Posts Tagged ‘shocker’

SCIENCE SHOCKER: Academic “peer reviewed” journal publisher just shut down 19 science journals and retracted 11,000 papers

(NaturalNews) It sure does pay big to be a science crook these days. As long as your research, clinical studies and “peer reviews” support the false-narratives of… Source

Shocker in Louisiana as Republican Jeff Landry Smokes Democrat to Flip Governor’s Mansion Without Runoff

Republican Jeff Landry won a landslide election on Saturday to flip the Louisiana governor’s mansion red in one of three main gubernatorial elections this year, shocking political observers with a victory that saves him the trouble of having to face a Democrat in a November runoff. Source

Shocker: Immigrants do NOT want to join the Army and Defend the countries they now Moved into

Looks like them migrants are invading Europe only for the free gibs and have ZERO affiliation to the countries they now moved into. If attacked, they would NOT defend the new country… Ohhh what a big shocker…. who would have expected that? A clear majority of immigrants who come from non-Nordic countries “can’t imagine” doing […]

MARK RUTTE FORCED OUT In Netherlands Political Shocker: ‘It’s Finished He Resigned, Fallen’

Home » Breaking News, Europe, Protests » MARK RUTTE FORCED OUT In Netherlands Political Shocker: ‘It’s Finished He Resigned, Fallen’     “It’s finished. Keep on praying it. All those Klaus Schwab assh^$es are gone, and will be put to trial for what they have done…Mark Rutte, his cabinet, the cabinet of the Netherlands has […]

GASP!!! SHOCKER!!! – San Francisco DA Won’t Release Police Bodycam Video, 911 Calls From Paul Pelosi Attack

A screen grab taken from video shows damage to the home of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after her husband Paul Pelosi was violently assaulted during a break-in at their house in San Francisco, California, U.S., October 28, 2022. KGO TV via ABC via REUTERS San Francisco DA Won’t Release Police Bodycam Video, 911 Calls […]


» Activating the Power of LifeYesterday at 12:08 pm by PurpleSkyz » Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada: “Regardless of the Fact That We Are Attacking Your Fundamental Rights…We’re Still Going To Go Ahead and Do It.”Yesterday at 12:05 pm by PurpleSkyz »  Pfizer Vaccine Under a Microscope – Strange Structures & Their MovementsYesterday at 12:01 pm by PurpleSkyz » FDA […]

SHOCKER: Virginia pharmacy staff suspected of purposely injecting over 100 children with the adult version of Covid-19 clot shot

SHOCKER: Virginia pharmacy staff suspected of purposely injecting over 100 children with the adult version of Covid-19 clot shot Date: November 17, 2021Author: Nwo Report    Source: By S.D. WellsWhat’s next? Will Covid-injected children start collapsing on sports fields from heart attacks like young athletes already are, especially since pharmacies are haphazardly injecting children with […]

“Shocker”: Pentagon Review Finds ‘No Misconduct’ Or Legal Violations In Kabul Drone Strike That Killed Children

It was widely seen as a ‘revenge’ strike for the days prior ISIS suicide attack at an airport gate which killed 13 American troops and 169 Afghans. Weeks later, a New York Times investigation revealed the strike actually took out a local worker for a US humanitarian organization named Zemerai Ahmadi and his nine family […]

Shocker: Why is this substance inside the Moderna COVID vaccine?

Government advisory warns that the Gates-backed Moderna mRNA gene therapy contains SM-102 linked to cancer, infertility, death. This is only one of the hundreds of government advisories and university-backed studies clearly demonstrating that the medical system of the west has premeditatedly created these Frankenshots to maim and kill as part of the globalists’ ultimate ENDGAME of global depopulation. […]

MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer / S.D. Wells (Natural News) There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – […]

Shocker: FBI Lied, Hid Evidence, Covered Up State of Disorder

JUDICIAL WATCH Notorious for failing in its duty to thwart terrorist attacks, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is under fire again, this time from a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators who want the beleaguered law enforcement agency investigated for “major abnormalities” involving evidence in a terrorism case. Known for its corrupt method of operating, the FBI […]

SHOCKER!!! Violent, inbred, criminally-inclined Rabbi, Yisroel Kleinman arrested and charged with child molestation

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Shocker: U.S. Allies Don’t Trust NSA

Shocker: U.S. Allies Don’t Trust NSA September 21st, 2017 Via: Reuters: An international group of cryptography experts has forced the U.S. National Security Agency to back down over two data encryption techniques it wanted set as global industry standards, reflecting deep mistrust among close […]

SHOCKER: Washington Post Publishes OpEd Critical of Pro-Israel Law Which Shuts Down BDS

21st Century Wire says… It’s no secret that the US mainstream media enforces a very tight party line when it comes to saying anything about Israel. Generally speaking, any criticism of the ‘Jewish State’ normally ends up in the editorial waste bin. The reason for this should be academic by now: powerful Israeli Lobby exists […]

Shocker: Study Unwittingly Links Vaccines to Autism

A new study links fever in pregnant women to an increased risk of autism in their babies. MedicalNewsToday (6/13/17): “A study of a large group of children found a link between raised risk of autism spectrum disorder and their mothers reporting fever during pregnancy. The link was strongest with fevers reported during the second trimester.” […]

Shocker: MTV Decoded Defines Cuck as Racist!

I am not a big fan of this youtuber, as he really puts some kosher conservative material, but this video is pretty amusing. (((MTV))) Decoded is always harping on about how White supremacy is plaguing America and needs to be systematically destroyed, and now they have found out that cuck is really just a codeword […]

War and Destabilization: NATO Expansion and the European Union Crisis

EU to Start Logging Migrants’ Faces as One in Ten Go Underground

Invaders are disappearing in Europe at such a rate the European Commission is wanting to splash £24million of taxpayer cash on facial recognition technology to try and keep track. (Guess who this technology will be used against in the end?) Germany alone has lost track of 130,000 migrants – meaning one in 10 are disappearing […]

A Brief History of How Racism Caused Marijuana to Become Illegal

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is expected to review the Schedule I classification of marijuana and remove it from its current designation as one of the world’s most dangerous drugs by the end of 2016. But the problem started […]

For first time, Hamas publishes photographs of captive Israelis

The photographs of the four men were all old ones. It was not clear from the statement whether the two men who as of last report had been alive still are. In 2014, Avraham Mengistu, 29, an Israeli civilian and a former soldier, crossed into Gaza. And at an unknown time, an unnamed Bedouin from […]

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