‘Gas Is Green… Washing’: Greenpeace Disrupts Industry Conference in Milan

Attendees at the opening ceremony of Gastech, the world’s largest meeting of gas companies, in Milan on Monday were greeted by what Greenpeace campaigners called “climate hell”—a display of “toxic” fumes and the sounds of sirens that the organization said represented “the fate we face if we continue to burn fossil fuels.”

Greenpeace Italy led the direct action including more than 50 campaigners from across Europe, confronting officials there to promote gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and hydrogen as “greener” alternatives to oil and coal.

Gastech and other efforts to push natural gas as a more sustainable energy source than other fossil fuels amount to “greenwashing,” said the organizers, who also displayed a hot air balloon at the meeting emblazoned with the words: “Gas is Green…washing. End fossil fuels now.”

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