss of support

Ali Abunimah Power Suits 23 January 2018 Mike Pence is greeted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit in which the US vice president addressed Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, Monday. (via Facebook) Lobby leaders are once again bemoaning the fact that support for Israel is eroding rapidly among key constituencies in the United States, […]

How Trump is accelerating Israel’s loss of support

Ali Abunimah Power Suits 23 January 2018 Mike Pence is greeted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit in which the US vice president addressed Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, Monday. (via Facebook) Lobby leaders are once again bemoaning the fact that support for Israel is eroding rapidly among key constituencies in the United States, […]

How Trump is accelerating israel’s loss of support

How Trump is accelerating Israel’s loss of support Mike Pence is greeted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit in which the US vice president addressed Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, Monday. (via Facebook)   Lobby leaders are once again bemoaning the fact that support for Israel is eroding rapidly among key constituencies in the […]

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