Posts Tagged ‘squirt’

Techno-Cows Bioengineered to Squirt Insulin From Teets

Surveying the latest transgressions against decency, morality, and humanity itself by artificial intelligence and its biological architects. The dairy techno-cows of the future will emit pharmaceutical-grade insulin from their udders in a remarkable achievement for The Science™. Source

Palestine Action activists squirt Balfour statue with fake blood – London

Palestine Action activists doused a statue of Lord Arthur Balfour at the UK Houses of Parliament, in fake blood, using ketchup, on Saturday, in protest against the Balfour Declaration, which established the UK's support for a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The 1917 letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to leading Zionist, […]

‘Squirt Of Sperm’ Hiding In Plain Sight On Obama’s New Official Portrait

The official portrait of Barack Obama now hanging in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery features a trail of sperm running down the side of his forehead.  Obama sycophants are claiming it is not a trail of sperm, but simply a bulging vein in the former president’s forehead. But they don’t have a leg to stand […]

Boy Scouts Ban Squirt-Gun Fights as Part of National Pussification Campaign

By Russ Winter A fitting sequel to my “Andrew Jackson RIP” post and end-of-America-as-we-know-it rants comes a story about how the Boy Scouts of America has banned squirt-gun fights. They have also regulated the size of water balloons. If you are young, forgive an old timer who is hearkening back to a forgotten era. Back in the day, before the pussification […]

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