Posts Tagged ‘emmanuel’

Assailant Arrested in Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel’s Stabbing

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, born Emmanuel Rehana Yosip in 1958 in Iraq to a devout Christian family. He subsequently moved to the United States where he was ordained a deacon of the Assyrian Church of the East in 1981, and a priest in 1984 at Mar Gewargis Cathedral (St. George Cathedral) in Chicago, Illinois. On […]

French President Emmanuel Macron Says His 70-Year-Old Wife Was Not Born a Man

French President Emmanuel Macron Says His 70-Year-Old Wife Was Not Born a Man Source

A ‘privileged’ relationship with President Emmanuel Macron helped establish Uber in France

A parliamentary committee has concluded that President Emmanuel Macron helped establish the cab-hailing firm Uber in France by way of a “privileged” relationship with the online platform. Source

France Begins Prosecuting Citizens Who Insult President Emmanuel Macron Online

French authorities have begun prosecuting citizens who insult President Emmanuel Macron on social media. The first unprecedented prosecution is set to occur in northern France where a woman is set to face trial in June […] The post France Begins Prosecuting Citizens Who Insult President Emmanuel Macron Online appeared first on News Punch. Source

Protests against French President Emmanuel Macron as his pension bill is forced through parliament

Striking sanitation workers blocked a waste collection plant that is home to Europe’s largest incinerator to underline their determination, and university students walked out of lecture halls to join the strikes. Leaders of the influential CGT union called on people to leave schools, factories, refineries and other workplaces. Union leaders were not the only ones […]

France in Africa: Emmanuel Macron’s farewell visit

French President Emmanuel Macron began his 18th visit to Africa since the year 2017 on March 1st. He chose to visit three French-speaking countries (Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and one Portuguese-speaking country, Angola. A valid question arises: Why the farewell? Indeed, the French president still has plenty of […]

France-Algeria: Emmanuel Macron seeks to repair damaged ties during three-day visit

The French president hopes his visit which begins on Thursday will repair diplomatic tensions and allow him to develop his relationship with young Algerians. Source

Open letter from Palestinian prisoner Salah Hammouri to Emmanuel Macron

Lawyer and researcher Salah Hammouri appeals to French president Emmanuel Macron from inside Israel’s prisons: “Mr. President, what is the reason behind your double standard in the treatment of people living under oppression?” Source

ACH (1687) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #54 – Were Boris Johnson And Emmanuel Macron Threatened By Their Bosses Last Week?

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1687) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #54 – Were Boris Johnson And Emmanuel Macron Threatened By Their Bosses Last Week? Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on January 10 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his […]

Emmanuel Macron Uses A Vulgarity To Berate France’s Unvaccinated People

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron has provoked outcries in parliament and protests from election rivals by using a vulgarity to describe his strategy for pressuring vaccine refusers to get coronavirus jabs. Macron used the French word “emmerder,” rooted in the French word for “crap” and meaning to rile or to bug, in an […]

Watch How Francis Kalifat Reveals Emmanuel Macron To Be A Manchurian Candidate For The Jewish Oligarchs

Francis Kalifat brings Macron to heel (Aangirfan) In 2019. Emmanuel Macron, the nominal President of France, gave a speech in front of the Jewish supremacist group, CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) on the problem of rising “antisemitism” in France. After his speech — which no doubt was written for Macron by the […]

Rothschild Puppet Emmanuel Macron Vows to ‘PUNISH’ Britain for Brexit

French President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to harshly ‘punish’ Britain for daring to leave the European Union, according to leaked documents. In a leaked letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen concerning the ongoing fishing rights disputes, French Prime Minister Jean Castex, acting on behalf of Macron, urged the EU to make an […]

Egg thrown at French President Emmanuel Macron at Lyon restaurant trade fair

An egg was thrown at French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit to a restaurant trade fair in Lyon. The man who threw the egg was immediately removed from the room after the incident and detained. The egg bounced off Macron’s shoulder without breaking. “If he has something to say to me, let him come,” […]

Sacre Bleu! Emmanuel Macron’s Personal Vaccine Passport QR Code Leaked Online

The personal vaccine passport QR code of French President Emmanuel Macron has been leaked on social media, raising questions over the system’s ability to protect the health privacy of citizens. On Tuesday, the QR code linked to the ‘pass sanitaire’ of Mr Macron was leaked on social media networks, including Snapchat and Twitter. The government […]

Emmanuel Macron: France Bears Some Responsibility For Rwanda’s Genocide

KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) — In a key speech on his visit to Rwanda, French President Emmanuel Macron said he recognizes that France bears a heavy responsibility for the 1994 genocide in the central African country. Macron solemnly detailed how France had failed the 800,000 victims of the genocide but he stopped short of an apology. […]

Emmanuel Macron: French president tests positive for coronavirus

According to the Elysee palace, he sought a test on Thursday as soon as he began showing symptoms of the virus and will now self-isolate for seven days.  The short statement did not elaborate on what symptoms Mr Macron had, but added the president would continue working remotely from his self-isolation throughout. It is not […]

French President Emmanuel Macron Tests Positive For Coronavirus

PARIS (AP) — France’s presidential palace says President Emmanuel Macron has tested positive for COVID-19. “In accordance with the health regulations in force applicable to all, the President of the Republic will isolate himself for seven days. He will continue to work and ensure his activities remotely,” a statement said. According to the presidency, the […]

Emmanuel Navon: A Diplomatic History of Israel

Giving Season Latest Articles Source

Far-right politician Marine Le Pen would beat Emmanuel Macron in first round of French elections, new poll suggests

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Emmanuel Macron At United Nations General Assembly On Tuesday Tells Body That We Must Prepare For The ‘New World Order’ For Globalization

Wake Up To The Truth “The crisis, the collapse of our cooperation frameworks, the weaknesses that I have just mentioned require us to rebuild a new order and force Europe to take its full share of responsibility,” he stressed. Mr. Macron underscored that “in the weeks and months to come, fundamental choices will have to […]

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