Posts Tagged ‘Greenpeace’

Greenpeace Co-Founder Admits ‘Climate Change Is a Hoax’ To ‘Push the Globalist Agenda’

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore has blown the whistle to warn the public that “climate alarmism” is a hoax perpetrated by the globalist elite to further their agenda and the idea the climate is in crisis […] The post Greenpeace Co-Founder Admits ‘Climate Change Is a Hoax’ To ‘Push the Globalist Agenda’ appeared first on The […]

Greenpeace Founder Testifies: “Man-Made Climate Change Is a Hoax”

Greenpeace founder Dr. Patrick Moore has testified that the man-made climate change narrative is a “dangerous hoax” perpetrated by the elite to take away our most basic freedoms. Dr. Moore, an ecologist and and co-founder […] The post Greenpeace Founder Testifies: “Man-Made Climate Change Is a Hoax” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Greenpeace activists board vessel carrying Shell oil platform

Activists from environmental group Greenpeace boarded a vessel contracted to Shell as it sailed in the Atlantic Ocean on Tuesday, demanding that the Anglo-Dutch oil giant “stop drilling and start paying”. Source

Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based On False Narratives

A series of email exchanges between Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore and South Korean Professor Seok-soon Park shows him saying that climate change is based on false narratives and that it has become more of a political movement than an environmental movement. One of Greenpeace’s founding members, Patrick Moore, said in an email why he had […]

‘Gas Is Green… Washing’: Greenpeace Disrupts Industry Conference in Milan

Attendees at the opening ceremony of Gastech, the world’s largest meeting of gas companies, in Milan on Monday were greeted by what Greenpeace campaigners called “climate hell”—a display of “toxic” fumes and the sounds of sirens that the organization said represented “the fate we face if we continue to burn fossil fuels.” Greenpeace Italy led the […]

Greenpeace UK drops boulders off Cornwall coast to prevent overfishing

Activists dropped giant boulders into the English Channel off of Land’s End in Cornwall in the latest attempt by Greenpeace UK to try and prevent destructive industrial fishing. The environmental organisation dropped the giant rocks in an area of the South West Deeps Conservation Zone that they claim suffers from overfishing by large, bottom-trawling boats. […]

‘No time for half-measures’: Greenpeace rebukes EU’s partial ban on Russian oil

The new embargo exempts pipeline imports at the behest of Hungary’s far-right leader Viktor Orbán.

Greenpeace Protester Parachutes Into Euro 2020 Stadium, Injures 2

MUNICH (AP) — Greenpeace has apologized and Munich police are investigating after a protester parachuted into the stadium and injured two people before Germany’s game against France at the European Championship. The protester used a powered paraglider with a motor attached to his back but lost control and hit overhead camera wires attached to the […]

Greenpeace raises a statue of Brazil’s Bolsonaro in burnt Pantanal wetlands

Greenpeace activists raised a four-metre statue of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday (October 7) to denounce his environmental policies. The statue was erected in the burnt wetlands of Pantanal, in Brazil’s Mato Grosso do Sul region. Twelve per cent of the Pantanal wetlands — the world’s largest wetlands and a UNESCO heritage site — […]

Greenpeace activists climb onto roof of Poland’s Environment Ministry in protest

Greenpeace activists have climbed onto the roof of Poland’s Environment Ministry to demand better preservation of the country’s forests. A large banner was hung from the building in Warsaw in the early hours of Monday morning with the inscription “Stop the devastation! Time for protection”. An accompanying caricature puppet also showed Environment Minister Michal Wos […]

Nestlé’s Plastic Initiative Called ‘Greenwashing’ by Greenpeace

The environmental impact of the world’s plastic consumption is profound. Plastic trash and the tiny pieces that chip off it can be found everywhere—oceans, marine life, land and our bodies, too. To help solve this planetary crisis, Nestlé pledged Tuesday to make all its plastic packaging 100 percent recyclable or reusable by 2025. The Swiss food giant envisions a world where “none of […]

Are nuclear power plants protected in France? Greenpeace had no problems breaking in

Four eco-activists scaled the walls of the Cruas-Meysse plant in the southeastern Ardeche region. The building they were able to gain access to contained pools used to cool highly radioactive spent fuel rods. Once inside, the Greenpeace activists set off flares. Police arrested 22 activists who participated in the stunt. France’s state-owned energy giant EDF, […]

Greenpeace: Logging Company Used Organized Crime Laws To Attack Environmentalists

Greenpeace on Tuesday accused a logging company of misusing federal anti-racketeering laws to attack environmental groups that criticize its logging in North America’s largest forest. “This is a completely inappropriate remedy,” Greenpeace attorney Laura Handman said during a motion to dismiss hearing Tuesday. “[RICO] was originally designed to reach organized crime, but now it’s being used […]

Greenpeace activists break into French nuclear plant, set off fireworks (VIDEOS)

READ MORE: Greenpeace activists board ship carrying 1000s of Volkswagen diesel cars in Thames Estuary Demonstrators from the environmental NGO broke into the site in the early hours of Thursday morning. Videos shared by Greenpeace show fireworks lighting up the sky above the nuclear plant. The organization said it wanted to draw attention to the […]

USDA bans honeybee-saving environmentalists from yearly Pollinator Festival; invites chemical industry instead

(NaturalNews) Is the government really listening or just pretending to care? As pollinator populations dwindle, many facets of agriculture are put at risk. Beekeepers are speaking out like never before, concerned about the future. Shockingly, 44 percent of honeybee colonies have been lost in the past year! If the root of the problem […]

Encircling and Containing China: US Ratchets Up Tension in the South China Sea

US-backed rebels seize 10k+ troves of ISIS documents on doorstep of Syrian Manbij

“Exploitation of this information is ongoing to better understand [Islamic State] networks and techniques, including the systems [used] to manage the flow of foreign fighters into Syria and Iraq,” the US-led anti-ISIS campaign’s spokesman, Colonel Chris Garver, said Wednesday.  Fallujah ‘fully liberated, battle over’ – commander of anti-ISIS op in Iraq Fighting alongside the Syrian Arab […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Jordan’s Queen Rania Visits Greek Refugee Camp Amidst Abuse of Refugees in Jordan

nsnbc : Queen Rania of Jordan visits the Greek island Lesbos on Monday to meet with refugees there. Meanwhile, Jordan has become notorious for abuse of Syrian refugees and provided bases for Al-Qaeda linked “rebels” since the onset of the war on Syria. The visit of Queen Rania of Jordan is the latest in a […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

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