Posts Tagged ‘renewable’

WATER IS A RENEWABLE   The Great Man-Made River of Libya

From The Great Man-Made River of Libya One of the biggest civilian development project that Libya’s ex-president Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his forty-two-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. To make […]

Siemens Energy Shares Crash 37% As Renewable Bust Sparks ‘Green Panic’

Siemens Energy shares in Germany crashed on Thursday after the company warned its wind turbine business is grappling with quality issues and offshore ramp-up challenges. The company said it’s evaluating various measures to strengthen its balance sheet and is discussing state guarantees with the German government. This comes as a financial crisis in offshore wind energy is brewing.  […]

Development of renewable power plants accelerating in Iran: official

TEHRAN – The development of renewable power plants in Iran has accelerated since the current government administration took office in August 2021, an official with the country’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (known as SATBA) said. Source

Government Exposé Renewable Energy a scam!

It has been stated that the renewable energy business in Austalia is vital to the government’s “economy”, where it’s primary obective is about the money and not the environment. See the Amendment Bill: within the link:;fileType=application/pdf See also, Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2002: Together with:;fileType=application%2Fpdf and:;fileType=application%2Fpdf Source

Innovative renewable energy technology designed to produce renewable energy with zero CO2 emissions

More than two-thirds of the world’s energy is wasted as heat. Paul W Kincaid’s latest renewable energy technology design was designed to utilize thermal conduction to convert heat into renewable energy. The undeveloped technology (undeveloped due to lack of funding) utilizes the heat from asphalt roofs to produce renewable energy with zero CO2 emissions. Thermal […]

More investment in renewable energy needed if climate goals to be reached, say EU energy ministers

Ministers from the EU27 began a two-day visit to Stockholm on Monday for a two-day event to discuss the future of energy and transport. Source

How bioenergy causes air pollution: The dark side of renewable energy

On the ground, burning biomass contributes to many air pollution impacts. Source

UN’s “sustainable” goal for renewable energy is sheer fantasy, if not utter madness

BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 13, 2023 • ( 21 COMMENTS ) The alleged purpose of the United Nations’ (“UN”) Sustainable Development Goal 7 (“SDG7”) is to “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” The real impacts of its implementation couldn’t be more different. Renewable energy is neither renewable nor sustainable and the SDG7 energy transition is only […]

Two companies to develop wind turbine blades made from renewable materials

“The wind industry as a key driver towards carbon neutrality needs to become 100% sustainable and environmentally friendly.” Source

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

One of the most common rhetorical roadblocks thrown up in the way of climate action is that it will cost too much money. However, a new study published in Joule Tuesday asserts that the opposite is true. A rapid transition away from a fossil-fuel based energy system to a renewable-dependent one would actually save the world trillions of dollars by […]

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

One of the most common rhetorical roadblocks thrown up in the way of climate action is that it will cost too much money. However, a new study published in Joule Tuesday asserts that the opposite is true. A rapid transition away from a fossil-fuel based energy system to a renewable-dependent one would actually save the world trillions of dollars by […]

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

One of the most common rhetorical roadblocks thrown up in the way of climate action is that it will cost too much money. However, a new study published in Joule Tuesday asserts that the opposite is true. A rapid transition away from a fossil-fuel based energy system to a renewable-dependent one would actually save the world trillions of dollars by […]

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

One of the most common rhetorical roadblocks thrown up in the way of climate action is that it will cost too much money. However, a new study published in Joule Tuesday asserts that the opposite is true. A rapid transition away from a fossil-fuel based energy system to a renewable-dependent one would actually save the world trillions of dollars by […]

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

One of the most common rhetorical roadblocks thrown up in the way of climate action is that it will cost too much money. However, a new study published in Joule Tuesday asserts that the opposite is true. A rapid transition away from a fossil-fuel based energy system to a renewable-dependent one would actually save the world trillions of dollars by […]

Fast transition to renewable energy could save $12 trillion by 2050

One of the most common rhetorical roadblocks thrown up in the way of climate action is that it will cost too much money. However, a new study published in Joule Tuesday asserts that the opposite is true. A rapid transition away from a fossil-fuel based energy system to a renewable-dependent one would actually save the world trillions of dollars by […]

New Zealand on its Way to Phasing Out Non-renewable Energy Sources

Today, New Zealand is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. This is not only due to the very low population density and the predominantly agricultural-oriented economy, but also to the fact that the operation of thermal power plants is severely restricted by legislation aimed at protecting the environment. The country also […]

HILARIOUS: The “amazing” 4-SECOND TEST of “renewable energy” in California did NOT include city of Los Angeles and DID include use of fossil fuels

(Natural News) After California’s “green energy” grid completely collapsed last summer in the middle of a heat wave, they began implementing the non-user-friendly-policy of rolling blackouts. Expect widespread power outages for the next five years, the politicians have warned all Californians. Sounds like a very promising play book so far, if you want to travel […]

HILARIOUS: The “amazing” 4-SECOND TEST of “renewable energy” in California did NOT include city of Los Angeles and DID include use of fossil fuels

(Natural News) After California’s “green energy” grid completely collapsed last summer in the middle of a heat wave, they began implementing the non-user-friendly-policy of rolling blackouts. Expect widespread power outages for the next five years, the politicians have warned all Californians. Sounds like a very promising play book so far, if you want to travel […]

Elon Musk Praises World’s Worst Polluter China for ‘Renewable Energy’ Push

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Sunday praised China for “leading the world in renewable energy generation and electric vehicles.”

New report: Cost of renewable energies may be less than previously thought

While renewable energy cost can be hard to estimate, University of Oxford’s Institute of New Economic Thinking found that renewables likely cost less than previously thought. A new report found that predicted costs for renewables have likely been overestimated “falling short of early pricing model predictions again and again.” According to the World Economic Forum, […]

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